They're going to nerf Brann & Saddle Up

Once an armchair expert, always an armchair expert.

And no credit for ranking with Tier 1 decks that other people make, tbh.

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Simply because one effective strategy exists for beating it (highly aggressive decks with loads of off board damage) has become the entirety of the not warrior meta.

If the meta warped around 2 decks that went 50:50 against each other, but 60:40 vs everything else, the meta is going to contract to just those 2 decks and they are going to look tier 2 ish.

The elimination of their good matchups from the meta is difficult to quantify, so itā€™s not the best position to take that just because something is currently tier 2 it isnā€™t deserving of nerfs. Shopper DH was also pretty effectively countered at higher ranks by the time it ate the nerfs it did, but it still needed a nerf. Ditto with shroomscavate handbuff paladins.

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Heā€™s using a weird version which I think noone normal would make xD

I have no idea how that version is working for him, but it looks like it is, so you canā€™t really say heā€™s all talk anymore

Unfortunately xD

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Welp. Scrotie was right.


I havenā€™t faced Saddle Up, so not sure if that was warranted nor not. I wonā€™t miss Brann at all.


No more Brann Warrior tomrrow!!!


Iā€™ve never wanted you to be right as much as I wanted you to be right about this. And Iā€™m happy. Tomorrow should be fun.


This doesnā€™t change the slower matchups in the slightest so what matchup is it meant to change? Another nerf meant only for the sheep to stop playing the deck and allow the more competent players freedom to play it without endless countering.

More showings of incompetency.

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Spending 8 mana on such an awful body and ending your turn is not an easy thing to do, even for a warrior, plus the extra time to play against it without doubled shenanigans.

I would have left brann alone and reworked Boomboss but this is a sizable nerf nonetheless.

I really hope Saddle Up comes out of this ok. I liked that card.

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It wonā€™t change my agency over the 18 cards lost by the horrid combo.
This nerf was dumb.

Enjoy that while it lasts. The long term consequences of this change will be less enjoyable

At this rate every card will be 10 mana.

I guess more to the point everytime a board based deck gets somewhere they nerf it to oblivion (see paladin now hunter)ā€¦ what type of decks are they really looking for people to play?

For some players. Particularly, those farming Brann Warrior decks and Brann Warrior players.

They could completely murder the deck so it sees no play and Iā€™d be happy just with that fact alone.


Go on.

I donā€™t think that a 2 mana nerf is irrelevant to slower matchups, but it absolutely impacts the faster matchups more. So the nerf is based on the premise that if you make the counter decks better, more players will play the counter decks, and as Iā€™ve complained about previously thatā€™s the problem, people arenā€™t really playing the counter decks even when theyā€™re already Tier 1 levels of good. One shouldnā€™t assume that winrate would be enough incentive to get people will change decks, when trying to fix a problem caused by winrate not being enough incentive to get people to change decks.

I think winrate should be enough incentive, itā€™s definitely enough for me, but regardless of how much I disagree with yā€™all, itā€™s pretty clear from the data that the playerbase feels differently and, although the overall community was responding to incentives, the rate at which they were was glacially slow. Like someone who only begrudgingly changes.

This nerf relies on the same principles, so itā€™s going to slightly accelerate the previously existing slow moving process. A chunk will take the dust right away, but itā€™ll be slow for whoever is left. And I donā€™t think thatā€™s all bad, I think the fun of Warrior players is important too, but letā€™s just say that youā€™re not going to satisfy a mob with digital torches and pitchforks with subtlety.

Ultimately this leads to Handbuff Pally replacing Reno Warrior as the most popular deck, and slower control strategies remaining dominated. There is no path to freedom for them.

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They have no idea. None.

They canā€™t keep a thought for three expansions, in my experience.

I think the issue with the game is that basically everything is too much. Too much draw, too much damage, too much armor, too much lifesteal, too much rush, too much discoverā€¦

And it isnā€™t like you have to wait to play that strong legendary because there are tons of ways to copy it or copy the effect, making the game just laughable at times.

I honestly donā€™t understand how or why anyone would take this crap seriously at this point. Itā€™s not strategy game anymore.

Titans, Brann, Broken battlecriesā€¦ itā€™s just not fun anymore.

Look, some players think itā€™s good, great, have at it. But more and more people are just at an upperlimit of the @$@#ery and canā€™t even anymore.

Look when the broken level thing happened every 20 games or so, you tip your cap and get back in lineā€¦ but it seems like itā€™s every game you either hit the nuts or get them slapped in your face.

Thereā€™s no value left in the game, itā€™s all immediate effect insanity.

And you know what really pushed me over the limit? Increasing the quest requirements. It really made me look at the value of this game as a pastime, and itā€™s just not doing it right now.

So would I.

But it wonā€™t fix the real issues in this game.


Yes my favorite board based deck, brann warrior.

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If by that you mean that everything is value then yeah.

Thatā€™s where I got the idea for my Flipsanity deck. When Miracle Salesman dies, I get a card. When Sludge on Wheels takes damage, I get a card. Dryscale Deputy gets his card back sooner or later. You can fill out your entire early curve and still have a full hand for any card that cares about it. The state of ā€œcosts 1 less for each other card in handā€ is a little bonkers.