I am deep into the bottle. I may be trying to say suppressed? I don’t even know. You are my favorite person on these forums. I mean that. I won’t say more because I don’t want to state crap I don’t mean due to my state or lack thereof. We have demons. Those demons must be dealt with. They never go away.
It’s been 20 years since I took DE. So forgive the mistake.
I think there’s a degree of truth to that.
On the one hand, I’ve found a lot of truth in the idea of a ten year sober man introducing himself as an alcoholic at meetings. I would definitely agree that there’s a susceptibility within myself that is more likely than not hardcoded into my neurology, and that this vulnerability demands constant vigilance against potential relapse.
On the other hand, I think it’s important to separate vulnerability to a kind of mental illness from unacceptable behavior. While I can understand someone being vulnerable to alcoholism, I can’t accept someone abusing alcohol. One is about a mental state, the other is about physical behavior; one is how I think, the other is what I do.
I think the biggest problem people have with behavior is identity mismanagement. That is, bad behavior becomes identity affirming behavior. When that ten years sober guy says that he’s an alcoholic, he is not saying that his identity is someone who behaved badly this week; he is accepting the identity of vulnerability to certain thoughts. It’s actually his contempt and disgust for the former identity that gives him the power to stay clean. I think the Dark Side gets a bad rap here; sometimes hatred is the way.
Especially if we’ve never changed our identity before, recognizing that our identity-affirminfmg behavior is wrong can be very difficult psychologically. It is quite literally a mental attack on the self by another part of the self, an internal conflict. But the peaceful resolution of that conflict is for the old identity to be killed, and a new identity to rise in its place. I’m a big fan of the mythological phoenix. It’s kinda my spirit animal, if I have such a thing. To me it represents a kind of Hegelian synthesis of the false dichotomy of self-affirmation and suicide. Christians often talk of being “born again” by being dunked in water, but to me it means becoming the judge who stands over the former self and finds them guilty, and who has the courage to be merciless. It can hurt, but that’s why the phoenix is on fire.
There’s a bit of yin and yang to this. I don’t mean to imply that being “born again” means you’re immune to going back to the way you were. But I am saying that if you’re bad, repressing that part of yourself is good. It might be literally the hardest thing you’ve ever done at first, but once you know that you will continue to exist afterwards, actually not just exist but be better for it, it gets easier.
I had an interesting conversation with an old colleague, who asked if I believe in Heaven and Hell. When I said no, he asked me if I would cheat on my girlfriend, to which I also said no. He then asked me why not if there was no punishment for doing so awaiting me in the afterlife. Yes, some people literally don’t commit horrible acts because and only because they fear eternal damnation.
You realize that we are considered probably the “biggest” bad guys on these forums right?
Just curious if you recognize that or accept that?
Jesse says to accept who you are. Be yourself.
I say forget accepting who you are. Be better than yourself.
If people who swear at you for your self-affirmation are the “bad guys,” then so be it.
Someone asked me a similar question once. My reply was “Let’s suppose that God and Heaven and Hell all exist, God is good, but if you do good things you go to Hell and if you do bad things you go to Heaven. If I knew all this to be the absolute truth, I’d try my hardest to go to Hell.”
My grandfathers originally met each other at AA. Imagine that.
I personally don’t have that problem, but I have seen what it can do.
Or rather I have not seen it. Because substance abuse was involved in the deaths of my father and stepfather. So I didn’t see them much.
We would like to continue seeing you around. Be selfish and think about your future self. Eating some Korean or Texan BBQ (whichever you prefer) in your old age.
I am happy for your self improvement.
I will just put it this way. Low trust societies perform poorly when compared to high trust societies.
This isn’t quite true. Horatio (oh Horatio) actually wrote down every game he ever played, the deck order and class matchups. And he used it, not to do any of this meaningless “data analysis” all the nerds with no life experience talk about, he used his pen and paper by hand techniques. Rumour has it he used his own blood to ink parchment formed from the ground down dust of his ancestors. But personally I thought that was just a rumour.
