Time Warp Mage- Wild

Gotta nerf time warp mage in wild. So freaking broken. Birds N Turns then GG’s.
Never once beaten that deck. Such a BS deck


Oh did you want to take a turn?

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Would like to! Literally impossible to beat once the birds come online. Just insane

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It’s a complete scumbag loser deck. I see it all the time. Gotta wonder what type of children people are raising, that they end up playing a deck like this.


As long as you can survive for the 4 turns, the deck is pretty much instantly beaten. And if your deck is fast enough, you can stop the mage before they even complete the quest. If it’s slower, maybe consider running Onai? He can counter the next minion played, hopefully a parrot, and trick your opponent into immediately thinking you’re trying to counter the Time Warp. Taunts are also effective for stopping the parrots from attacking over and over.

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Another aggro deck to solve the problem!

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Perhaps they will do it one day. I agree, this combo is broken. But like many decks in wild, they are left unchecked.

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Obviously, those who play this deck were not hugged or loved as a child


When they nerfed it to 8 spells we all knew that was too light of a nerf. It needs to be like 12 spells.

And/or possibly redoing the whole quest. Too powerful of an effect.

Just either play aggro or use taunts! What are they going to do, cast spells to remove them after the time warp? That would disrupt the parrots.

Complete bullshattery. Time warp should have a note: This spell can only be cast once per game and cannot be replayed by any effect.


Tell them to unnerf Sorcerer’s Apprentice. That retarded nerf killed the funnes(original) version of Time Warp Mage.

If they never unnerf Sorcerer’s Apprentice, you will always see the “infinite” turn version.

No! Sorcerer apprentice enabled other toxic mage decks, which are not fun.
I am glad that at least these are gone.

Wild quest mage is still boring to play against though.

It really is such a busted deck… like we all just playing the game and then all the sudden we can’t take a turn for half the game?? Can’t imagine anyone having fun with this in the meta… and if you like playing this deck try solitaire.


They have an endless supply of minions and turns. What kind of taunt disrupts that?? I’d love to know about it lol

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Hopefully, one day, you will accept pen flinger

nah some ppl just like to have fun. and they dont care about the other player. most ppl play games for THEIR entertainment not yours! so they play the deck they want. cancer or not. nothing to do with anyone personality or if they were hugged or not. the fact you think being hugged as a kid correlate with hearthstone gameplay says a lot more about you then them. sounds like projection to anyone with a brain

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Lol nah, just dry sense of humor but appreciate the eval. Doc!

I dont see this changing in wild considering themes like shudderwock and the likes are still running amok, wild is simply that.

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The easiest solution to break this deck would be to make time warp cost 4 mana. Sure they can play the extra turn a bit earlier but it can never be repeated by the parrots. Then they have no choice but to go back to playing giants.