There needs to be a visible warning when your hand is full

thats only from 2019, not that old. lol. Thats not much more than a year or 5. Hardly old. lol

It can’t hurt but wouldn’t be usefull enough either because if the indicator is warning you about your full hand… it might be already too late since the game is full of card generating and card drawing… :\

Easy to miss when you’re trying to cram a lot of action before the timer runs out. Especially if you’re coming off a combat with a lot of summons or you have things that add a lot of cards into your hand.

Skill issue? Sure. Anxiety gets the best of me sometimes. Especially on mobile. But I don’t see why there can’t be an indicator of like 9/10 somewhere near your hand.

This is why auto squelch needs to be a thing.

It already is a plugin for HSReplay.

Third party plugins aren’t the same as the program itself offering that support.

Just ask all those with disabilities that the company left high and dry when they stopped working with the addon, but didn’t add those features to the game.

I’m not really sure what that is. I don’t use addons or anything for Hearthstone.

I might look into it, but I feel it should be a core feature.

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like the hand counter that pops up whenever you hover over the deck slot ?

A lot of the best quality of life features for another of their titles is also not built into the core software, WoW pioneered the trail that all other blizzard titles will follow, 3rd party addons make the game the best version of itself because they dont need to bother with paying someone to do it for them or maintain it. They have a built in mindset thats been established over the last 20 years. This is a tree not worth barking up.

yes that would be a nice thing to have

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