Three New Paladin Cards

Kangor’s Endless Army is still a good card. Some cards just need more time to become good like Hadronox. The same can be said for Uther of the Ebon Blade which became part of a tier one deck when it did see play.

A card doesn’t have to see play in multiple decks to be powerful. Prince Liam was a great card for one of the best decks in its meta.

Lynessa Sunsorrow was a valuable card in a tier one deck, Exodia Paladin.

Plague of Tempo Suicide, more like.

You wiped the board, great! But I get to play minions first. There’s a reason Doom and Twisting Nether are bad, and a significant part of it is their mana costs absolutely destroying your tempo.

Plague of Death is not hard to play around and does little to save Priest on its own. They’ll need much more than that.

Brazen Zealot is a pretty weak card. Decent on Turn 1, but even then it can be easily dealt with due to having only 1 Health.

Sandwasp Queen is a slower, slightly bigger version of Acornbearer. Paladin doesn’t possess the same tools as Druid to take advantage of board flooding as a win condition though.

Salhet’s Pride is a decent draw mechanic that could be used in a control deck to look for Bloodmage Thalnos, Loot Hoarder or Novice Engineer for further deck thinning.

Overall, it appears the Paladin Quest is going to have something to do with 1 Health minions. If that’s the case, and the Paladin Quest proves to be strong enough to build around, there’s hope that these cards will see play. Otherwise, nothing too mind-blowing here.

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The art is SOOO UGLY.
Also not thrilled to play entire turns of 1 health minions and be destroyed by anything real agro.

Even if these cards aren’t pack fillers and have some kind of synergy we haven’t seen yet. That synergy is going to have to be absolutely ridiculous to combat the decks that currently dominate the game. These cards without seeing the rest of the set just feel like them throwing a bone at wild for some unknown reason.

Paladin only exists to auto lose at this point.

Paladin class already weak against every single card mechanic in the game (silence - AOE - Card regeneration - Card Draw ) literally everything is super effective against paladin.
and now blizzard seems to support this weakness and wants us to lose even more.


1 attack minions don’t force a board clear. 1 hp minions do force a board clear if they have more then 1 attack. There will be to many of them to trade away with your own minions (which often cant even value trade because of the 2+ attack these minions have). the 1 mana minion can grow out of control really fast. Easy to kill but it will have dealth his damage by then.
t1 paladin plays the 1 mana card. Rogue coins his dagger to deal with it and paladin follows up with the 2 mana guy. Rogue kills it again with his dagger and is now at 25 hp. Rogue has no turn 2 minion play so will probably re-dagger?
t3 paladin can do lots of things, play a 1 mana 2/1 and a 2 drop or whatever. Rogue will already have trouble clearing it and keeping up. Fon can do it but paladin will also have minions with more then 1 hp. only hunter has a good way of dealing with this with the 1 mana rush guy that gives him another 1 mana rush.

Carpet looks like an obvious card in a deck like this but carpet has some drawbacks. Its better for controlling the board then for going face.

Yeah was my 1st thought after seeing this… This seems to be really pushing token agro… Ugh screw that. I miss when paladin used to be a midrange / control class.

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No actually it doesn’t.

None of the newer legendaries were good at all.

Liam, Glass knight, Edward, Paladin quest to name FOUR were absolutely useless and saw no competitive play.

There are more.

Feels like a joke to claim this since Paladin is one of the classes that has had the very best Legendarys since the start of Hearthstone. Think only class that can top the amount of powerful Legendarys is Mage. If you think Paladin has it bad remove your Paladin glasses and check other classes Legendarys and you will soon see they have alot of Legendarys that didnt see play or was really aweful from the start.

And even some cards that didnt see play weren’t really that bad of cards. In fact I don’t think they’ve released a single really bad card for Paladin maybe cards that didnt suit the meta but the base of the cards has had potential and wasnt that far fetched to see work.

And not suiting the current meta or a current Paladin deck doesnt make the cards meme.


No actually many of their legendaries were useless and never saw play.

Hunter and Priest are significantly worse, with a far longer history of bad legendaries. Hell, their core set legendaries needed INSANE support to become more than a meme! Fact.


Same can be said for all classes however useless and never saw play is two completely different things. You need to learn to seperate. Also you claimed that Paladin legendarys always is meme status when in fact they’ve had plenty of cards that saw alot of play.

When it comes to Legendary cards seeing play its only Mage above Paladin when it comes to Legendarys and thats a fact you can check up yourself.


Nah, Rogue is top of the food chain in that regard. But paladin isn’t too far behind (I’d have it 3rd personally)

Oh ye Rogue was counting cards that saw play though and on that list Mage is above Rogue but Rogue has had quite some really strong and meta defining Legendarys aswell. But that top trio Mage/Paladin/Rogue is quite far ahead of the rest.

Nah, rogue has mage beat in terms of leggo’s that saw competitive play.

Rogue has had a lot of great decks over the years, but they often pulled plenty of neutral cards like Leeroy, Zola, Baku, and Greenskin.

The Year of the Mammoth was the exception with 5 of 6 Rogue legos seeing meta play, maybe some folks memories are more colored by that year and have forgotten other years that were littered with cards like Shakou, Gallywix(sp), and Graal whose only purpose was to meme.

Every single Raven Paladin legendary saw play in a meta deck. Sometimes they were meta dependent like Prince Liam, but that’s way better than Face Collector or even Tess. Paladin’s issues are not related to weak legos, the problems are Epics and Rares.

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Right. Hunter and Priest are know for having the worse legendaries. I don’t if you can even hype them up anymore. I think only the hero cards were ever good crafts. The best of the rest were “if you pulled it, great” cards.

Paladin usually has the best legendaries that the JtU quest was one of the few bad ones. So the SoU quest trends up rather than down.

Shaku, the Collector was a good card. It saw play in both Miracle and Tempo Rogue lists while it was in Standard.

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Oh please, off meta is just a term for unoptimized decks so that people without the proper cards can feel good about winning once in a while.