They're going to nerf Brann & Saddle Up

Saw this in the Hearthstone Library website messing around just now. Official Blizzard stuffs
Legendary · Minion · Showdown in the Badlands · Battlecry: If your deck started with no duplicates, your Battlecries trigger twice for the rest of the game.

Epic · Spell · Showdown in the Badlands · Give your minions


8 mana do nothing xD Great


I do think it’s hilarious that they accidentally leaked this themselves. So incompetent


What’s extra dumb is that it doesn’t actually fix the problem with Brann. He just is easier to get under.

ALL of the problems with this meta is that you have to get under Brann or you lose.

Moving him to 8 doesn’t give much more room for decks to do that. Even at 10 Mana they’d Reno, play him after your dead turn, then win. More stuff will get under him, but he is still a hard lock on how slow decks are allowed to be.

The card fundamentally is broken.


Yeah, that’s what so funny about it, you can make it 2 mana or 10 mana and, at least in the current meta, it won’t change a thing

It still doesn’t see play against aggro matchups, and it’s useless against combo ones, which together make this meta, but it’s paradoxical, because the meta is that way precisely because of Brann xD

You can’t do anything to brann to make it not warp the meta, except delete it.

It’s the lowest winrate broken card ever printed.

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Warrior being able to play the double Zilliax on turn 4 is going to be fine though :stuck_out_tongue:

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This is a contradiction in terms.

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now warrior holds on playing some cards to get brann buff but at 8 mana theyll have to play many of those before brann or lose

Many things in nature are :slight_smile:

The point is, it’s shifting the whole meta in a way which counters it, so its’ winrate falls

But then again, if it wasn’t so broken, it wouldn’t shift the meta

So, yeah, even though it’s paradoxical, it’s true

Complex system doesn’t care about logic. It has its’ own methods.

Also, logic is static, this is dynamic. It adapts.

The core issue is that the whole Battlecry mechanic is so powerful. Deathrattle you can silence, poly, or poof. Battlecry has no counter except for effects like objection that wholly nullify the minion or Dirty Rat, which most people can only use 2 of (if they can afford to use it) and often hits nothing you want to hit. We have seen time and time again that giving classes the ability to abuse Battlecries via duplication or minions like Shudderwock just cause issues. Guess I am just ranting, as battlecries are not going to vanish. Upping Brann’s mana cost is not a fix. Removing him is, or at least limiting the effect to just the next few cards played or something.

if this leak is real some match ups for warrior are going to get worse like snake warlock or dragon druid

It really doesn’t change as much as you’d think. The decks warrior hard farms aren’t getting much of a reprieve from this change. Warrior doesn’t really ever get forced into playing boomboss, they used to wait until near fatigue to use him. They don’t need to pair Zilliax with him, 2 is enough to super charge inventor boom and set up for a Brann play. They get 1 ox regardless, but it’s a bit slower.

This just helps the decks that were already beating warrior while leaving the awful game experience for everyone else.

Yep. This change does nothing to change the fast decks v Brann warrior meta. It lowers the win rate of Reno warrior without increasing the kinds of decks that can compete with it.

Warrior never struggled to waste a turn on Odyn at 8 either.

Game winning effects need to require far more than just playing a card whenever convenient.


They buffed Brann in the last patch.
They are incompetent.

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Legendary · Minion · TITANS · Battlecry: For the rest of the game, after your hero gains Armor, they gain that much Attack for that turn.

The library is always so dumb

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Yeah, but Brann has never previously cost 8 and Saddle Up never previously cost 4

Why did they upload these charges when they normally don’t upload changes at all? Who knows

They do weird things in the library online. Although, this time, I think they accidentally let the nerfs out like you’re saying.

Just the other month, this was a Warlock card
Rare · Spell · Core · Give a minion +2/+6 and Taunt. When it dies, summon a Stegodon.
And just last week, Odyn was 9.


It’s even worse than we thought

They’re letting their children play with the cards


The problem with Warrior is no-one wants to play the counter decks. Its lazy. Everyone wants it nerfed rather than adapt and play the counters. No-one has to adapt to a meta anymore, now you just cry until decks get nerfed. It lazy and entitled.


I play mage, mostly. I am not playing something else I have no interest in playing just to counter braindead developers.


“Hey guys you dont have to play the SUPER DUPER WIN WIN deck, we made a different deck (ALSO BORING AF) to counter it”

“You only need 3 or 400 packs to unlock them so pretty cool right guys?”

“Hey!!! WE HEAR YOU… (sales are down on the super duper winwin decks) so we are nerfing and making NEW SUPER DUPER WINWIN Decks”

"No you cant use your cards you spent ten thousand bucks on no… those are old and weak (because we crept them to obscurity haha haha) "

“Hey kid, wanna burn down a Warrior? Got you covered right here bruv only 15 bucks”

Cant you guys just make some better design choices?

"Nah we cant cause all them cards in Wild constrain our ability to make better design choices… sooooo here check out this new Legendary Signature card… its a 2 mana 20 20 with 14 battlecries to choose from.

“Yes it does 2000 damage on t3 with a decent hand. Only 22 thousand dollars.”

“You guys have a desire to win dont you?”