My decks win fairly often so not sure why you’re claiming I’m losing. I’m happy that cards like braindeadlust and braindead roar are leaving however.
I KNOW aggro is just go face because it’s hilarious when I see odd pally get mad when I actually mulligan for something against them whereas they are looking for the same cards against virtually any opponent.
You include C’thun because he is 3 extra cards in your deck for Tickatus to burn that you don’t really care about.
If the C’thun pieces happen to somehow dodge Tickatus burns? Even better, but that’s not the point of them. It simply better preserves your deck if you know you are vulnerable to Tickatus.
Ok so a deck with so many dead cards they manage to get a full hand and still don’t play anything is doing something. You need to look up what doing something means. You should all love playing agaist Tickatus it helps you do something faster and better by milling your cards.
Tickatus isn’t a problem at lower Ranks. It isn’t a problem at any Ranks.
It’s a problem only for Priest players, at all Ranks. Just like Bomb Warrior is a problem for Warlocks at all Ranks, and HL Hunter is a problem for Mage at all Ranks. Bomb Warrior and HL Hunter, unlike Tickatus Warlock, are actually good decks (I played them both).
So what people like me don’t understand is why so many people are snowflaking over Tickatus.
BTW, I play all sorts of decks. I just prefer to have a way to actively kill my opponent, even when I play Control. So I am not just a durable punching bag.
It’s only Priest trying to win without a pro active win condition.
They actually have one in the Quest, but it’s just garbage. Maybe it should be heal 13-14 instead of 15.
Look at Warrior on the other hand. They smash your face with Wrenchcalibur, OTK you with ETC, and punch you in the face with multiple Rattlegore copies. To me that’s a much healthier and fun (yes I play a lot of Warrior nowadays) way to do Control.
Concept: Cool
Implementation: Not that great. Uncorrupted version can be a death-sentence to play and you only get 2 mana value for it while the corrupted version has the stats of almost 4 Gnomeferatu’s while the effect is 5 times greater. Interesting card but should discard instead of burn so that it has discard synergy and can be used in Disco Lock and should discard 3 cards. Not 5. We saw that nerfing such a strong effect just by 1 doesn’t do much cause they nerfed Secret Passage’s draw by 1 but it’s still in every meta Rogue deck.
Technically, it’s an 8/8 for 6 with a drawback. In that case, the cost is justified. However, in reality it’s almost always played as an 8/8 for 6 with an excellent battlecry. That’s just way too cheap. It should definitely be nerfed.
Not sure whats worse, the Tick complainers, or the same handful of posters using an irrelevant defense of the card.
“Unfun” cards have been nerfed in the past.
Dean even said IF TickLock was 10-15% of the meta, it would be a problem - admission of guilt right there to a design flaw.
All it needs is a slower meta to thrive in - looks at core set
If they have a high enough representation, yes. Just like they have in the past.
To my point though, the adamant defenders of Tick are more annoying than the incessant complaints about a problematic card that even the devs have acknowledged as problematic.
If its a cause for concern with a 10% or higher play rate, then its a problem. Regardless of win rate - see original Quest Rogue.
It is sad you cant give valid criticism about anything in this game, there are so many people that believe blizzard is perfect and would never do something wrong. They never bother to try to understand why people are upset about a card. Just by the amount of complaints about the card they must see that there are alot of people that think Tickatus is not ok currently, but they rather defend this card by insulting people or calling them bad even if it has nothing to do with winrate or anything…
The problem is that there’s a lot of people spend who spend 0 minutes trying to understand the meta, the in game economy, New Player Experience, matchmaking, you name it part of the Hearthstone experience; but spend hours here complaining about them.
Take for instance all the “Bogspine Knuckles nerf LMAO!” threads following the announcement of said card nerf. A lot of the very same people coming here to tell everyone Tickatus isn’t a problem were also there telling all the naysayers that it was an appropriate and strong nerf.
And yet we come here again, and the very same LMAO! people complaining about something else, but it’s us who don’t get it?
admission of guilt??? of what?? making a card some people complain like it happens every single expansion or saying theyll nerf a card if the playrate gets too high(like they ve done before ?(i ve never seen them nerf a lowtier deck with a lowplayrate
i dont think you did it
but the one thing telling me a card is fine is when people are forced to lie to ask for nerfs ive read stuff like " warlock dominated meta" and "only aggro decks can beat it " and we all know 9 out of 10 classes have decks to beat it and not all of them are aggro
on one of the threads when someone mentioned bomb warrior beats tickatus decks someone said "bomb warrior is the same as aggro "
If by retire the game, you mean they’re going to quit, then let me tell you something: there were players who quit because of Patches, Jade Idol, DKs etc. Guess what? The game was still played and Blizzard didn’t go bankrupt.
So tell those players they can quit without worrying about Blizzard.
Why are you acting like it’s impossible that a deck does in fact have turn 1-4 plays but the player just got a bad enough draw you ignorant, miserable man.
I’m sorry not every deck in the game can be like Rogue which is 14 1 mana cards or whatever it is now.