Three New Paladin Cards

f****** awful blizzard, trash.


They do the same thing to druid.

Steward of Darkshire deck brings back memories?


its like they want paladin to be aggro. i only play paly these cards suck, odd and even paly can suck one

Even if the quest gives all paladin minions divine shield or reborn they’ve already shown 2 new AoE to wreck this theory

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Ok, except this is a new expac and it will be for standard primarily.

I could care less about wild.

The cards are trash by themself. If they don’t have something to more than make up for this garbo…paladin’s in a very weak spot.

Plus, as stated previously…the class legendaries are always meme status for paladin.

No one cares about wild.

Granted, we still have a lot to unpack, and these cards further make me think about a Magic Carpet Pally, but 1HP minions are so fragile. So, so, so fragile! I don’t particularly feel like playing a deck that can be solo’d by a neutral 5-drop (Dragonmaw Scorcher).

Glowstone Technician works with Mechs because you pile on those stats on a single entity with the sole purpose of avoiding Brawl and outranging Shield Slam. Playing it to just make bad minions better? Why not make good minions better, then?

I need to see more, but I’m not particularly thrilled. I feel more like Wardrum about the issue - archetypes all over the place, but not really enough to make a solid deck.

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I like those 1-health minions. Perfect Hyena food.

Any card that requires another card just to make it ‘ok’ is bad.

Cards need to be broken or seem unfair to be ‘good’

See the trifecta of cancer that is the current stagnant and boring meta (mage, warrior, rogue).

What you mentioned is way too slow and counterintuitive to the purpose of these cards.

SoJ is slow. Glowstone is slow.

These new cards are just aggro cards with bad stats. Not much consistent or viable synergy so far imo.

Just a liability.

I really hope the devs have something to salvage what we’ve seen so far.

All the other classes have pretty nice card reveals…in comparison these are utter


You aren’t getting what i’m hinting, they could make a other card like her affect which is why they’re pushing the 1 hp.

In general minions that put minion cards in your hand are great for the Handbuff archetype, yet Paladin hasn’t seen proper Handbuff for standard since the days of MSoG and the mechanic has been weirdly affiliated with Warlock for awhile now with not much success.

What is obvious from the get-go is the emphasis on 1-health minions, which were again a thing for Paladin during Whispers when we had that 3 mana 3/3 (Darkshire something-something, too lazy to check) that gave Divine Shield to 1 health minions when summoned.

The Beast tags are just plain weird at this point. Wild, having all the previous handbuff cards, could have some fun for sure, but… we need to see more. I mean, Paladin in Rise of Shadows was all over the place cardwise with some emphasis on secrets and something about handbuffing dragons.

Eh… I dunno. I’m not exactly excited. Maybe the League Heroes Reveal they’ll be doing this week will shine a light of what is actually to come if Finley’s retrain happens to be something interresting.

If only Steward of Darkshire was forever set. Another reason rotating core set would be better than the system we have now. Steward could rotating in to support the 1 heath deck.


Complete standard garbage, probably wild garbage too, of course the devs decide to give paladin mains some trashy theme


,The 2 mana card looks pretty good, the 3 mana card looks kinda bad,the 1 mana card somewhere in between.
My guess is the quest reward will be something like give divine shield to a minion.

Not handbuf,full out flood and agro.

I guess Salet’s Pride could maybe find a home in a mech deck to pull your Skater Bots. Mech paladin turn 3 is kinda weak currently.

Crystalogy, hero power, salet, truesilver, glowstone?

A bit dissappointed that none of these is a Rager.

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I actually meant, “what sorts of stuff can be tutored this way?”

The first thing you do when faced with specific tutor effects is find the broken bits.

note, the 1 drop is just plain good by itself really, and needs no true synergy to be valuable

Rager, twilight drake, scarlet crusader?

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Whoa. Drake. Thats something actually. All of these cards already line up really good for a hand deck. Thats powerful, and you can justify giants there too

Paladin has dragon synergy already. A dragon hand pally?

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Anyone whining about Paladin having swarms of minions has apparently never been around since GVG. I know the animosity towards Odd Paladin (which Brazen Zealot and Sahlet’s Pride will be staples in), but Dude Paladin’s been a thing since GVG, and so has Token Paladin.

Sahlet’s Pride can be used to tutor for Brazen Zealot and Righteous Protector in Wild.

Salhet’s Pride also confirms that Salhet himself is the second Paladin Legendary.

I think Paladin has even stronger draw now with the 3 mana minion.