Somehow I doubt that a nine mana spell would destroy the potential of a deck with these cards. Maybe other things but an aggressive Paladin deck doesnt really aim to still be playing come turn 9.
If Aggro Paladin becomes a thing or not I’m not sure at all but believe me high mana spell aoe clears wont be a reason to why it doesnt happen.
I wouldn’t rule out an aggro Paladin deck that could acutally work, I feel that its not likely but I don’t think its impossible. Two out of these cards generate value at the same time as they do come with damage and I do think that will be key all aggro Paladin decks in the past thats been good has relied on the refuel of Divine Favor with that gone they need refuel from cards instead and two out of three of these offers that.
Will just have to wait and see what the rest of the set brings us, theyy seem to push Paladin towards a more aggressive playstyle probably because they already got a more control/combo based one that is popular at the higher levels right now.
The sandwasp queen looks ok. Trades evenly against most 2/3 drops (assuming opponent isn’t a mage/rogue/druid), and generates more tokens to use, making it carry a decent amount of value for a single card.
The other two i’m not impressed with, but Salhet’s pride could make it into some decks as an awkward deck searcher… it does a nice job at finding twilight drakes for turn 4.
Ah, I see you forgot to reference Class Identity ™. “Healing” is the only strict control element that Paladin has a strength. Meanwhile, “destroying big minions” is stipulated as a weakness.
No doubt we have plenty of support for “minion swarms,” “Divine Shield,” and the like coming.
When I was talking about earthquake/plague of you lose, I was speaking on the premise that, you’ll want to run these minions to complete the quest. The time you complete the quest (assuming 5 to 7) is when those new board clears will come into play.
Prior to completing it (whatever it does) this type of deck built around 1 health minions and tutoring or generating them, is completely vulnerable to any run of the mill AoE damage, that’s if you can even build a board.
The fact that they release 3 1hp minions at once indicates they intend for it to be a thing, but I just don’t think it has any legs.
Salhet could see play in dragon and maybe mech, but I’m just betting this is going to be a failed attempt at a new paladin theory.
I’d rather see average to good cards released that worked with existing decks rather than Garbo cards that try to force a deck no one was asking for
Not every deck needs to be highly represented in legend to be worth supporting.
Also, how many murloc shaman decks did you see in legend last expansion? Or mech hunters?
New expansions make old cards and decks stronger or more relevant. Granted, there’s not a rotation, but still, the meta is going to shake up. Thats not even talking about the fact that most of the new cards are still unrevealed. I’m just saying there’s potential.
All pretty good to decent cards to draw in a mech based deck or hand based deck. I’m assuming the Pally quest will handbuff, so building an army of small minions in your hand is viable strategy.
Ragnaros, Lightlord, Kangor’s Endless Army, Val’anyr, Wikerflame Burnbristle, Uther of the Ebon Blade, Prince Liam, and Lynessa Sunsorrow were all powerful legendary cards.
Ragnaros lightlord - Saw some fringe play
Kangor’s Endless Army - Took several support cards to make work, by definition that is not powerful
Valanyr - Was pretty good, I’ll give you that
Wickerflame - Was mostly discovered, nobody really had room for it in the deck
Uther of the ebon blade - Wasn’t good until they gave paladin a bunch of draw and ways to shuffle horsemen into your decks so you could finally play a deck built around it. Not powerful
Prince Liam - Saw play in one deck, odd paladin, and that’s just to get rid of it’s useless 1 drops.
Anything that sees play in a meta or off-meta deck is “good”. You are introducing your criteria to suit your agenda, which is fine, but any card which is good enough for off-meta decks minimum is a good card. Oh, and Wickerflame was used quite often in MSoG, same with Rag 2.0 in Old Gods.