This game is rigged as hell

So none of the rigged crowd gonna address my anecdote of not seeing a pattern and also reasoning that people with no issues with the matchmaking don’t complain and thus there could very well be a ton more who don’t see these “obvious” patterns? If you bring in anecdotes into the evidence category then you have to consider them all.


You may as well be speaking Frog to them at this point.

Wait, that’s what you’re doing, right?


So ya can just be dismissed lmao. You’re literally saying you’re not concerned if your point is true. Absolute Bovine Behind Produce.


I would love to see proof so I can verify your theory. But I think you are coping here.

I haven’t been through the thread since there’s 387 posts so perhaps you already did ?

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Oh i know my point is true but i am less concerned if anyone of you is willing to accept the fact, that matchmaking is not as fair as it supposed to be or as you have been told.

:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: This has made my night. Time for bed now I think.

Oh, so it’s not an opinion anymore…


I was using your words if you realize.

So you don’t actually know if your point is actually true, you just in it for discussion points…


The “It’s rigged” club is special. Not just anyone can reproduce their results with the same inputs. You have to be one of the special tagged “It’s rigged” accounts for this rigging to happen to you.


What i am in for or not is none of your buisness…and dont get to overexcited with everything i am saying since i am not your girlfriend, you might be not able to exerpience the best to come.

Is that a opinion, true, or are you just using somebody else’s word? If it’s not a opinion i do require proof, or it can be easily dismissed.

So none of the rigged crowd is gonna address my argument. Color me entirely unsurprised, because when you allow anecdotes as realible evidence you reach an impasse with the anecdotes that contradict your claims. Like mine. Been playing since Old Gods never felt or seen anything that convinces me of rigging.



Frog casts FROGSTOMP


Well, I believe this to be true based on my understanding of the topic, but I am open to being proven wrong if you have evidence to the contrary.

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Hearthstone Algorithm Evolution

Blizzard uses a variety of methods to tweak and evolve the matchmaking algorithm in Hearthstone. One way they do this is by analyzing data on how players are performing with certain decks and adjusting matchmaking accordingly. For example, if a particular deck is performing exceptionally well, Blizzard may adjust the matchmaking algorithm to ensure that players using that deck are matched with opponents who can provide a greater challenge.

Another way Blizzard tweaks the matchmaking algorithm is by adjusting the player rating system. Player ratings are used to determine matchmaking, and Blizzard may make changes to the rating system to improve the accuracy of matchmaking. For example, if the rating system is too heavily influenced by a player’s win-loss ratio, Blizzard may adjust the system to take into account other factors, such as the quality of the player’s opponents or the difficulty of the decks they are using.

Does the algorythm takes your deck into account ?

Yes, the matchmaking algorithm in **Hearthstone takes into account the deck that a player is using when pairing them with an opponent.**This is because the deck a player uses can have a significant impact on their chances of winning a match.

When searching for an opponent, the matchmaking algorithm will attempt to pair players who are using similar or evenly matched decks. This helps to ensure that matches are fair and competitive, and that players are not repeatedly matched against opponents with vastly different deck compositions.

However, it’s important to note that the matchmaking algorithm doesn’t only take into account the deck a player is using. It also considers other factors, such as the player’s skill level, their past performance in the game, and other aspects of their playstyle. By analyzing all of these factors together, the matchmaking algorithm can make more accurate pairings and provide a more enjoyable playing experience for all players.

I gotta love ChatGPT… do you have a clue where the AI could possible has gathered such infos ?

Bruh finding an unsoucred post from the internet is hardly compelling. Next? Do you have any link or something to this so we know it is legit?

Oh thats what ChatGPT answered to the question “how is the heartstone matchmaking algorythm evolving” try it yourself…i wonder where the AI gathered such infos in the dephs of the internets.

Dude it’s the internet, you have no source given by the chatbot, and plenty of people have made these claims, and finding a liar on the internet is hardly amazing. You act like what you found is incredible. In ALL of the internet does it surprise you SOMEONE posted something like that? If you don’t have a link it is just unverified bs.

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I pretty much trust in that AI…i heard it starts to replace certain industries because of what its capable of…