This game has no class identities anymore

Sadly that you can’t discuss without using ad hominem attacks.

You also made some errors in your logic. Devolve effects are transform effects like Polymorph. Just because it isn’t static like Polymorph doesn’t mean it isn’t a transform effect. A bit more random than Polymorph, but a) both transform minions and b) down-grade a minion to a lower minion.

Wrong as explained. Both cards transform a target to a lower-rated minion means Polymorph → Devolve effect.

Maybe next time think a bit more before ad hominem other players and use actual arguments.

If you mean with devolve a mass transform effect to downgrade minions then Mass Polymorph is basically devolve, just not random, but still a downgrade.

The only difference between this two transformations is how the transformation is performed, the one is static and the one is not, but they are in fact downgraded transformations.

You are taking the words at face value. There is a literal card in the game called “Devolve” which signifies to a Hearthstone player what a “Devolve” type of effect is.

Devolve → Transform with a RANDOM outcome

While in real life, you could claim that a Devolve effect would be a Transform effect and vice versa, in Hearthstone terms there are clear differences between the two which makes:

Devolve ≠ Transform effect
Polymorph ≠ Devolve effect

In Hearthstone terms, it always is:

Transform → Expected Outcome
Devolve → Random Outcome

See how you used the word “basically” unconsciously. Even your brain understands that when it comes to Hearthstone, there is a clear difference between Devolve and Transform, and therefore … are not the same.

What are you talking about? There is no difference, except HOW polymorph and devolve performs. Both are transform effects, period.

No matter, if it is devolve, polymorph, hex, evolve and whatsoever all this cards are transformations with the difference that evolve isn’t a downgraded (devolve) transformation, but an upgraded transformation. Plain and simple.

To be fair devs seen to be coming slowly with new identities.

Not based on weaknesses or strong points but based on unique mechanics.

Let’s see if this time they stick to it for atleast 2/3 years.

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That’s Hearthstone though. Devolve does not exist as a spell in Wow. Polymorph does, and always has.
Also? Polymorph already exists in Hearthstone, so your comparison is not analogous.
Devolving Missiles was made up by HS devs.
It’s a great spell, but it doesn’t have anything to do with mage as Wow has ever known.

Hasn’t it been a couple years though and these threads still go on? I still remember these from the sw days. If you don’t like a game, there could always be others to try.

Sure mage is both plentiful yet limiting but lots of games have magical powers, rdr2 is a great cowboy game, Ps5 has lots of power for 400$ rn and games like dishonored 1 and 2 might be more murdery but fun. A new game goes free on epicgames every week, and i think Jedi force unleashed is a prime special if you have it.

Sure its not dark souls or skyrim magic. But i could imagine you could try modding it.

Lots of games have magic, but im not sure if i remember if you liked quest mage or hp mage or big spell mage or not.

Hearthstone is just a game. Not much deeper. You should just aim to enjoy yourself and have fun. If it’s not. A break is fine or entering dust collection mode.

I’m not sure what you are talking about.
I have fun now (at least until Blizzard messes with wild.)
I do tend to talk about the same subjects, you are right there.
I chalk that up to nothing ever improving.
Every year this game gets further and further away from what I was taught when I started.
It used to be rock paper scissors.
Now it’s a draw contest and nothing else.
There is no strategy. Almost every match is determined by turn three, unless your opponent makes a mistake.
I see nothing wrong with discussing the why of that, and wishing that Team 5 would get over their couch lock and do something to restore the depth of the game.
Class identities being destroyed are a big part of the why, imho.

10000 tangents off