These forums are useless

:person_facepalming: I miss the days of reading comprehension.

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Yep, Time Warp is uncounterable. As soon as its played, you might as well conceed. They should rename the card: Death through Waiting. The developers don’t give a sh*t. And neither will I. I won’t play again until it’s nerfed.

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Reddit is where you supposed to go if you want to give feedback.

but your negative feed back will not pass there. You see like most of the subreddits hearthstone subreddit is only a circle jerk fan page.

But devs definetelly listen that subreddit. Maybe that is why game sucks nowadays.

Reddit is also a publicity stunt. If you want to get through to a real Developer their only official method currently is that sub-forum for bugs they have.

PS I personally believe they rarely read any bug reports (in any of Blizzard’s games) (unless it’s a special case[e.g. a Dev manually searching for extra info]) because they record all games anyway therefore their hands are full already since they already see most of the bugs themselves.

you never check reddit dont you? there is negatitve feed back all the time

rigfht now i saw a post about mechwarper not being changed and unbanned yet the hearth bundle i mentioned before

complains about the bots

and you woudlnt be posting “negative feedback will not pass there” if you read reddti when they added the tavern pass most of the negative feedback could be foudn there

Most redditors are some of the most naive and sensitive people that exist. You can’t post anything there without being soft-banned with downvoting unless the majority agree with you.

If anyone officially tells them there “I read your bug report” they just mean they re-posted it internally as if you went to the official bug report forum and did it yourself.

it was already said. time warp mage is almost 100% favored to win vs your druid deck.

Writing essays and explaining what was already said is not needed.

You just ignoring truth and tunnel vision yourself into nowhere.

Nothing will change. time warp is here to stay. it was already nerfed.

Unfortunately, I don’t believe that feedback is as helpful as you intend it to be. Even if my druid deck is not a good match, other cards/decks I have tried have had similarly poor success…

And offering no feedback, as it seems you’re suggesting, would have a defeatist attitude, and I’m not sure how it helps the game as a whole.

Don’t get me wrong, I understand focusing on the game, and what I can individually do, but believing that we can’t impact the game at a larger level at all, seems, to reinforce what I originally posted, that these forums are useless in such endeavors.
Has anyone ever posted here, and had a direct impact on the game, or are all balance patches based on data the developers are collecting?

We can only hope so …

With today’s new content drop, I came back to see if the game was still fun… It’s worse than ever…

I left a long time ago due to a toxic meta, and returned when it had improved… It feels worse than before now, and unfortunately, my experiences with the HS community forums (here and on Reddit) seems more often than not, to be extremely disheartening. They’re mean, apathetic, and seem to care very little about promoting a sense of community. The community feels, quite the opposite of welcoming…

Truthfully, I think my recent interactions with the Reddit community may have been the tipping point… They were so, bewilderingly unwelcoming, I find it genuinely repulsive… If this is the community I’m rubbing sholders with, it actually managed to overshadow my remaining respect for the game itself, and makes me think it’s more ethical to quit, simply to disassociate myself with those people…

I hope things change, but at this point, even if it did, I’m not sure I should give HS another chance, ever, no matter how much the game improves… I want to be part of a community that cares, where even if people disagree, they can do so politely, while respecting one another. I haven’t regularly experienced that with HS’ community in what feels like a long time…

I deeply appreciate those of you who try, and who have expressed genuine kindness… People like you are why I hope for this game, but you are being outnumbered, or drowned out, by much crueler voices…