This game has no class identities anymore

Is this really necessary? I can discuss the topic without acting like a child.
Can you?

Edit: I honestly don’t think you can. #ignored

I dont care. You dont have the fortitude to ignore me, you have proven that time and time again. Why you think I need to know that you’re “ignoring” me is beyond me. Especially when I know you arent.

Let me predict the future - you will now respond to another poster while “ignoring” this post.

Once again, my lack of HSR Premium keeps me from the good data. However, based on the facts I can discern…

  • Checking Hound Hunter, Blood DK, Pure Paladin and Enrage Warrior gives average game lengths of 9.0, 11.5, 8.0 and 8.0 at Bronze-Gold for the most popular decklists
  • Average game length tends to go down as rank increases

…I am willing to bet that chia’s claim is an exaggeration. Average game length is probably closer to 8.5 in lower ranks and I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s below 8 in top Legend. Of course, it wasn’t 5 before. It’s essentially impossible for me to pull old meta data even with a subscription, but I guarantee FoL shifted the average game length less than one full turn.

For reference, back in United in Stormwind — considered by many to be frustratingly fast — I did a thorough breakdown of average game length. Back then, top 1000 Legend was 7.36 turns and Diamond 4-1 was 7.66. I really don’t think the current meta is far off from that; it might be slightly slower, but just slightly.

I think it is fair to say that the rise of Hound Hunter slowed down the meta generally. But let’s not exaggerate that impact.

I like decks that can go to fatigue.

You know me so well already. I always operate on at least a small level of hyperbole. Always makes people react by going “okay thats at least a little bit wrong”.

So; elementals are coming back, and I see that as a positive.
The Wyrm/ Water ele old school deck was a favorite of mine.
Hope the new deck tempos like that one.

Well, he’s an adult, but the kind of adult he acts like is like Simpsons Comic Book Guy, who’s… technically an adult yeah.

#ignored is his “you’re all banned”

And he’s always telling us how the game is the worst. game. EVER.

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Careful now, making a Simpsons reference is a «personal attack.» At least yours might not be interpreted as «ageism.»

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i still dont understand the OP what was he talking about when he complains about mage getting healing and divine shield ?

does anyone know ?

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He’s upset about the recently released cards Argent Squire and Earthen Ring Farseer.

If Blizzard can’t occasionally change the flavor, or offer classes new archetypes, what’s the point of printing new sets and having an annual rotation? We hardly need new sets if every class is locked into exactly one or two archetypes or styles of play. There’s not much design space, if that’s the case.

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And, if they really want to do that, print dual class cards…

I think Warriors should be the best armor and weapons in the game, as opposed to a pirate face deck.
I think that Druids should be the mana ramp class, with larger minions than other classes early.
I think that Hunter should be the face deck that risks losing to board.
The Devs have created too many classes, and too much power creep, and so they are forced to give everything to every class in order to compensate.

During a mech expansion you would, wouldn’t you? Lol

C’mon, now. Mallen makes a solid point. Plus, he’s primarily Mage, which we all know you know, so he brought up the example as Mage.

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what valid point

he said mage got has healing and divine shield !!!

Have you noticed that some players take issue with other players others no matter what the topic is?

You’re right

In his comment, he did say that. However, his TITLE is the topic, no?

Which he supported with his point of Mage. Is it strong? -shrug- But the argument still stands.

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The only issues I have are conspiracy theories and cherry picking comments to sew discord. So, yes, I do notice that when I see it.

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Thank you, Cestea. I don’t know how you feel, but I don’t think I am wrong at all in claiming that Classes used to have much more clear roles.
Mage only ever had a maximum sixteen armor available and no healing.
That is as it should be to my mind.
Muddying classes with effects that traditionally belong to others annoys me, as this used to be a game of far more clear strengths and weaknesses.
Precisely why players are drawn to individual classes.
The modern game makes all that moot.
The original game followed Wow in that DPS classes were just that .
Tank classes were just that.
Now every class does everything.
It makes zero sense in terms of a strategy game.
It just feels like nothing but a draw contest.

I keep seeing you say this, and I don’t really follow the complaint. I can list off a large amount of examples of classes not being able to do a myriad of things without neutral support.

Shaman will always be my poster child for “well shaman can’t do that”.
Where’s shaman’s board wipe? And don’t point at primordial wave, that doesn’t even reduce the number of enemy minions.
Where’s shaman’s armor gain on a class originally designed around equipping a shield and “off tanking”?