This game is rigged as hell

Yes! I watched it a few weeks ago, it was unexpectedly funny and good. Not sure I see the vibes connection, but good movie nonetheless.

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oh plenty of people will and do sink their money in out of sheer frustration of losing. Not that they think they will win. Its that now they MUST win because theyre going broke lol. Same thing goes for ranks where you can lose ranks in systems. FPS games are bad for th at.



This is the point where I leave this to others

in absolutely every way. 800000kg’s of testosterone and dick

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Lol normally you’re not such a baby from what Ive read around here. Weird. Must be a period day.

Like you i feel free to post in topics i am interested in while waiting for the balance patch.

anyway nerds. have fun having literally the same discussion for the 8900000899828421089th time. and coming no conclusion other than “other people are dumb” once again.

Dont ever change. I enjoy laughing.

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Well, that was surprisingly constructive.

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This monkey doesn’t deserve any attention. :roll_eyes:

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Like someone else said, in heartstone you see one in a million chances on a daily basis.

Maxbe you right maybe you dont. We dont know exactly whats going on. But if it smells like fish its mostlikly fish.

Thats called videogame addiction :sweat_smile:

Aww, waiting so patiently for a patch to an evil rigged game. Are you angry with anticipation?


Not my circus, not my monkeys. :wink:

I dont believe in the concept of good and evil.

Beside the fact that i think its rigged to the gills, i am pretty good at this game and its free to play …so despite the fact it can be quiete friustrating at sometimes i still love it. They dont get my money thats for sure.

Edit: Maybe it takes a good player to see abnormal patterns, thats why you guys maybe dont see something fishy at all… joke aside :sweat_smile:

I truly never understood the cognitive dissonance in believing Hearthstone is “rigged”, and still playing the game. I wouldn’t be able to reconcile the two.

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Well, voting in elections is often choosing the better of two evils. However, in the case of Hearthstone and DCCGs in general, is that you can choose to play another game (like Legends of Runeterra).

Sure… show us. Because I’ve done that experiment, albeit with a small sample size. I actually got the opposite result of what you are suggesting would happen.

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And for me its like beeing bored or play a game that sometimes gets me frustrated. I rather be sometimes frustrated then bored…

I am a simple man, the simplicity of heartstone is just in my “skillrange” for anything else i am just to dumb or to lazy to start all new. :smirk:

I understand. It can’t hurt though. I LoR is very F2P friendly and easy to learn.