This -will- be nerfed. (Hollow Hound)

If they nerf it, it will probably be though the double Krush combo somehow, and probably not the hound, given that they’ve left turn 6 alone as the demon hunter 3 damage AoE lifesteal turn.

Probably not. Double krush combo almost always is done against control decks. That’s not the issue. But who knows. Maybe

I think the bigger issue is that the hounds get buffed very easily, and there is even a tutor for those buffs, because the statline by itself is nothing really to worry about.

Don’t think hound will need a nerf tho. it’s a very straightforward deck that I expect loses reliability with the new expansion

Okay it is OP in the hunter deck but why the hell Dk also able to use this! But why they gave another perfect control tool to dk.

Eh, hunter having access to some board clear / healing isn’t really an issue.

The fact that they can leverage that into a fairly uninteractive OTK is a much larger problem than them being able to do some controlly stuff.

If that combo wasn’t there, they’d struggle to keep a positive win rate against attrition decks, and they already lose to snowbally aggression like enrage warrior, pure paladin, and unholy DK.

Do you read? I said it was in hunter and yes it’s a top tier deck but so are SIX other classes. It doesn’t make it oppressive.

How about you go to hsreplay and see which deck stands alone in tier 1 with Totem Shaman. The other 5 classes you say are top tier are tier 2 and below.

I see seven decks over 50% win rate. That is a very healthy meta and combination of decks. None of those decks is oppressing the meta.

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If you don’t pay for HSReplay Premium, it only gives you statistics for Bronze through Gold. Ranks below Diamond do not count at all. If you don’t pay for HSR you don’t actually have access to HSR.

:laughing: Totem Shaman :laughing:

I wish that they just blocked all the data for non-paying users instead of just showing what decks are strong in the lowest possible skill brackets and making people have terrible takes on what is overpowered/just a noob stomper.

Hey, that deck is actually pretty decent right now. A bit feast or famine on how it plays out, but it’s definitely competitive.

It can definitely beat up hound hunter.

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Yeah but it’s just not Tier 1, unless you’re in participation trophy ranks apparently.

Didn’t know we don’t care about a part of the community.

Should i only care for the high rank players well being?

But i guess if your only way to ego boost yourself is Hearthstone you say stuff like that. I’m more of a people’s person.

Yeah, same with any deck that’s one dimensional like that.

If the only way you win is “build board and hit face” it makes it pretty simple to identify how to consistently beat you.

Either removal, or build a better board, faster.

Works great when players can’t identify how to build/mulligan/play to do that consistently. Works less well at top skill levels when your opponent knows which cards you want to play each turn and is prepared for it.

Half of the reason hound hunter stays tier 1 ish at high ranks is because it has the backup plan of “ok, I burst for 16-40 damage with 2x king Krush”

Who said the meta is unhealthy? The Topic is Hollow Hound and if it is in need of a nerf.

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Well, you probably shouldn’t often be making major balance decisions based on a subset of the population that are playing the game poorly.

That’s like nerfing goombas because people that picked up Mario died to them a lot before learning how to jump.


It’s not about empathy. It’s about math. At any rank Diamond 6 or lower, the win streak bonus stars apply. This means you can climb with an average winrate in practice of 45.35% or higher. This is game design fact.

When I call them “participation trophy ranks” I mean it literally. Blizzard cooked the math of the system to deliberately manufacture a false sense of accomplishment for psychologically manipulative reasons. Yeah, if you have skill you can speedrun them, but the lower ranks are not designed to be a permanent barrier against the unskilled. They’re designed to grind through if necessary regardless of skill level.

Diamond 5 is the first rank where the game enforces a winrate above 50% in practice to climb. It’s the bottom of the actual ladder and where I start caring in earnest about balance. Indeed, balance is most important at D4-1.

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Let’s stay on the matter. No “The deck isn’t the best in the game” or “Hunter can be easily countered”.

The Topic is “Is Hollow Hound overtuned”. Can you really answer no to this? The card stand alone is way too strong. Just compare it to Blood Boil and you get your answer.
Blood Boil that came last year got completely power crept and still is considered 1 of the strongest BDK cards.

On DK the card is arguable fine, just one more heal for BDK. But Hunter being able to have access to copies and easily stat buffing the card for a “reno effect” is overtuned.

So you are suggesting all cards be balanced in a vacuum? That’s quite possibly the most insane thing i have heard in a while on these forums.

You’re asking them to think, and it just won’t happen. Neither one of them has single clue, but their epeen won’t allow them to learn.

They will literally tell you that the hound is allowing hunter to survive to get to an otk combo and then tell you that they need to nerf the combo because that’s what they lose to - not the hound that makes the combo happen consistently.

It’s the same as when paladin had the same effect as hound from their hammer and the top 1k cry babies howled for nerfs because (SHOCK! GASP! THE HORROR!!!) they lost to "smooth brain" paladin decks - but everyone else knew paladin had issues before they even released the hammer.

You can also expect them to be absolutely smug and condescending in their inveterate ignorance, decrying your losses as skill issue but howling for nerfs the second they lose to the same thing.

Don’t waste your time with them.


Eh, yeah, I don’t think it’s particularly overtuned relative to what’s available elsewhere.

We’ve got stuff like fel being a 1 Mana AoE that hits face and lifesteal at 6 Mana.

Gnome muncher having more attack, able to snipe things behind taunt, or possibly charge face while basically having a form of windfury on later turns with lifesteal.

Lock has a 6/6 lifestealer that zaps face for 6 each turn.

Paladin can heal for 12 combing horn and a 2 Mana spell.

Burst healing tied to threats isn’t all that uncommon, and turn 6 is often when these things can come online.

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