Anyway he did all this and from it he devised (amongst other wisdom), a way to predict things like… what card would be dealt next, and which matchup would be next. He basically reverse engineered the Algorithm™ with a paper, a pen, some blood, and let’s not forget great great grandma’s left femur. And then he took this knowledge to the streets where he found a multitude of people who just love gambling over weird mobile games they knew nothing about.
Then he’d get them to bet on things like what card came up next. And what matchup came up next. And he did this for many years until he became so rich it wasn’t even economically viable for him to show his workings out or winnings, or anything but disdain really, for the fools who doubted him.
He shared this on the forums, but declined to post his Codex of Ultimate Wisdom, because it was too much effort and for what? The key is though, and this is how you know he was genuine, the key is that if you were willing to go to Prague he’d show you his Codex without even charging you for his time. Oh! imagine the things you could achieve!
So please when you say these thoughtless things, about no people ever showing evidence, please remember there are people like Horatio who have tried this much … sorry let me try again … this much. Hmm it’s not working. Well just imagine a really small number that’s bigger than zero and less than 1 and almost every other number below 1. And he’s tried that much.
Red flag red flag red flag.
You know there’s just some ppl you don’t want to meet on the internet.
General statement: Plane trips are generally safe.
Counter example: MH370 left its designated course and disappeared under the waves of the southern indian ocean.
Are plane trips still generally safe, or is your argument similar to that an imbecile might make?
Is that your alt account? I could come to these forums and say a lot of things, too. I’ve made it to Legend every month since the rank system was introduced, for example. It doesn’t mean it’s true, though. However, if I were to post pictures of my accomplishments or some form of proof, well, then that’s it.
Same goes for the crackpot conspiracy theorists. At this point, I’d love to see some proof for everything said by these people, but you don’t provide it and I will continue not to believe you and think of y’all as nothing more than an annoyance in these forums until otherwise.
I’d remind you this is a public forum, as well, and as long as I abide by the rules, I can say what I want just as much as crazy people can come here and scream “It’s rigged!” without proof, which if you were trying to do or show there is some here, I still don’t see it.
Who are you asking? But no.
Every word of that story was posted here by someone who swore rigging was happening and he had the mental prowess (and pencil) to prove it.
As time went on his tale evolved and took on more and more and more detail, until finally we have the legend of Horatio.
@Cestea I think that post was satire my dude.
Indeed, but factual!
The point is there is no bottom to this pond. When you think you’ve seen the least intellectual argument possible, there’s always a Horatio willing to invent fantastic tales to “prove you wrong”
I’d believe it if it wasn’t for the fact that when you look at matchups by deck type, the matchups are very similar. Whereas if what you are saying is true, those matchups would be very different.
This is the best thing I’ve seen in these forums in months.
Lol. Awesome.
Is this all made up or did some fool actually post some of that stuff?
Holy crap!
No that legitimately unfolded over a series of increasingly desperate posts.
Yep, including their strange experiences regarding deck building and opponents they face.
I’m not denying math and statistics. I understand the 100 thousand reports a week can’t be discounted.
But are those 100 thousand matches illustrating deck composition and individual cards? Im asking, I really don’t know.
Because if the pool of decks are only being measure by win rated and mulligans etc then they aren’t measuring what we are even talking about.
Can your precious formulas and web sites measure the following?
I packed my deck with anti control tools and saw nothing but aggro for 20 matches.
I then switched to anti aggro and faced nothing but control decks.
Don’t tell me to prove it. You know GD well it happens and there have been an exhausting amount of threads on this very forum illustrating that. Your denial of these FACTS, because you can’t plug them into a formula, is frankly your problem, not mine.
Stop making your argument “but math works!” no crap, of course it does. But it all depends on what data you’re plugging into it too.