This game is rigged as hell

They can measure whether the 20000 hunters faced the same mix of decks as the 20000 warriors, and how much those matchups deviated from the average.

If you tracked enough games yourself using the tracker, they could also track what you described.

Including if I put weapon removal in my deck and never faced a weapon for 100 matches until I removed the weapon removal then faced nothing but weapons?

If so, I will concede and download and start using this mystical tracker.

Sure you could track 100 games with removal and 100 without. Hate to say it but 1000 games would be better if you want to get more accurate results, I think there are usually a lot of variations across decks that wonā€™t settle down in a 100 game sample.

Also youā€™ll want to keep your rank relatively stable.

Youā€™ll need to make sure you create two decks and give them different names for your test.

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If this happens ā€œall the timeā€ why has one person, not even one person, brought out a screen shot from a tracker to show this? I mean, it would be simple if itā€™s 100% predictable that this happens when you do what you describe?

Repeat it with pencil and paper, but make sure you play long enough to identify what type of list youā€™re facing because if youā€™re just tilting when you see a priest or a dk you donā€™t know what they are playing.

I have tried this experiment myself. Nothing happened. Nothing.

This is the most common complaint and I bet YOU canā€™t make it happen when you try if you honestly and accurately record your games.

Yes, to an extent that it would be clear if something were off.

Thereā€™s only two control decks that matter right now. If aggro were getting extra control matches, they would show matching to Blood DK (hs replay breaks this down) more than the expected population of blood dk at a given rank. For example (Iā€™m making up hypothetical numbers) if blood dk is 25% and control priest is 5% of the total games recorded in bronze, then we expect every deck to be pretty close to 30% of their matches against those. There may be hiccups where itā€™s a bit higher or lower, but over the thousands of games recordedā€¦ itā€™s pretty much exactly the right number. That suggests thereā€™s nothing fishy. If you actually track 100 games with the same deck, though, your going to move into different ranks and your expected distributions will change.

Then I should just accept it like a religion, based on faith? Because thatā€™s the only thing that happens outside of evidence. You are in a cult if you believe this without evidence.

So stop plugging anecdote in an seriously record your games to check for yourself. Literally start tracking what you play and what you face.

You guys canā€™t even all agree on what we are talking about and you ignore everyone who shows you why youā€™re wrong.

Pretty sure you guys are either trolls, or legitimately just pigs rolling around in your own filth of stupid.


One of the largest parts of my argument isā€¦ why canā€™t you just believe these people without needing a screenshot?"

A lot of people see this weird stuff happening.

You know, there was a period of human history where not every person had a camera in their pocket and you just had to take their word for stuff?

Youā€™re defending this tracker like Iā€™m attacking it. Iā€™m not really.

Iā€™m just asking you to open your mind and understand people have experiences that arenā€™t recorded on a chip.

Sometimes those experiences are enough to keep peoples wallets in their pockets, regardless of the ā€œdataā€.

Many nerfs and buffs are done, not JUST based on data, but when things just ā€œfeel badā€.

For me itā€™s because Iā€™m a curious person, so I read something and think, I wonder if thatā€™s true? Then see if thereā€™s a way to work it out and if so, work it out.

Mum, bless her, when she was alive ran a clinic that healed people with special healing hands powers. Never worked on me. If she asked my opinion I shared it.

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Thatā€™s right, your ā€œargumentā€ is completely not a thing.

ā€œBecause I said so in an anonymous online forumā€ is not a reason for anything.

But read this part again:

I used a tracker. I checked.

If you canā€™t show me a counter example, then my evidence trumps your anonymous assertions. Do you understand this? This isnā€™t a hard concept.

Mandela effect. Look it up.

Memory is fickle, confirmation bias is a thing, and there are other reasons people can be skeptical of what they think they see.

This is exactly why people want to see something more than anonymous claims.

No, thatā€™s not what you are doing. You are asking me to share your delusions and take on faith that youā€™re an expert.

Seriously, I bet you get duped by people all the time if youā€™re this naive.

What does this even have to do with anything? Are you saying that blizzard nerfs and buff based on your delusions of rigging?

You need some meds, mate.

I have run several trials to see what happens.

