Brazen Zealot
1 Mana Rare 2/1 Minion
Whenever you summon a minion, gain +1 Attack.
Sandwasp Queen
2 Mana Common 3/1 Minion
Battlecry: Add two 2/1 Sandwasps to your hand.
Salhet’s Pride
3 Mana Rare 3/1 Minion
Deathrattle: Draw two 1-Health minions from your deck.
The stats are awful, nuff said. As usual, Paladin gets garbage class cards and most likely a garbage class legendary to follow suit.
Never Surrender! and Sword of Justice could both help with the stats. Glowstone Technician could be another possibility, but it probably too greedy for the type of deck these suggest.
And part of the point in cards like these is to be able to swarm the board. Salhet’s Pride along with Crystology can provide a lot of card draw, and the Sandwasp Queen supplements that with card generation. All of which can allow Paladins to potentially put a lot of bodies on the board.
All three 1 health maybe it is gonna be related to the quest?
The cards are pretty aggresive but very easily removed, mage just has to ping, if paladin has heropowered before you have dropped your minion it is a free trade for them and rogue hero power ofcourse.
Sandwasp queen is a +1 mana cost acorn bearer.
Does work with the 5 mana epic but getting mechs buffed instead of beasts is way stronger.
Looks like a token card but pally doesn’t really have the support for token like decks as druid does untill they get to late game with the weapon that gives all minions 1+1
Salhet’s Pride is a way to thin out your deck if you draw him on curve but not a very impressive minion byitself.
Earth shock or such shenanigans will leave you majorly behind.
The art is not so appealing
Ifn that aint a hint to the quest
Reward: Reborn, Tarim, or Divine Shield?
Taking your bets
Divine Shield:
Could be pretty op if you could use it on enemy minions, turning a giant into a 3-3.
I love these cards. Agro Pali incoming! Also, odd Paladin is getting some new toys!
These are so bad, and offer no support for current decks.
I hope the other cards in set will at least support immortal, mech, or shrivelled cat.
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We’ve seen a lot of 1 cost 1/3s in the past, but we’ve almost never seen a “3/1”, and even if Zealot is not a true 3/1, it gets buffed the moment you tap the hero power, so it’s effectively a 3/1. Not sure how I feel about it; x/1s are usually easy to pop with a hero power, which is why Mecharoo and Argent Squire have always been popular. But that effect - it could easily go from 2/1 to 4/1 or bigger the first time it gets to attack - at that point, do you even care it got cleared off?
All these cards seem to want to encourage uptrading - all their stats dumped into attack so they can pick something off, then claim their effect. But a reliance on 1 health minions - feels easily stopped by cards like Shooting Star, or even just sticky small drops like an early Mecharoo on the opponent’s side.
Feels matchup dependent, meant for a fast deck against a control deck. They’re cheap, and major AoEs like Brawl or Hysteria are overkill against them, and before those aoes come online, they pile fast. However, a class like Mage can easily stem the bleeding, and Rogues could even outtempo if they can pick off these minions via Backstabs and Hero Power.
Not sure how I feel. We’ve seen aggressive statted minions in the past like old Leper Gnome, but the game’s different since then. I’ll give it a tentative maybe - either sleepers or useless, and I can’t tell which.
I just hope it’s not an indication that the paladin quest is “play x 1 health minions” which 8s almost assuredly followed by some generic “give your minions +2 health” passive hero power that puts you back where you should have been if you weren’t trying to complete the quest.
Many cards remain to be seen but this doesn’t bode well.
Given just how insane glowstone tech is, and how powerul all that draw is…
I feel this works. I dunno what else is coming, and it reeaaaalllly looks like something is. But already, this set up is going places. I know it will be among my first attempts. Immediately, it looks like you could flex some amount of secret paladin into this, and between all the various card draw just…wreck.
Man, Blizzard is trying their hardest to not support Control Pally.
When your whole board dies to a single warpath, whirlwind, arcane explosion, holy Nova, fan of knives, explosive trap, consecrate, list goes on…
This idea is hard countered by every aoe in the game, multiple hero powers, token minions, and even some minions have battlecries that deal board damage.
It’s going to need a lot of support to not fall on its face
Aggro/Token Paladin, right after they HoF’d Divine Favor?
Healadin - mediocre support
Dragondin - mediocre support
And now Tokendin. Stop pulling Paladin in so many directions then not stopping long enough to support before doing “Ooh, ooh! Then they could do THIS!!”
Maybe I’m wrong and this’ll be awesome and showcase Paladin’s ability to act as a strong support class for its minions, but I’m pretty skeptical at this point.
Exactly, HoF the best paladin decks, try to make 3 new decks a thing with RoS, none of them really worked.
1 paladin deck works decently well but needs some new tools and they drop this Garbo instead.
At first glance; don’t like them. Not one bit. Unless they get buffed they die to literally anything. None of them even have Rush or Reborn! Token Druid’s and even Zoolock’s minions are tougher to kill.
But, of course, we haven’t seen the full set, or even the Paladin Quest, yet. So I’m still hopeful that the expansion will bring some more Paladin cards that make these three cards make more sense. Bad first impressions, though. Not excited for any of these three.
In wild the lion can tutor that 7 mana sweet buff lady. That was my favorite card ever printed.
Lets theory up. What 1 health minions can we make use of?
The hotshot dude? Giggles?
Actually this give paladin allot of power in wild with Steward of Darkshire , and if they are doing throwback cards, maybe a deck with her or even a hero power to dive divine shields are in order to make these better.