This -will- be nerfed. (Hollow Hound)

Not sorry to say, this is more of a card that needs either the typical nerfs; increased cost or reduced statline.

Cost: 8 Mana (But comes with increased statline +1/+1 to be a 4/7). Typical nerf/balance to a lot of cards as of late, including Battlegrounds in variance to Tier vs mana cost.

Same Cost: Reduced Statline (2/4).

Remove Rush/Lifesteal (Former keeps it a body threat, latter keeps it always cleaving and relevant).

The explanation for both of these desired or even foreseen choices is that it’s just straight a too healthy of a pick to copy for Hunters, who can buff it to 6/9 with bananas, and also have multiple cleaves (This is unhealthy behavior in the game for a card. I.E. They nerfed Three-Rune Cards for Death Knight to discover).

Death Knight gets more of a pass with this, but not by much. Blood Death Knight will roll Hollow Hound for the healing procs with varied synergies to follow, which suits the heavy control theme, but that still means the card needs changed.

Ultimately it’s hunter that has the most unhealthy synergy with this card, and I’m hoping soon as they review more changes for Titan’s release, that Hollow Hound is nerfed in some way.


You could put a location between your units and shut down the cleave


Not all decks run their location; c’mon now.


So you are being punished for a personal choice

Looks like everything here is fine

You know how to play around it now

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I’m pretty sure hound hunter will get nerfed at dome point


How about some actual discussion rather than “play a deck with a location, ez lol”.


why not just play a location card?

why not just play around the card?

looks to me like you just want it nerfed rather than just being a better player


Let me get my foldout chair, pen and paper and listen to your amazing words of wisdom of how to “play around it”. Please, go on. Go ahead. Listening.

Location is 1 thing. Which we’ve heard, so c’most oh “wise one”, let’s hear it. Go on.

I’m not some greenhorn, just because I do not frequent the forums like you, likely even putting people down like it feels you are now. No KIDDING you space minions out, taunts on the ends, etc etc.

Learn about the player before being a complete tool. Sitting there on your notion I have no idea what I’m talking about. For fel’s sake, I gave three descript possibilities of true balance nerfs that could happen.


all i see is cry cry cry, i cant beat one card

learn how to play, easy as that

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So instead of advice, you troll. M’kay. Least I know that’s where you stand; beneath me as a player.


I just checked you out; you don’t ever actually start topics of discussion, you just go into the forums and do this stupid stuff. What a waste of time.

Give advice or get out.


i doubt you checked anything with my private profile

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And I doubt you ever actually tried using the internet for more than instigating opinions you disagree with.


You seem proud of acting like a complete idiot.
Thats called a doublefail.

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how angry are you?

its one card


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oh wow a second account for OP

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Are you ok? Do you need help?

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are you ok? do you need help?

you are melting down over a bad card


Says the doofiest clown I’ve ever seen spamming this thread with trolling and flaming that I keep feeding; again, give advice, not sit here and feed -me- knowledge of how you got over 3000 posts in the forums.

You’re a troll. I get it, not a good player, nor someone to listen to.

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you are literally melting down over 1 card

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