They need to nerf druid asap

Ironically, no one plays ramp druid anymore in Legend, because the meta is flooded with miracle and deathrattle rogues and OTK DHs which all oneshot rampdruid. Big yikes, meta is back to united i stormwind level of melt or get melted, and after all the progress we made in sunken city and nathria. Sadness.

Not really, they still win without denatrius / still win without brann

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on redddit they posted the best druid deck to climb is aggro druid again

i came back after 5 years brake to see this BS , deathrattle rogues and armor druids all day , cute , well see you in another 5 years Blizz …

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solution = simple, just only classes vs own class, druid vs druid, mage vs mage, priest vs priest and so on. mage stays annoying, no matter the low stats. on low ranks it’s very annoying.

The whole Brann+Anub interaction is just disgusting. It’s basically auto-lose if the druid has gotten at least one Astalor off and has it ready to go on turn 10. Meanwhile, they have played at least 3 of the armor card that gives them a total of 24 armor and other minions that also give armor…

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How to kill the game in one easy step


You’re absolutely right, they gotta nerf Guff and Anubarak ASAP, and also the otger cards with armor, ranked system right now is the most ridicuolous I’ve ever seen in a card game. I’m also playing since the beginning of HS, and this situation right now is DISGUSTING, this deck has at least 60-70% chance of winning, against all the other decks that have at their best 55%. This isn’t balance, therefore this isn’t fun anymore if you don’t have the same chances of winning of your opponent.

Ramp druid is a joke! Nerf the deck! HS balance team must be on acid if they think it’s a fair build in the current meta. It’s anti- everything with multiple win conditions. It’s decks like ramp druid that drive people away from the game. If you can’t build the deck because you don’t have the cards or disposable income to keep buying packs, well too bad! How is it fun when you know you can’t win? Ramp druid has beaten me almost everytime I face it; I’ve played multiple meta decks against it and I still get dumpstered - unless my opponent has the worst card draw in the world OR they’re AFK. Mainly when they’re AFK.


Every Expansion Druid gets cards to be the top dog. Only reason they are not #1 is because they have always been the most expensive decks to build and thus why not many people play said deck(s).

I just had a Druid bring out a 10 cost minion on round 5 10/10 with life steal, AND managed to clone him all on round 5.

This sh*t has to stop the mana cheating in this game especially with Druids is just plain out STUPID and shows the devs have no control or knowledge of their own game.


uh quest druid is good but i wouyldnt call it “top dog”

4 month old thread, lots of paladin, priest and dk but other then a few quest druid I have not really seen druid.

Funnily enough I played 3 games as druid for a quest and too finish the play 500 mana quest, typical undead priest game is like 25/500…

I won’t drop another dime on this game. Nerfed my mage deck to (Adult derogatory word here ) Tonight I loose four ranks due to druids and warriors that can drain my deck and/or play 35 consecutive cards before I get to do anything oh wait can’t do anything if they they drop a legendary and take my deck or another that eats all my stuff as the capstone cup de grace. (Adult derogatory word here, wouldn’t want game developers to hear anything to upset safe space feelings )
this game started well but like all blizzard products, ruined with retarded stuff like this, makes the game completely NOT ENJOYABLE or FUN… time to give steam or Xbox One more if my business, certainly not paying for this kind of gaming experience.