This anomaly crap has no place in standard

Is your decision based on principle, or that you felt anomalies affected your gameplay too negatively?

Your fun clearly isn’t prioritized by Blizzard, though. RNG is the way the game has been going for a while. The entire game is “additional and needless” so more isn’t really going to change much, especially when it was only ever going to be a temporary event in the first place.

There’s randomness, therefore more randomness. That’s solid logic.

That’s not a flex.

It’s a cry for help.

Now, name something you enjoyed doing for an equal length of time as part of a civil discussion and have someone randomly mock you for your hobby you enjoy in your downtime.

That literally adds nothing to the topic: that this anomoly crap has no place in standard.

theres only one way to measure fun and that’s money. And your opinion on the matter doesnt matter to blizzard or anyone else.
You can cry, you can cheer. But the money will decide what sticks around or not or what’s tried.

Lol you mouth breathers are in here still pretending like blizzard cares about you enough to “rob you of fun” or “rig your games” lmao

Unironically posted.

The fact they can’t see this shows why the “restructuring” is going on at HQ right now.

yeah no duh, because its true ya baby lmao. You crying about a thing doesn’t inherently make it bad either.
it just means that it rustled your jimmies.

I mean…you do realize there hasn’t been a dislike button for years, right?

Or does the coc violating trolling the mods ignore just blind you to basic facts like that?

It’s so fun being forced to play with more RNG. Sarcasm. On top if it, you start with Yogg only for it to get stolen from your hand. Yeah…miserable.


Just lost a game entirely due to the anomaly crap.

I’m playing Pali and I get to play against a Mage and it gives us one attack……so now Mage can ping and kill two targets for two mana.

I don’t want 25% of my games ruined from this utter trash. It isn’t fun, I don’t care if I win with anomaly, it’s not fun either. Just get the crap out of the game, nobody wants it and nobody asked for it.

How you ever thought this would encourage people to play the game I have no idea. The talent really has left the building when it comes to Blizzard, it’s really poor.

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You don’t know me. Pointing to my post count as some sort of insult doesn’t bother me. When I play Hearthstone, I read and comment on the forum.

That’s an interesting belief. I suppose we can say that about everyone.

I guess. We’re all narcissistic to varying degrees.

I don’t know why you’re being so hostile?

Choose only one. If we measure fun in dollars then the permanently online matter more than you do.

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If we measure fun in dollars, my fun is probably more important than anyone’s here. :grin:

Edit: For which I am not proud. :neutral_face:

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This anomaly crap has no place in Hearthstone*



“The duality of man.”

: )

I see you are a player of taste, like me.

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Tried a round of Arena, anomalies completely ruined the games.

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-20 charaCters