There needs to be a visible warning when your hand is full

That’s really it. This complaint is mostly for Battlegrounds, but there needs to be an indicator on screen when your hand is full.

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Use a deck tracker, or count the cards in your hand.

If hand = 10, hand full. Simple as.

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I played so many games I can “see” if I have 10 cards. But I still like to hover the mouse over the deck to make sure. A little visual indicator would actually be nice.


Just count cards in your hand or use a deck tracker if you want. Also expect for additional cards which are making your hand full… (depends on enemy) Because sometimes making the enemy hand full can also be a strategy… to make him burn cards… or a protection… to make drawn cards burn… like plagues for example.


if you hover over the deck it not only shows you the deck card count, but should also give you a tooltip about your hand size. Same if you do this on the other player’s deck.


I can see if I have 10 by just intuition, or at least when it’s in the range of 9-10. What I may miss is a Sinfoul Sous Chef too many spamming the hand haha.


Wouldnt hurt so why not.
Though I doubt they plan on any quality of life improvements.

Those are so rare it’s actually sad.

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Great idea. Seems super simple too.

no idea HS players were struggling to count to 10


we recently got that golden glow for cards that have all requirements met to fire off correctly such as knowing if your Reno will battlecry or not without the use of a tracker telling you whats in your deck at the moment, or if you played an elemental last turn or not. Thats a newer quality of life update they gave us. No idea when they implemented it but its definitely newer than the green glow only of what can be played based on mana.

I don’t think most of the replies understand what he is asking. Have them write some simple code that gives an indicator like when you can play certain cards they glow yellow.
I think you agree his idea is good. Can’t hurt, can it?

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The no duplicate glow is kinda old, I think they added it for gadgetzan.
The yellow glow of other conditional effects is more recent though but it’s still some years old now

Well its new to me because I’ve not used such types of additional conditions needed type cards such as Reno’s requirement or the more recent one like if you played an elemental last turn types. Baku was new to me when I came to the forum here like 2 years ago, but im sure its older than that.

It’s not clearly useful for gameplay, mainly because they have a ton of “add cards to your hand” …cards.

For instance what good is it for me if it doesn’t glow at 8 cards when I have 2 "Sinful Sous Chef"s up?

[and it may become especially broken if they have “remove additional cards from your hand” cards[at least indirectly(e.g. lowering-the-cost cards)]; it would effectively require them to write code to predict the synergies of FUTURE rounds[or future plays in current round]; that’s either technically impossible[the math may just be unpredictable] or just very hard to code]

We are also struggling to squelch our opponent every match.

A simple red glow to the whole outline of the hand when you are at 10 (or 11 in some cases). I wouldnt think coding for a warning of overdraw or overfill of hand would be necessary, that ought to be on the player in terms of planning their moves. But a simple red alert when at max handsize wouldnt be difficult to implement and is a simple QOL indicator for direct warning of be careful of what to play next etc.

Im not, HSRelay has a plugin for it.

or 12 in other cases

great I just learned we had a card that increased hand size to 11, now theres a 12?

an old one
Legendary · Minion · Descent of Dragons · Battlecry: Increase your maximum hand size to 12. Draw 4 cards.