This game has no class identities anymore

Congrats on your victim complex. Imagine being so self-centered that you assume any description or reference is a personal attack.

Sure of course they should print same cards for classes every expansion. So everyone will just get bored and quite. Lol so dumb.

Or you could just skip over thread instead of jumping on and trolling peope.

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You clearly called him an old man. But no worries im sure it will get flagged, since this forum is so intolerant of discrimination.

Heres a news flash, choices have consequences. You cant have everything you want all the time.

So? Mall refers to himself as an old man all the time.

It’s a Simpsons meme. Whether or not somebody is an old person IRL has nothing to do with it. I’m not responsible for other adults’ feelings - if you’re that poorly adjusted, you probably shouldn’t be on the internet.

Hunter be looking at mage books and say. FIREBALL!

Because it was a personal attack. Now hush.

Context and intent are everything.

If you lack social interaction skills maybe you shouldn’t be on the internet. Or maybe take responsibility for the trash you speak to others.

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Just ignore like I have. We can discuss the topic and forget trolls like that exist.

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The opening post is not about roles. It is about themes, which it fails to distinguish from roles.

For example, the role of the card Blizzard is to be a control card. It is generally played in control decks, “control” being one of very few CCG roles. It is a small board clear, with a 1 turn delay for minions that don’t get cleared stapled onto it. That’s the role of the Blizzard spell.

The theme of Blizzard is ice magic. It utilizes and ice themed keyword, Freeze. It has hail or something in the artwork. That’s the theme.

You could easily have a card be exactly the same mechanically, fulfilling the same role, but with a different theme. For example, Earthquake could be a 6 mana Nature spell that deals 2 damage to all enemy minions and Stuns them, where Stun is just Freeze by another name with a different theme.

Note that PvE MMORPG roles simply do not translate to CCGs at all. There are no tanks, no DPSers, no healers. They’re different genres and the roles simply do not translate. It is only the themes of those tanks and DPSers and healers that can possibly translate over.

As far as roles go, there was not a single point in Hearthstone’s history where roles were clearly separated by class. I mean, okay, early on there weren’t exactly a lot of aggro Priests or control Hunters, so there was a little bit of separation. It’s not as if all classes had perfect equality in how well they could fill roles. But generally speaking there was aggro Warlock and control Warlock and you didn’t necessarily have a clue what role your opponent was during the mulligan phase. The design went out of its way to embrace role diversity within each class.

What has changed over time is more classes got access to Armor, Freeze, Divine Shield and other themes. All that is though is fluff. Flavor. And I guess that might matter to someone with hardcore WoW nostalgia who wants the themes of Hearthstone to religiously adhere to the themes of WoW. But I didn’t play WoW so I don’t really care.

I wonder how Mal views neutral cards then.

I miss the days when Mage was squishy, and hit like a hammer.
When Warriors were incredibly tough, and you had to protect from their weapons.
When Warlocks owned the zoo.
When Hunters went pure face, at the risk of running out of cards, or having the board beat them down.

Why not ask me directly instead of phrasing your question as though this isn’t my thread, or I have left the conversation?

Tumblr and Twitter are that way ——>

Amen. Lamest keyword ever.

I guess. Maybe… I am a jerk. I know I am. I wouldnt be upset with someone calling me a jerk IRL, let alone on the interwebs, because its simply a fact. Regardless of context or intent, I am a jerk.

To each their own.

On-topic: Classes in HS never had clearly defined roles, its not an RPG in which you require tanks/heals/supports/dps.

Its a card game in a 1v1 environment. Class roles have never existed in HS, because there is no need for them to exist!

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I disagree with this. Mage was pretty much Tempo/burn or
Control/freeze for a long time.
As far as I am concerned those days should come back.

The return of elementals is an improvement.

Those are archetypes, NOT roles.

Too bad, so sad.

The whole purpose of standard is to shake things up, that means you wont be able to play your Tempo Mage (Mech is looking Tempo, BTW) deck forever.

You, at least, still have wild in which Secret Mage (Also aggro/tempo) is not going anywhere in a hurry…

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Maybe turn 10 but then you get hit by 3-4 astalors, 40 damage king krush or the 56/56 stats demon hunter has laying around on board while holding…yeah, astalor. Or totem shaman who has just 4 crappy minions on board but guess what, bloodlust is still there so you have to clear EVERYTHING past turn 5 or you get murdered.

But wait, mage is also fun. You also have to clear all their crappees. But oh no you get murdered by aegwyn and frozen touches. Oh youre alive? Aegwyn silenced? How about 48 damage from kel thuzad because you were dumb enough to kill the skellies that were otherwise murdering you anyway?

Unholy dk. Marrowgar. Grave strenght. See shaman.

Paladin. Aggro deck that can also casually murder you with the windfury weapon that they shouldnt have access to. No biggie, they jusy swing for 28. From hand. Hope you didnt leave ANY board up. Ever. Never mind, they can get 0 mana alakir and do it that way.

Its play patterns that lead to these kind of nongames we need to get away from. Remember denathrius? Millions of tokens you needed to clear but oh, then you take 56 damage from denathrius.

Thaddius decks. The undead behemoth. Jailer. The list goes on and on. Yeah you might get to turn 10. Delaying the inevitable crapshow.