These forums are useless

The devs don’t read these posts, so what’s the point?


devs ? this is a discussion forum for HS players


So then how are players meant to provide Useful feedback?

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youll find a very active community manager there

Yes, devs: you know people who create various aspects of the game; they also code bots for it, for the forums, and various other aspects of the computing world.

For those unaware, the devs for hearthstone abandoned these forums before the pandemic.

In spite of this, the cms tell people to post feedback here so the devs will see it. And if they aren’t posting, it’s even less likely they are reading anything here.

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I tried asking them about Time Warp becoming 'oncer per game’s, but it seems identical to here. Just a bunch of players dog piling.
I like the game, not the community…

If you didn’t get any answer, then the answer is most likely “no”.

Where if you post any negative opinions about Hearthstone, the “community” will flag your posts and get you a ban. Yep, such a great community.


From what I can tell, most conversations about changes to the game eventually boil down to “That’s not a top tier deck, so it doesn’t matter, you’re just not good enough, stop complaining.”

I’m not saying a card or a deck is top tier or low tier, usually it comes down to either:

  1. This card no longer functions as it was originally designed to, because of new cards, maybe it should be revised so that it can’t be abused?
  2. There’s a game mechanic or card/deck which seems unbalanced, and encourages deck building and strategies that do not seem in line with the games. Original design philosophy. Does this need to be reviewed?

And both cases, in my experience, these conversations go nowhere, and unless a card is found in too many top tier decks, it won’t really be updated.
When I originally began playing HS, I was told that balance patches would be aimed to improve play for high tier players, and low tier, to ensure that the cards being used at all levels were enjoyable and balanced, fostering creative and diverse deck building.
Unfortunately, I have a difficult time believing that is still the design philosophy of the company/community, and I have been unable to convince anyone to begin playing this game in years. Truthfully, it seems as though everyone, I interact with perceives HS as a toxic dumpster fire… It makes me worried because I’m still here, and it feels like maybe I should have jumped ship, but I see the potential that the game has, or which I believe it has, and it’s very difficult to give up on it… It could be that HS simply doesn’t offer what I’m looking for anymore, but that’s why I offer suggestions, because I’m hoping that the game will give me what I’m looking for, I don’t want to give up on it, but I’m really wondering if I need to, because if the game isn’t giving me what I want, and the community seems dead set against anything I offer as a suggestion, why am I still here?

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most recent example of a change i can think because of reddit feedback was the azerite scorpion the card was so bad people suggested changes for it daily until it was changed

and that wasnt the first time a change happens because of reddit feedback

hmm i have no idea how you worded your posts but not long ago people made several threads on reddit to complain about golden hearth being on a bundle with the diamond one

not a single of those threads were deleted

So again, are we Sure there’s nothing weird going on with the card? I’ve been keeping track since no one seemed to believe me, and it’s like, 7/10 mages I’ve fought used time warp decks. My OP was just trying to figure out why the surge…
I’ve also noticed that their decks tend to be full to bursting with freezing spells and minions. They’re obviously delaying the game, plus counter spell, ice block, etc… They get Time warp by around turn 8, so I’m still waiting on instructions for how to counter this. I’m currently playing with a dragon Druid deck, and I have around a 68% win rate, but I still couldn’t stop them getting time warp.

… time warp counters your druid deck. Something else counters mage deck.

Game already decided by algorithm. So it’s not mage deck and specific card. try other decks.

p.s. forums are actually useless across all blizzard platforms,. nobody reading or listening players.

Devs do whatever they want.

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i started adding ashen elemental to counter mill druids and are a way to counter iceblock

im thinking on trying a ramp druid deck with guff hard part is thinking on my ramping “goal” maybe i should try a dragon deck

I personally quite enjoy my dragon deck, not because it wins frequently, although that is nice, but because it’s simply fun to play… That being said, a lot of people are using the card that clears the opponents entire board. Actually, some people use multiple cards that clear the board, and it’s very frustrating…

There are a few ways to counter the deck, and I’ve received a few suggestions so far, mostly about disrupting the opponent, but I am not convinced that the suggestions I’ve received so far would be effective… A few have suggested dirty rat, but that would be canceled by objection… There We’re also spells being suggested I think, but those would be countered by counter spell… Perhaps there is a format and deck type that can counter time warp, but the suggestions just, seem, like a roll of the dice… Dirty rat, for example, in order to be drawn before turn nine, would have around a 33% chance per game, and a time warp decks seem to have at least two minions in their hand, so that would reduce my chances of a successful counter to 15% per game, except that they also use cards that copy minions, so I would likely have, what? Around a 7% chance of a successful counter per game? I’m, just a bit concerned that those aren’t very good odds…

And I did take the advice to post on the Reddit, but received very negative responses… I have tried to ask again this evening, simply asking for assistance on how to improve, and I’m already receiving down votes. The community just seems, unhelpful, and unwelcoming…

i like my time warp wild mage deck and it is fun.

they answered your questions you just ignoring them. Because all you want is ban time warp because it counters your deck.

Let’s be honest…

I appreciate the honesty of your criticism, but disagree with your assessment. I don’t want the card removed because it counters me. I’m perfectly content with losing a game. What I dislike is the inability to even stand a chance. I want to be on even footing with my opponent, not know that as soon as they play the quest, I’ve already lost because I don’t have the cards required to counter them. I delight in the idea of seeing what can happen, and adapting my playstyle every game to see what I can do to improve my chances of a win, but if I have no way of winning, from the very moment the game begins, that is what concerns me.

I have listened as intently as possible to the suggestions offered to me, about cards that are used to counter these types of opponents, but have reason to believe that they may not be as effective as I need them to be. Drawing the right card, when it’s needed, and having its random effect work as I need it to, will always be a gamble. The use of free, ice block, Objection, and other similar cards allow mages to delay a game significantly, even against very aggressive decks. I don’t know of any deck that can defeat an opponent like this, and that is the reason I’m asking.

I’m not trying to blow off steam because I lost a few games. I’m trying to offer helpful feedback based on my experiences in the game, because it doesn’t feel fair. I want to help ensure the game doesn’t suffer from accidental imbalances, or no wins scenarios.


Are you sure it’s not the opposite?

Cards like Finley, Astalor, Pozzik… etc, which go in every deck (or almost every deck) are never touched. It’s those which are specific to a certain class or playstyle that get changed

Are there not more cards like Loetheb that make playing minions or spells or hero cards more expensive the following turns? or if they remain in play the opponents cards remain more expensive? Are there any that can affect all cards in the opponents hand so they affect the Reno poof hero card? Just curious.

plenty of such, but none for hero cards as far as i know

Arent there something that affects all cards in hand? I want to say one of the plagues from DK does that?