This anomaly crap has no place in standard

I’m reading about these anomalies and having a hard time wrapping my head around how they work? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Yes, people discuss things they do not agree with.

This is part of being a rational being i guess. Try what you do here IRL instead and see the results for yourself.

They tell why they not agree with, they stop to hear other people rather than try make others shut up by any means necessary , sometimes they end in a midterm solution…

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You say that like people weren’t already defending the idea on day one to present, definitely before playing enough games to have any kind of valid defense for them, as evidenced by the fact nearly none of the people here can truly articulate a true defense for their addition to the game, even when asked point blank.

Contrast that with the numerous posts outlining the very “valid criticisms” you claimed aren’t there.

Enjoying controversy for its own sake leads to the kind of posts done by a number of the pro anomaly crowd here.

And if they complained on day two, or a week from now the quote would read “YOU WAITED UNTIL NOW TO POST THIS?”!

This is just plain dishonesty at this point from anyone posting this. It’s not a week. It’s until patch 28.0 which is the next expansion.

I’m not your buddy, and your side came in and started throwing the insults as I proved with the quote above. Nice try with the deflection.

the original goalpost was

to which I asked you to provide seven examples from here where you discussed the merits of positions you disagreed with. Which you failed to do.

And from the author of:

I noted several examples from your side of these rude answers (interesting how you haven’t once leveled that “be better” at anyone on your side), which you have whitewashed and made excuses for this entire discussion.

I like the randomness of them and the intellectual challenge of having to react to the anomaly.

How does it affect my starting hand? If it’s the one that reduces the cost of cards in your hand, I want them to be low cards in my mulligan so they can potentially be zero (for example).

I’m not gonna list all of the anomalies and how they make me feel.

Each Anomaly requires you to use your brain, which , a lot of people don’t like doing. Which is par for the course in todays lazy snowflake society.

Also. It makes it fun.

Your 1st problem is you shouldn’t be trying to literally wrap your head around things! That could hurt!

As in, trying to mulligan accordingly to get a discount on your starting hand. Or mulligan for minions to get some pressure through the +1 Health anomaly?

This doesn’t seem intellectual to me but standard. If this is what ‘using your brain’ means, then i get why people call Hearthstone a children’s card game.

Every time i see an Anomaly it literally takes one second to think how to utilize it. It’s not intellectual at all.

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But it seems to bother you SO MUCH :slight_smile:

While I agree with you that nothing about them is skill testing or intellectual, others here, despite their own delusions, aren’t very bright. For those people, basic facts seem like rocket surgery.

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‘At the end of each player’s turns, give a random one of their minions +1 Health’

Let me mulligan for minions = Intellectual


Dude, you are clearly not smart. Or you’re so emotional that you’re not reading what I wrote. Calm down, it’s not that serious.

I gave 1 example, of one anomaly (you can comprehend this by looking at the end where I said (FOR EXAMPLE)

Of course, you then change the example to make it APPEAR like I said something stupid.

Of course the anomaly that adds 1 health to your minions doesn’t affect your mulligan.

But you go on being angry and trying to sound smart because you’re miserable and don’t like it when other people are having fun.

You do you.

You sound pressed.

Nothing funnier than people getting insecure about their intelligence.

Talk about an embarrassing outburst when we are just having a conversation. How about you take your own advise.


You’re a magnificent gaslighter.

Still triggered by a game feature?

I don’t have a side, buddy. I speak for myself and only myself.

I usually don’t, and it hasn’t had positive results! :joy:

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BTW I’m actually inclined to agree with the OP here.

I’ve long defended the idea that you not liking a particular deck archetype is NOT a valid reason for it to be removed. This is because if your opponent is running that deck, then presumably they enjoy the mechanics of that deck, and your fun is not more important than their fun.

But anomalies aren’t chosen. By anyone. With a deck archetype I can at least point to one player in the match and say “it’s fun for them.” Not necessarily the case with anomalies.

I think anomalies are a fixable mechanic. For example, let’s say that the player going first was offered three random anomalies and would ban one, then the other player got to choose one of the remaining two to be applied to the game. That’d have a choice element to that; I think that’d be a fun mechanic that could have a place in Standard. CCGs should be about player agency within a context of randomness. They shouldn’t be about just pure raw randomness.

While not necessarily a destructive mechanic, either way you frame it (and I like your idea), it’s additional and needless randomness on top of the immense randomness we’ve already had in standard (which many players already dislike). My preference is for ranked standard’s structure to remain as it was.

And yes, my fun is always more important than my opponent’s, thank you.

So your logic boils it down to
“Each Anomaly requires you to use your brain, which , a lot of people don’t like doing. Which is par for the course in todays lazy snowflake society.”

Easy to recognize the fool here. get down your high horse.

Anomalies dont belong in standard or block play. Period. Some of us have been playing CCG´s and TCG´s for 30 years. Thats what Standard is for the far most part.
This is half a set with anomalies.Close to 2 months all in all ? One week was plenty.
Leave Britney alone…Ehm I mean Leave standard alone.


thumbed up just for this:)

Referring to others as “snowflakes” is a dead giveaway.

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Anomalies killed my desire to play standard. Haven’t played a single game in standard since they were introduced.