evolve shaman needed to be nerfed into oblivion not love tapped lmao
what the hell is -1 attack? oh boy 4 more swings and I have 4 more health than I’d have before the nerf! now I can deal with the 10/10 on board in turn 3! it’s fixed now!
get out of here man
And still no Tick nerf. They’re idiots.
I am taking the pop corns
the point was making dread corsair cost 1 instead of 0.
Anyone who thinks that’s a small nerf for them doesn’t know what they’re talking about.
they hit the best 2 decks …why did you expect a nerf to a deck thats all the way down to tier 4?
Tickatus is fine as it is.
It also adds several taunt minions to the pool of “can’t just kill it with weapon.”
But that was never the problem in the first place
This kind of nerf is the one we want for every single card that needs one. Its perfect.
You need to understand that nerfing is not about making a card or a deck completely unplayable.
Last year we rarely saw nerfs without completely destroying a deck.
That’s a delusional statement.
Shaman has fits against 5-health taunt minions. I get frequent wins with my galakrond warrior deck in part thanks to sword eater and shield of galakrond.
The problem is people don’t consider something nerfed unless the deck is unplayable garbage all of the sudden… This nerf is definitely a big deal, and we’ll see in the coming days how the meta evolves.
free five drops aren’t a problem??
The problem is shamans ability to pull the weapon so easily. As well as playing a board full of minions on the very next turn. There’s a reason stickyfingers is included in almost every deck these days
What strategy uses shaman to play a 5 mana weapon easily (with no board)? None! It still pays 5 mana.
The strong play was having a 4/2 weapon and as a bonus a board (free 5 drop as someone said).
Probably revolve and the weapon tutor made the deck playable, since the weapon and the pirate were already there, but it’s good to have playable archetypes.
I don’t play standard and I don’t know what the issue was, but the nerf doesn’t seem too harsh to me: it’s a fair way to let an archetype live without ruining the ladder for other classes.
Ok but the weapon was 4
Will 3 really make that much of a difference?
My point is that this game needs drastic changes and they’re just being lazy
Who cares about the dread corsair, the other pirate is what makes this BS broken AF. Forcing other classes to ruin their decks with 2 stickyfingers. Also 1 attack? who cares? The evolve mechanic makes this games unplayable because is able to cheat insane amounts of mana in one turn after trading as you please.
Kinda sounds contradictory