This is not measured, though. Stop saying this.
They win less because of the decks being played. The power of the deck is unchanged.
The match up spread is the difference.
You understand that you don’t know why people stop playing it, right? That it’s just as likely that it doesn’t win because people don’t want to play boring decks.
In fact, if you look at what is played at your precious top 1k, the more discover and bullcrap the better, and the more repeatable and consistent the less you see it.
This different is unrelated to power. Un. Re. Late. ed. to power. There are historically lots of times when decks that are trash at all other levels are highly competitive at top 1k specifically because of the mix of decks in that awful pocket meta.
For too long they have abused stats to make bad choices about the game, and the result is lots and lots of people who don’t play top 1k meta just walk because the game sucks.
Deck lists do, for sure, but not the meta. We aren’t going to see 25% of the meta playing some form of demon hunter in the near future because that’s what happened at top 1k.
I know you are spouting the typical line, but it’s wrong. It’s wrong now, it was wrong then. The game as a whole gets better the sooner the balance group stops holding up top 1k as proof of anything other than the top 1k’s preferences and results. They don’t generalize.
This is the elitist bullcrap that needs to stop.
Paladin was a meta tyrant from release until nerf, the only difference is that it annoyed the top 1k finally.
If it had an 80% win rate against control priest and miracle rogue at top 1k it would have been nerfed a month before the horn was a thing. The fact that it lost to their favorite decks made it “fine” for everyone despite nearly no one wanting to play those decks at other levels.
Again, read up on how weighted averages work and then go look at how changing the play rates of different things changes “win rate” and you will start to see what I am talking about.