This game has no class identities anymore

Mechs have nothing to do with mage.
Neither does Divine Shield.
Same with healing.

Team 5 has printed so many cards that have no place in the classes they crammed them in, that this game is now no more than an exercise in senselessness.

I play mage exclusively, and even I cannot justify the garbage Team 5 has seen fit to print.

Class Identities need to come back.
There is no point in playing a game that has no rules.


It’s pretty funny how hunter has become a premier card drawing and tutor class. They just can’t help but giving them “conditional” card draw.


Hunter healing/otking and Priest being one of the kost agressive decks in the game sort of prove this point.


what divine shield synergy are they releasing for mage ? must be a card i havent heard about

mechs on mage is something i remember from GVG

and healing ? is this about frost lich jaina ?is the only card i can remember you can use to heal your hero

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to add to that list windfury has nothing todo with paladin either!

aggro deck with a boardclear that double taps against sticky minions also goes face lol

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Shadow Priest is an entire dps spec in WoW. Dunno why you think a shadow priest wouldnt see parallels to its WoW roots.

I agree with both of you.
I can only speak for me, but not having class roles defeats the whole purpose of the game imo.
Another thing that drives me batty is summoned cards that still have effects.
It is one thing to have a spell or battlecry repeated say, via parrot?
It is another to have cards repeatedly summoned, or resurrected, and have their effects work as though they were played from hand.
They weren’t. I think resurrections and summoned card effects should be limited to say, Deathrattles, or other cards that must be activated in order to work.
I’m sick of cards that endlessly auto play.

Shadow Priest in this game is a direct rip off of original burn/tempo mage, which was deemed too good and killed.
I should know. It was my favorite deck.

“hybrid dps” so if we continue the wow parallel were traditionally intentionally sabotaged to perform worse than pure dps counterparts

(all the way up until wotlk afaik where they were still designing them to be a little behind like 10%)

Talk smack about spriest in classic all you want. But in TBC? Having an spriest in your spell casting party was the BEST. I legit want to go back and play a private server TBC just to maybe get a dose of the addictive crack that was spriest.

I want to talk about that spec all day actually.


It really doesn’t, which is why it’s also a shaman card

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I am not saying it was bad, just that it was designed to perform worse than a pure dps class, also I played with my bff though the first several expansions as warlock they were spriest

they hated that I never needed mana and they had to carry around stacks and drink all the time xD

I recall them having to spec wands and buy one of the few rare shadow wands to get mana back, I recall they sent me to tauren mill to get water and I got the wrong lower level type haha

have loads of fun memories about our shadow duo


Paladins had seal of command.

From like classic up to WotlK it did similar thing to shaman’s windfury: giving their attacks a chance to make extra swings.

It was inferior than shaman’s for various reasons, and pally as a class was considered more defensive oriented vs shaman being the more offensive hybrid. So it’s not something most would associate with paladin.

By the time they decided that hybrids deserve to fill main role slots as well as pure classes, they redesigned the skill along with a lot of other pally stuff.

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Its all straying from the original point: classes today are still pretty accurate to what they should be.

the point you were responding to said that shadow priest (on hs ) was one of the better aggro decks, I would argue paladin and shaman are two others which are all hybrid classes, the only point I was making is in wow hybrids were originally designed to be bad in wow !

hs is not wow so it’s whatever

I disagree, but convince me why you think so?

They’re just making Hearthstone the same pile of crap that WoW became with the release of Cataclysm. Bland and boring with less differences between classes.

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The game just needs to slow down. This would solve most problems that people have with today’s Hearthstone.


Maybe bad in the sense that they under performed in some specific areas, but being versatile and heavy in utility meant you really wanted to have one on your team. Like, they were bad at everything, but they did things nobody else did.

Shadow Priest in TBC was effectively an MP steroid for your group. Elemental Shamans and Boomkins were good DPS, but fell behind due to MP problems. At the last 20% of a fight both specs would run out of MP.
BUT NOT WITH A SHADOW PRIEST IN YOUR GROUP. Sticking a Shadow Priest in a group meant that group had unlimited MP. Warlocks would not need to life tap, boomkins would could use their innervate on others, and nobody needed to spend gold on MP Pots. If you move them around and stick them in a group with healers, they could spam higher rank heals on the Raid and never have to worry!

You disagree because some classes have strayed from their design. Both Warlock and Mage (the latter being your primary point of topic) are in the pool of “what the hell are they doing with this class?” Your point is about to go out the window in this coming expansion: Mage is going to have options in Mech, Elemental, and Spell Schools.

Warlock is one that I just made a topic about last night: what even is warlock’s class identity even in the next expansion?

Oh stop. The mini set in FoL just made the average game go from ending on turn 5 to turn 10. That is slower. How slow do you want it?

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If hs tries to include all roles from wow, it where it gets too complex and even harder to design and balance. They should stick to a few core identities for each class and stick to it.

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What does mech have to do with mage?
Nothing. I know all about the gadgetzan storyline.
I think it’s the dumbest cop out ever.
In my estimation?
Team 5 has printed too many classes, and they have no design space left at all, so they are rotating effects that have nothing to do with classes as they were created, because it is impossible to give each class a distinct playstyle now.
There are three basic playstyles: Aggro/ Control /Midrange.
Anything else is one of those three, no matter what else it is.
There are eleven classes.
Three into eleven. Even I know that math does not work.