This game has no class identities anymore

What about the toxfin combination?
Shaman has had excellent board wipe in the past.
Remember I play wild, and so I have seen every class be given practically everything.

I wouldn’t mind seeing shaman be given some armor, within limits.
The main thing I see is that shaman was designed as the overload class.
Early fast minions that get buffed quickly with nature spells, for a price later. For me, Shaman was always the swarm class.
Now overload is barely a handicap at all, and the early board advantage for Shaman from using overload isn’t really that good either.

the tittle feels like something you would find on overwatch forums not HS


On the whole, you do make good counter arguments, but you’re digging deep here, imo.

You know very well what the title/argument insinuates, so stop trying so hard to create discord. If you’re not, that’s all it is.

Yes, it should be more class “identity”, but you know this.

I will edit the header.
I doubt it will matter.
I could claim the sun rose and he would take issue with it.
Mind you; the man complains about trolling incessantly, but here he is.
Sidebar and derail are the only things he engages in here.

he made stuff up to complain …mage divine shield cards dont exist!! and the last time mage heal …was frost lich jaina!

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Perhaps you forget that I play in Wild, where such things are more than possible via discover.
I don’t think they should be, but there you are.
I didn’t make anything up. You complain every time I make any thread, and I can prove that.

What do mechs have to do with mages?
Lol, ever heard about Dalaran? If I were to pick only one class to put mechs in, it would be mage

Class roles still exists and you are complaining. The title of the thread is “This game has no class identities anymore”, I don’t see how that’s not complaining. Even if you are right, which you are not, you are still complaining

Yes. It’s all about splitting hairs, rather than addressing the actual matter, which you seem willing to concede may in fact be true.
But hey, you win the keyboard wars, so discussion of whether or not class identities should be more important than they currently are is meaningless, right?
Another useless sidebar that does nothing but attempt to derail the conversation.
And players have the gall to call others trolls.

mechs dont belong anywhere cept in BGs. banish them

lol. I think mechs have their place.
They have been in pally decks forever, and that is where they need to stay, (in my opinion,
with classes that actually use engineering. No respectable mage in Wow chooses engineering as a profession.
Mages should be running elementals.
And they are coming back, I suppose.
Here’s hoping they are viable.

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I already said mechs belong in mage
Divine shield: makes sense in mechs, mechs belong in mage therefore divine shield makes sense.
Healing: the game is getting faster and faster with minions having better stats with each new expansion I think every class should have some healing to deal with it since blizzard will not touch hp for heroes.
I’m not trolling you, just don’t agree with you. Just because you have some class identities in mind doesn’t mean everyone has to agree with you, I don’t agree on the above mentioned things.
I do agree that too many classes do too many things, but the game has like 9 years now. Maybe some other company would have done things better to keep the identity of the classes contained, but HS is still the most popular card game so they are not doing that poorly.
Also what I said doesn’t have to be true just because I said it, just my opinion. Everyone is entitled to one and to free speech.

And that’s cool. I appreciate the counterpoint.


I really feel like the game should not be connected to Wow anymore if this is what passes these days.
Like I said, and just as an example:
No mage in wow that plays for real would choose engineering as a profession.
Maybe an AH hound or something.
I have disliked mechs in mage since GVG.
They have almost nothing to do with the class, and mages running minion flood decks makes no sense to me.
Ditto the armor skeletons, as DR minions really have nothing to do with mage.
To me, Mages run only a few, really sticky minions that must be removed before they become a problem.
And they augment those with arcane,frost, and fire spells.
They have limited armor and almost no heals, as they have the best direct damage in the game.

i like the skeleton resurrection… it was fun lol. i suppose mage casting shields has some sort of logic… but yeah. annoying tron no belong … just me.

I think alot of players liked it. I didn’t play it at all.
To me, it plays like a warlock deck way more than a mage.
Even warlock isn’t quite right as armor has no place in lock, given their HP.

yea not the armor… my laziness liked the dying and multiple resurrections// … ihave a thing for skeletons and piranhas lol

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Lol. Well; maybe I’m alone here.
Like even Devolving Missiles, (which I use every day in Wild.)
The spell has nothing to do with mage and everything to do with shaman.

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evolving isn’t really a WoW canon thing to shaman either
as far as I know at least
just kind of a hearthstone thing

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Though mech mage is one of the oldest decks in Hearthstone history. Mallenroh debunked.

Polymorph is literally a devolve effect…come again.


Polymorph exists in Wow. Show me where mages have devolve as a spell.

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Why are you even bothering with him.

Mage profile pic, and he went ahead to call Polymorph a devolve effect and not a transform effect, the guy is just clueless.

Transform effect → Known Outcome
Devolve effect → Unknown Outcome

Devolving Missiles = Devolve effect
Polymorph ≠ Devolve effect

“yUsUkE DeBuNkEd”

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