aggro is not fun, control is not fun, we actually found out that the entire game is not fun, yet we are playing it.
Aggro is plenty of fun.
If you are actually trying to contest the board rather than trying to win by doing nothing all game.
But I can see how it wouldn’t be fun facing aggro when they are actually trying to kill you rather than letting you get away with doing nothing all game.
To be fair they removed every other win condition priest had with the rework, so the class is just working as designed. Now they are trying to re-implement shadow priest though, so that will hopefully be fun.
In general though, hearthstone developers seem to have a warped view of what control should be. Fatigue as a win condition should probably never be consistent and only be the result of a long drawn out battle or an interesting combo.
Some people like to play control decks. They are included as a feature in the game.
I, myself, enjoy control decks, but I prefer warrior.
Edit: I used to enjoy priest (I do still play it) but I didn’t like that priests had to be evil to succeed so I lost interest. Why can’t a benevolent righteous priest be an option? Why do Hearthstone priests have to steal all the time or involve “shadow” magic? Yuck.
Don’t be obtuse, you know very well that there isn’t some homogenous hive mind that agrees on what is fun.
Pleeease, priests is literally the definition of doing nothing…
I’m still waiting to see what’s in the design space Divine Spirit was cast out to enable. Inner Fire was both a finisher and something with a righteous flavor.
The back and forth about what is fun to play is so puerile.
The sad thing is i loathe Tickatus a lot less then i do the combination of Rustwix and Kanrethad creating endless primes for no good reason + all the ****ing boardclear tool you cannot play around in the slightest.
And all of that will stick around another year, which really makes me far less enthusiastic about the barrens then i would have been.
and if by chance any blizzard member reads their forum: this is what at least makes me not going to support the game with money for another year to come as any game vs warlock right no just drags the joy of life out of anyone.
Just surviving is doing nothing. Doing something means you have actual threats of your own not just removing everything and waiting for fatigue. Typical control mentality that wants to play goldfish instead of playing against actual people. You can do that we have AI that plays bad with bad decks where you can goldfish all you want
I see why they don’t like Tickatus it does to them what they do to everyone else and they can’t accept that. This isn’t Highlander there can be more than 1.
lol yeah let’s include cthun and get that win condition burned and be left will relatively useless cards…
Funny some of your other mentions also counter many things that people BEGGED to get nerfed and got their way…
lol surviving is NOT “doing nothing”. Countering your win condition is a win condition. I win if you cannot. This whole “do nothing” lie needs to stop.
Or the fact that you can get 4 of them in a game fairly easily so all those “counters” don’t matter much less some of them named drop a free 8/8 on board.
if i dont play a minion while the priest hand is full for several turns the priest overdraws
then they are playing a "do nothing " deck…
No it literally isn’t.
The point is that so many of the angry control people want to wait five or six turns before the game starts and are mad that their game of “go fish” got interrupted by face smashing.
The goal is not to stay alive, it is to smash your opponent’s health to zero before yours is smashed to zero.
Or you know they’re actually using their brains instead of “herp derp blow hand lemme drop a board clear on turn 3…” which is how aggro players tend to play.
But hey HOW DARE THEY try to get value out of their cards and actually use knowledge of the other deck…
Oh, my bad, I didn’t realize healing yourself for two and fishing for your opponents cards or not playing anything and passing was so hard. Idk what they do after that because I have usually killed them before any of the eleventy billion ten cost cards they were hoping I would wait to see are still in their hand.
Yeah because that isn’t what they’re doing meanwhile “rawr me go face” seems to take the same amount of brain power because you have no concept of the game.
Can we please stop insulting people who play decks that are different than ours?
The person who won had no concept of the game, but the person who stroked their proverbial beard and acted all intellectual instead of mulligan for solutions knows it all… what?
If you think aggro is just go face, it is because YOU are not stopping them from kicking your teeth in NOT because they have an easy deck.