They need to nerf druid asap

Picture why i’m playing a game against a druid. mind you i haven’t played since the new expansion came out.

I’m about 10 health away from beating this druid i was playing against.

This guy gained like 40 something armor then otked me.

If you ask me that’s just ridiculous.

They need to nerf tf out that class ASAP.


Welcome to the new meta. You WILL suffer.


This is how this game is, the idea of a card game from wow is amazing, the feeling of building your own deck. Sadly they made it so much about meta that only few decks is preforming well or over the top each patch / expansion.

Skill at this point isn’t a factor, you play a comp and you basically already know who will win before you start. It’s a messed up game but it can be fun at time’s.


I have never truly regretted buying expansions for this game until this last one. I am tired of druids winning hands down no matter what. Going to shelve this waste of time unless it’s adjusted.


You know what’s funny, Blizzard instead nerfs a hunter deck that could actually beat a Druid deck. Prior to the “updated cards” 40% of my matches were against Druids. That’s a real number, I’m using Hearthstone deck tracker and played 46 games with the hunter deck. GG on not nerfing druids lol, now I bet the number of Druid decks jumps to 60%. I think I’m going to play a druid. :slight_smile:


Not gonna lie, this is the absolute fastest way to get something you don’t like nerfed. If you really do hit 60% druids in the meta they will do it over like a mage deck and nuke it to unplayable garbage tier.

Guff new text: Battle cry: Give your charge minions rush instead.


I have been playing in legend and Ramp druids are actually mostly absent now. Ramp druids do tend to go bust against hyperagressive board decks (miracle rogue and aggro druid), and now that denathrius is gone, a good burn with patchwork or mutanus can disable them. The most common class I currently encounter is Miracle rogue by far, as playing miracle rogue is kinda like throwing loaded dice. All their matchups are favorable, but 25% of the games you just draw abyssmal and explode.

It’s still a nightmare to play against Ramp druids though.

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Checks out.

That deck needs a hard nerf.


Asphyxiate has been carying me like Henry Cavil carried The Witcher agains Miracle rogues. Destroying their big stealth 13/13 they just spend 8 cards for summoning with a 3 mana spell #feelsgoodman


Ya, the one I faced did 18 damage to my face, had a 15 attack weapon, had a 16/16 ghost, and had two other minions on the board.

I had no outs.

That deck needs to die.

Mailbox dancer->Shadow Step is cancer.


The druid favoritism is pretty clear and has been going back a while now. Druid used to have weaknesses like every other class, so Blizzard gave them cards to cover those weaknesses. What other class has huge armor gains, tutoring, massive card draw, board clears, ramp, spells that generate waves of rush minions, damage to face, and the ability to take 2+ turns for every one of yours?


Day 5 of meta still being dominated by Ramp druids who OTK you from Hand around turn 7-10, or miracle rogues who kill you in turn 5-6. I miss the old days of totem shaman when Inspire: Give your totems +2 was a tempo play. I really hope they get the shockspitter treatment.

God is it miserable to play rn.


Hof Guff, Brann, Scale of onyxia, Earthen scales or completely rework how ramping works we can’t have both ramping and broken cards game is unplayable right now. If we have to wait 2-3 weeks for a Druid nerf this game is a joke.


No reason to wait. I’m done playing for now. When every matchup is either rogue or druid and rogues are killing turn 6 and druids are playing Onyxia scales turn 5, and back to back fully charged Insatiables turn 7 and 8 and now have 40+ armor. Hard pass. You either need to play druid or rogue, or not play.


Bro i literally uninstalled the game after getting back to back druids. Imma just come back when they nerf it.

Miracle rouges i could care less because i rekt them 90% of the time.

Want beat a miracle rouge play frost dk and freeze their borad and face lmao. ( oh and run a weapon breaking minion.

Not a single thing they could do about it.


The problem with miracle rogue is that they often pop off turn 3-5 and kill you turn 5 -7, by which you may quite simply haven’t yet drawn the cards you need to counter their bullcrap.

I agree with you that they are not unbeatable, but even including cards specifically tailored to counter miracle rogue and mulliganing hard to get them (hoping its not Thief rogue) my winrate against the archetype is somewhere between 50 and 60%. And I’m playing an archetype that’s actually pretty favorable against them. The very existence of Miracle rogue prohibits the development of any deck that doesn’t reliably have a hard answer to 13/13 minions and smth to counter weapon dmg by turn 5. Ironically, miracle rogue does serve the purpose of keeping the amount of ramp druids in check since the setup favors the rogue. Still, both archetypes need a bit of a tunedown.

My suggestion would be: Mailbox dancer: Deathrattle - Both players get a coin. Anub: Battlecry: Gain 8 Armor. Your next minions costs armor instead of Mana.

What makes you think they’re going to nerf druid? They’ve had plenty of time to do so and haven’t. Instead, they nerfed Sire, which arguably wasn’t even the actual problem in druid, and hurts other classes more, as they basically had one shot to make him count and it cost them their whole turn. Not for druid though, 10 mana is just half a turn, and not even that now that they have Anub to make mana cost mean nothing to them when it comes to minions. Druid really has become the epitome of a greed deck. Can any other class in the history of HS match what they can now do? Nope. Been playing HS since it released, and I’ve never seen something this disgusting. Brann+ Anub+ whateverbustedminionshere=hahaha you never had a chance sucker.


If people keep quiting the game because they don’t like druid. they’re going to lose a whole lot of money.

9 times outta ten they trying to figure out how to nerf druid without ruining the whole class like they did warrior

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Here’s the neat part: they won’t lose any money because those players don’t have the self control needed to quit a game they invested so much time into.

whenever someone hates class or card they always claim “people are quitting the game because of this thing i dont like !”