Specifically, running anti weapon stuff in a deck didnā€™t affect opponents at all.

Show me the toes!

You didnā€™t hear this story! You live in a cave in the past month.

A Church published a miracle of a lady growing severed toes. But she wonā€™t show the toes.

I donā€™t believe her, do you?

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Well. Again. Youā€™re wrong.

I have been including the hundreds of people I have seen over the last seven years on these forums experiences.

I will now dismiss them as itā€™s become too complicated for you.

I will water it down to one experience.


Itā€™s not the ā€œMandela effectā€ (look it up, youā€™re not even using the term correctly)

Mandela is about memory. Iā€™m talking present tense, the day it happens, no need for recall.

When Death Knights 1st came out I played 95% of my games as the Frost Dk. (no, I donā€™t have a chart for you, it was most of my games, ok?)

I would see the same 3 opponents, constantly.

If I switched from DK to do a quest, I would see new classes as my opponents.

It was as plain as day, nothing to do with Nelson Mandela.

Donā€™t tell me what I saw.


Which is where the mandela effect comes inā€¦

Because you canā€™t bring a deck tracker so we donā€™t have to just take your word for it? Because basic evidence is beyond your grasp?

This is utterly moronic, mate. Utter rubbish that you refuse to accept that you canā€™t just make claims without proof. Especially when youā€™re making them anonymously on the internet.

I didnā€™t.

I asked you to make it so we could see it, too.

Because I think youā€™re absolutely stuck to it now that youā€™ve been such an donkey about it and if you have even the hint of evidence to back your claims you would have been rubbing everyoneā€™s nose in it every chance you could.

Madela is about group failures related to memories of what you saw. Events that never happen join the collective memory, like your rigging that isnā€™t actually a thing is suddenly what people claim every time they lose.

Itā€™s clear to me that you are not a serious person, you have major issues in your life, and serious intellectual consideration is above your powers.

I will gladly add you to the troll farm full of ignored people.

Cheers, mate!

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Iā€™ve read the story too! So it must be true!


Still not the Mandela effect just becuase you say it is.

If my experience happens TODAY, itā€™s not the Mandela effect.

If I remember that I got bit by a dog at my grandmas house 20 years ago, and she still lives in that house and I still know the addressā€¦ just because itā€™s memory related, itā€™s not the Mandela effect.

Go do some research before you use big words.

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The more people that post lies about rigged games, the more people will believe the game is rigged because they read it on the forums.

Itā€™s a circle, and itā€™s all the proof they can muster, but we have problems for not trusting them on faith.



Yes? You called for me?


Agreed. Iā€™ve also played a lot and see those obvious patternsā€¦ Like today no matter what or how well I play my opponent always counters me in every wayā€¦ Iā€™m at around 500 Legedend so Iā€™m just saying that I know how to play. Iā€™ve been playing since Betaā€¦ Iā€™ve tried playing with both my decks and top tier / net / streamer decksā€¦ Same resultsā€¦ Itā€™s actually getting too obviousā€¦ To the point where when I chose next deck I think to myself ā€œjust not match me with this 1 counter class/deckā€ and there we go Iā€™m matched against my 1 strong counter right the first gameā€¦ When I havenā€™t seen this deck all day longā€¦ Pure bs game if you ask meā€¦

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Can anyone name a high ranked player/streamer that thinks the game is rigged by any chance? Just wondering.

If a high ranked player thinks the game is rigged, wouldnā€™t that suggest they donā€™t think they have real skill and that they are at the top solely because of a rigged system?

In a rigged system, we should expect to see people at the top and the people at the bottom of ranked equally complaining about it being rigged, no?

In a non-rigged system, we would expect to see very few people at the top claiming itā€™s rigged and a disproportionate number of people at the bottom claiming itā€™s rigged.

Guess which one we see.

Zeddy consistently hits legend in all game modes every season and he thinks itā€™s pretty heavily rigged against him.

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From watching Zeddy, I always assumed he was being sarcastic. He always says weird things like that. For example, in pack opening he gets bad luck he says itā€™s because he bad mouths Blizzard and if he gets good luck he says itā€™s because they are supporting his stream. Heā€™s genuinely being sarcastic to be funny.

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Kris o Five does, here is a video from a few years ago: