Cards seem strong. People are underestimating card draw and creation. Acornbearer was another card that people weren’t high on when it got released that is quite strong.
It’s not that they don’t have good effects, they just have terrible stats, no board presence at all. A 1 health minion could be viable with rush or divine shield, but with neither they just die. These cards will need a lot of support to be viable.
It seems pretty obvious that the paladin quest will revolve around summoning 1 health minions.
Most importantly though none seem to offer much or anything to any current paladin deck theory, and paladin needs some additional support for current decks.
Sandwasp Queen is an excellent exp farm card (more cards you play = more exp, so 2 mana for a card that generates 2 1-mana cards is excellent).
That’s literally the only positive thing I have to say about these cards.
I wonder if you could use these with a lot of other small minions or spells with draw to create a fast-cycling board-flood deck. Maybe finish it off with Nomi. While all of the individual minions would be easy to clear, the sheer number of them could require a lot of removal or trading. The idea being either to beat your opponent down with tokens or to burn through as much of their AoE and other defenses/removal as possible to leave them open to Nomi once you’ve drawn through your deck.
You could combine these three with things like Crystology, Novice Engineers, Loot Hoarders, maybe even Call to Adventure. Supplement them with some useful secrets — Autodefense Matrix, Hidden Wisdom (probably a 1-of), Never Surrender! might all be useful — and some board– or hand–buff cards like Glowstone, Sword of Justice, or Silver Sword. Bellringer Sentries could also be good if you went the secret route for deck thinning.
It’s also ONE mana with plenty of support cards to further the token archetype.
Not remotely comparable to the new Paladin card.
Token Paladin is ok. Hit rank 5 with it in May. Silver sword and sword of Justice are good cards to support a swarming Paladin archetype.
Priest and rogue can win with Nomi because they can cycle incredibly fast and bounce her back to hand just in case the opponent had an answer for it the first time.
If paladin tried to play that it would be “ohh, I see you saved a board clear, guess I lose”
I meant using Nomi more as a back-up win condition, not the primary one. Basically, the game plan would be to use all of the tokens and cycling to keep putting out small threats on the board that you can then buff and chip away at your opponent with. They would be the primary wincon. And hopefully by the time you cycled through to where you could Nomi, most opponents’ decks would have been forced to burn through most of their AoE. Unlike Priest, for example, which tends to burn through their deck with spells, etc. that don’t intrinsically call for as much removal in response.
One health minions aren’t going to force board clears though, they are countered by everything. Nothing shown or to be drawn with rush or charge either, so you’re going to be making bad trades also.
The new meme deck will be how many afk turns can you take against a quest paladin
Although they are released together I think these cards could see play in different decks.
Brazen Zealot and Sandwasp queen could see use in an aggro deck, or perhaps in some sort of handbuff list, and honestly they look pretty decent to me.
Salhet’s Pride could also see some handbufff play, but could also be used as a draw engine, pulling Loot Hoarders/Thalnos, Novice Engineers from your deck.
Zealot is the weakest out of the three, but even that could be a serious threat vs slower decks, it can get out of hand prety quickly.
Also bet the Paladin quest will have something to do with 1 health minions, so could be stronger than they first appear.
If the quest is to play 7 1 health minions we will be dead by the time it completes, better be like 3, then they need divine shield and reborn, then the 1hp could work since they would still absorb 4 hits
Sandwasp Queen is the nuts.
Let’s see how well this ages. . .
Another thought…
The mage quest is to cast spells (something they would be doing anyway)
The warlock quest is to draw cards (probably requires the inclusion of plot twist)
The druid quest is to play somewhat inefficiently (waste 4 Mana)
If the paladin quest is actually to summon a significant amount of 1 health minions, that requires some rather serious deck restructuring to get the reward. The quests we’ve seen so far are fairly passive and have great benefits
Tutored draw and hand refill. The second two aren’t bad. The first one is probably the worst of the lot. 3/5 on the other two, 2/5 on the one drop.
I think the main thing here is that these are pretty disappointing compared to what’s been revealed for other classes
Summoning 1-mana minions requires no deck building from a Paladin. The base hero-power provides everything you would need , especially considering that they’ve stated that these quests are designed to be completed around mid-game, rather than late game. So, a significant number is less likely to be the requirement.
Just depends on how they define mid game. Is that turn 4 or turn 7.
Still too early to speculate I suppose, but I doubt if you’ll be able to hero power your way to quest completion by mid game
Paladin now has the ability to tutor 8 low cost minions out of its deck with 4 cards in the first two or three turns. People are underestimating how valuable that is in hand, zoo and prelate based decks.
Edit: and call to adventure for another 2. Thats a lot of targeted draw. Should really enable a temp build.
So how many zoo or prelate decks do you see in legend?
None because it’s not viable, therefore your point is invalid.
They’re awful cards and single-handedly out valued by mere lackeys.
If you want to go with the zoo/tempo archetype, play rogue, shaman, or warlock.
You see plenty of mech pally. That deck straight up requires fueling your hand with low cost targetted draw engines and handbuffs.
It kicks warrior in the teeth hard. Theres a few outs against mage, and can tie up an aggro match if it draws what it needs.
We already have a successful deck thats premise is literally draw cheap crap, buff cheap crap, and murder folks. It, however, relies on mechs and is subject to silence. A hand deck that deposits threats like a giant but can follow that up every turn has potential.
Its really all about what the meta happens to be. And how prevalent priest can be.