This anomaly crap has no place in standard

people are just quick to blame the anomalies for their losses, rather than taking a hard look at their misplays.

Easy scapegoat. I wonder what they will be blaming next, once the anomalies are gone.

You seem to be lacking in genuine empathy and a bit of a @#@#@#@#@ as well.

I’m not losing anything. I am winning at the same rate.

I don’t like or enjoy the addition of anomalies. It’s a preference, which isn’t something that you can argue about.

I know you struggle with the concept, but not everyone agrees with you. There are also people that like them but know other’s don’t who agree that they don’t belong in all modes at once.

The fact that the standard ladder was radically altered with these abominations is the point.

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The “four fingers pointing back at you” if there ever was one. For most of the defense of anomalies in this thread.

A whole lot of, “git gud,” “I’m having fun,” “you must be a bad player,” and so on.

Direct quote where I claimed to, or admit you’re being dishonest.

If posting feedback is an “overreaction”…by this standard, everything posted in defense of anomalies with the vitriol in this thread (and elsewhere) is far, far worse.

What seems so strange is this almost forced defense of anomalies. Some have been too quick to knee jerk defend it without any real substance, rather than taking a hard look at this latest misstep from this dev team and company. I wonder what boneheaded move from this dev team and company they will be defending next, when anomalies are gone.

And then there are people like you who not even try to discuss the merit of anything.

In other words:
We all commit excess here and there sometimes.
What you can’t is try to label people opnion on a card game as unaceptable.

Don’t expect people on the other side of a discussion to go easy on you if you don’t lead by example.
And even then we should be prepared to be better than the eventual rude answers.

I have empathy for matter that merits empathy, losing at a video game is not one of them, come on, grow up.

And it is you seem to struggle with the concept that not everyone sees or likes the thing you do. It is you complaining on the forum over and over game about the game not being exactly as you want it to be.

It is you who want to impose your vision of hearthstone unto us. I merely state the game is what it is, i adapt or i leave for another game, i don’t whine on the forum.

Like i say, grow up.


Tell me you don’t know what empathy is without saying it.

Ironically, you complain about people complaining, which is honestly worse.

Statements like the one above are what children say when they are acting like they are adults, but still live in the basement and don’t eat their veggies.

Maybe you should take your own advice and just scroll on by things that upset you.

Anomalies are a joke, they ruin the game, and they should have never been put into standard ladder.


Tell me you don’t know what complain is without saying it.

Then play another game. Any sane person who doesn’t like any given game simple doesn’t play it, plays or does something else.

It’s not a novel concept. If you don’t like the game, or at least the current meta, don’t play it.

they removed until rework 2 anomalies

the one changing hero power (the one able to shut down decks )

and shuffling copies back into deck( pure paladin couldnt use the coin because it would shuffle a neutral card into deck)

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… except I said it… so you, again, don’t make any sense here.

I am, for sure.

But that doesn’t somehow make it wrong to voice strong opinions about the direction they have taken a game people have been playing for years.

Neither is scrolling past people you disagree with as opposed to acting like they shouldn’t participate in public forums unless they agree with you.


Have you considered, FOR ONCE that other people ARE????

The issue isn’t that anomalies are in the game.

The issue is that they are unavoidable in constructed right now, and that sucks.

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Please go into detail about what you like about Anomalies.

No, ‘they are fun’ answer.


but it is

this a game having fun is a big part of it

What makes them fun then.

I like it when the the core rules of the game are not being overstepped by an external factor. I prefer my choices mattering and all the RNG that i have to deal with only revolves around the cards that are in the game.

And when you mention fun. Anomalies are so insignificant that not once have i gotten excited over seeing an Anomaly in play. I seriously don’t understand what you guys find fun about them.

It’s not always, ‘new therefore fun’.


To be fair, i’m kind of neutral about it. I certainly don’t hate them, but i don’t think they’re the best thing since slice bread either.

And to be honest, I haven’t been much affected by them. I tend to play control warrior these days, so it kinda suck when I lose my hero power, but doesn’t mean I auto lose the game, I just have to adapt.

I understand they’re temporary, 100% this week, and 25% next week, so I don’t fret too much about it.

If anything, they’re interesting, some of them at least. They add a tactical layer on the game. If building a deck and having a grand plan to win the game is strategy, implementing the plan, turn after turn, is the tactical element. And now, I have to think, do I want to spend all my mana now, or float 1 mana to get a coin, and maybe play Odyn one turn earlier. Also, when i get the upgraded hero power, it also change my play since I value more the 2 mana/gain 4 armor, almost as good as a shield block for armor gain.

So shaking up a little bit my play, make me play differently, I guess I kinda like it. Just something different man.

Hear me out here, this is literally my reaction to them also.

Most of the time they are insignificant to the point you don’t even know they exist, but when they are not insignificant and they actually affect one player clearly more than the other, it’s rightfully frustrating.

That comes to my point which is:

If most of the time they are insignificant and when they aren’t are frustrating, then why have them?


So, you discuss the merit of things you disagree with or don’t care for?

I’d like seven examples from the forums here.

“Go easy”…must be code for outright trolling, flaming, and harassment. There’s no fair discussion from a good number of the pro anomaly side. Early on:

the super ironic:

And the oft repeated lie:

when the patch notes clearly state it’s here until the next expac.

And when pressed, no one can provide an actual defense for what is so great about it…in fact, the irony is “more than a little “I’m not that invested in it” from some of the more vocal defenders. Meanwhile, people who have issues with this change can and have articulated the problems with it, and in great detail…both in this thread and in the many others across the forums.

A pattern repeated all too often here, and will most likely happen the next time the company decides to shift focus off of the current state of the game.

You say that like people weren’t already attacking the idea on day one likely before even playing enough games to have any kind of valid criticism on them. I honestly don’t like a lot of them anomalies introduced but overall I’m enjoying the stir up its caused.

My arena runs have been really positive so far because so many players just can’t adapt to the change as fast as others and it shows.

And yea, its an overreaction when people start complaining on the first day many of whom probably played 2-3 games before giving up and coming to complain about it.

You all can survive a week this change. After that you will only experience it in 25% of your games and hopefully some adjustments to some of the anomalies

So wait, was it RADICALLY altered or are you winning at the same rate?

You’re the one who started pointing the fingers, buddy. “ME, I, INDIVIDUALLY, No consideration for others.”