This -will- be nerfed. (Hollow Hound)

Especially after lor’themar

Here’s my 8/12 rush lifesteal cleave trample.

Actually, scratch that, it can be a 10/8 easily, thanks to the minion that makes your next 3 things 8/8s

But uhh, no nerf will fix that combo

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Hollow hound is fine specifically because it’s non-aggressive.

Jormungar kind of breaks that.

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Wow, that’s an INSANELY stupid card to print. Like even in a world without Hollow Hound, that punishes people playing minions by essentially turning any Rush Beast into a Charge. Hound just happens to be the Rush Beast du jour but even with just Stonebound Gorgon + Bananas this reveal would be bad and it should feel bad.

Like they should literally just ban that reveal before it even gets released.

Office No

Replying to whom?

Not to mention mukla is a 10 attack rush for 6, which can be doubled to 20-24 damage then 2 more with jormungar…

And companions can pull 2x copies of hollow hound on 10 (possibly doubled), and 2x jormungar also makes that cleave a ton…

It’s a very, very poorly thought out card

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Maybe someone snapshots Theron, doubles twice, and gets a two card Mukla OTK. That goes through a bit of Armor, too.

Like my reveal review for AABJ is 6/5 stars. The last time I saw a CCG card this broken I was looking at MtG’s Necropotence.


Trample works better in MTG because the defender chooses the blockers. This thing let’s the hunter just pick the low health minion for effective charge on whatever overstatted body they like.

Hilariously if the hunter uses jailor now, they can mish-mash immune with trample :stuck_out_tongue:

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To Smeet with all the suggestions about how Hollow Hound getting the stupid 1 cost spell could go wrong. I don’t want to put up with a meta where that’s a thing :rofl:

However, I will be playing it.

How to counter Hound Hunter in coming expansion

Minion - Location - Minion - Location - Minion
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Don’t use your location durability!

Oh, even without hound, AaBJ is absolutely busted in ways that are difficult to put into words…

Stat doublers exist, so if mukla, a mish-mash mosher, or hound is in deck for a Lor’themar activation…

You are looking at near OTK levels of rush burst heading your way thanks to a 1 Mana card.

Oh, and if mech hunter were a thing, it also is busted with ini stormcoil so you can get a divine shield windfury trampler if any sizeable mech survives ever.

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yah was just thinking about, and also how suddenly the Hunter Location looks a lot scarier now

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Essentially for 1 Mana, any minion balanced by the fact it can’t immediately go face is uhh, no longer balanced by that.

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Exactly. Hound and Mukla are primary targets…and we’re not even counting Krush that comes out where the counter to Krush or Krush x 2 was to put up a taunt. That means exactly squat now.

I mean, we haven’t even delved into what it means for stuff like this:

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And don’t forget, Hodir makes your next 3 minions 8/8s, so mish-mash starts with 8 attack, or hound does, or a gargon… (+2 from AaBJ)

Or the new hellhound is a 12/8 rush (+2 from jormungar)

Hodir makes all rush minions a fun charge burst now.

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There’s only one hero who can save us now.

The one who can bring balance and order to the Force


At least I don’t think magnetic counts as summoning, so hunter can’t summon an 8/8 k9, then 2x 8/8 magnetic Sparkbots, location rush if they missed they keyword, and then AaBJ it.

Actually, they do…at least in BGs they do. Or they did. Now I need to check.

Oh God I misread Minion as Beast the first time I read the spell

This is actually even stupider than my brain would allow me to believe. My subconscious literally hotfox nerfed it before it could reach my consciousness.

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Yeah, it’s ANY minion.

Can build a juicy stacked magnetic mech and give it pseudo charge.

Or really anything…

Oh no…

ok no, we’re good. They count as playing a minion, not summoning.


  • Magnetic minions are still considered summoned while entering play before their effect triggers. On-board enchantments are considered and applied before a Magnetic minion attaches to a Mech.[4]
    • Example: Saviors of UldumHigh Priest Amet is on the board. The Boomsday ProjectSkaterbot is played to magnetize onto a The Boomsday ProjectWargear. Skaterbot becomes a 1/7 after it is played, and then it adds +1/+7 to Wargear.

So the question is does the Legendary minion effect count as an on-board effect?

Odin help us all if it does.