This game is rigged as hell

Words many. Hurt head. :rofl:

Some people bother, e.g. to make a F2P run or something. I dunno why I should. :grinning:

Well, first, can’t promise to remember some local holidays, second, can’t be bothered. :rofl:

I play at legend ranks, nothing to do of playing good, if you get multiple matches not your core cards you need to build a propper board.

I find it allways funny, when i had a winstreak of 5-10 i basicly cann stop playing because after that the game will punish me hard for winning that much just to force me to stick to a 50% winrate.

And thats rigged, dont know how the algorythm does that but it forces everyone to 50% winrate, like blizzard confirmed that.


It matches you against players of equal estimated skill, ergo, over a large number of games your win rate will normalise to approximately 50%.


Who all play rock when i play scissors, not that these equal “skilled” players would play papers in 10 games.

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Why are you starting this all over again blackmarket? You’ve done it all already. Are there new findings or its a grumpy day???

What gets me is the premise that frustrating players influences them to spend money. Are there any studies looking into this?


There are studies that headlines that produce more outrage also produce larger engagement.

Of course, this has absolutely nothing to do with bad videogames producing more money, this is just how they rationalize themselves expending in a game that they don’t like

I’d argue that “engaging” provocative and sensational headlines is different than spending money.

If a computer was selecting the throws with RNG, yes you would see many of the same archetype in a row sometimes. Scroll up and actually read what Schyla was saying about the human tendency to misidentify randomness. You don’t even know what random looks like.

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God doesn’t play dice. :thinking:

In the context that this quote comes from, this means “quantum mechanics doesn’t exist because $#&@ the uncertainty principle.” Definitely Einstein’s hottest take. I don’t take it very seriously.

better just end it then. Life isnt worth it anymore right? RIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT?

Woah bro, take it from me, if you make suicide jokes around these parts you’re gonna have a bad time

Literally every single slot machine in every casino ever knows this. You must be a young one.

That’s good; it was a joke (albeit a bad one).

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it wasnt a joke . Suicide is no joke.

Then what was it? A suggestion?

PS i literally dont give a fk about these forums and only show up here randomly to laugh at people being dumb. Its an excellent place for that. Right up there with facebook and twitter.

Sometimes theres some real discussion though. so credit where its due.

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an observation on their current state

I admittedly have never gambled at the casino. However, regarding slots, I think it’s a different scenario than we are suggesting here with matchmaking. For instance, playing slots, many gamblers have the false idea that the more they lose, the more likely they are to win, which isn’t true.

Well, that’s because you’re clearly the bigger man.