Why I believe DK was a mistake

I have Mallenroh on ignore since he’s been the same angry, self-hating broken record for too long now. Replying to people that reply to him is the closest I’m willing to get these days.

“Why is he still here,” indeed.


'Cause you cannot argue around the inescapable fact that you are literally claiming to know more about HS than Mike Morhaime.

I will say tho, I don’t think it is very clear at all what this 3x3x3 theory is about or why it is a necessary rule for the game to be balanced or well-designed. I would point out as well that it doesn’t help the argument to repeatedly draw on a fallacious appeal to authority to support the claim that this is the reason new classes are bad to the game or that 9 is the ideal number of classes for some obscure reason I don’t really understand. If you still have access to this online exchange you cite (if it was a public exchange on twitter or smth like that), it would be helpful to see the actual statements from Brode himself so we can understand exactly what the claim is. It sounds to me like this was just a design philosophy when it came to designing the 9 classes, rather than a rule set in stone without which the game somehow falls apart.

Hearthstone and WoW are old and ever-evolving games. The introduction of new classes is a welcomed addition to the game and is an opportunity for developers to introduce new mechanics and gameplay flavours that wouldn’t fit anywhere else. New features are central to the game’s health and new classes were ultimately inevitable; particularly considering HS is based on WoW (a game that also introduces new classes occasionally for the very same reason).

P.S: I do think you’re a cool dude tho, I am not trying to be mean. But I disagree with both the content and the form of your arguments here. I think you’re often way too negative in an unproductive way when it comes to this game. Clearly you’re very burnt out, I hope whatever the devs are cooking for wild actually turns out well and you get to enjoy the game again :slight_smile:


I don’t know that it is necessary. I am repeating what I was told when I asked why the game seems so impossible to balance.
And I have been quoting those conversations since at least 2020, so what I am saying isn’t new.

I don’t think I’m mean, at least I don’t intend to be. And I like you too.
I get frustrated when players say: “No, that’s wrong.”, when what I have said is paraphrased from what Morhaime and Brode both have said in the past.
It feels like players are trying to shoot the messenger to me.
If what Brode and Morhaime said is wrong, then someone should let them know that.
I would pay good money to listen in to that exchange.

PS. You are totally right.

I am absolutely tired of a product that only ever goes in one direction.


sounds like you are just name droping claiming just posting the words Mike Morhaime makes you automatically right instead of screaming “fallacy” to the rest of us

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I see. What can I say… It might be a socially awkward strategy, perhaps, but a strategy nonetheless. :grinning:

Personally, I try to harbour no delusions about someone being wrong on the internet and the prospects of educating them, as hinted above. However, a number of people seem to have the responded to that particular… theory, so I thought it worthwhile to clarify some points. Besides, I still believe that, despite some very ‘loud’ and… peculiar characters present here, the forums might be better than they appear: you know, manure floats on water, while gold would sink, so what you see on the surface might not be all — for example, I’ve encoutered some wonderful participants who are often silent or post in select few topics.

And that, too.

Indeed. Besides, any lout can claim anything without providing any source, proof or such, which actually could even be of interest (if nothing else, to dissect for errors, as OG did in the video linked above) — unlike a random character’s blather on the forum.

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Well, as you know better than me, I cannot share Twitter info here, but I’m sure you probably know someone that can tag him.
Go and tell him that I name checked him, and you need clarification, by all means.

And just sayin’? Brode said almost the same thing as Morhaime, and he said it in an interview, which I cannot find.
(I’m even pretty sure he said something similar in the old HS forums, which I also cannot recover.)
I want to say it was PC gamer or out of cards, but I cannot remember. I do remember the essence of what he said, because I have been paraphrasing it ever since.
It was years ago, before DH was released, and he said almost the same thing that Morhaime did on Twitter.
So go ask them yourself. If they say something different, I’ll shut up about it.

people post twitter links here all the time

is twitter so even a new account can link to tweet posts


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Are you allowed to do that?
Cause I got told not to.
But thank you for going on a limb I won’t walk.

By the way, it has recently dawned on me: the old ‘Rule Of Three’ from Planescape, perhaps? :grinning: But even there it was considered nonsense by some. :rofl:

Well, you have his handle, so go and ask him if he remembers saying that nine classes was what HS was designed for, and having too many makes problems in balancing.
And then come back and let us all know.

I think it should be fine. He’s a public figure, and co-founder of Blizzard. It’s not exactly like naming a player in a disparaging topic because they emoted. :wink:

Anyway, sorry you’re having a rough go of Hearthstone these days. I hope you can find a game that better suits you, should Hearthstone be unable to again. I’d recommend checking out Legends of Runeterra. Now, there’s also Marvel Snap, which might be up your alley as it’s Ben Brode’s baby

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I really think I’m done with card games like this altogether.
I thought DH was a mistake and DK too.
I also don’t see any reason for why the cards have to increase so much in power every single expansion other than greed.

If they mess up Wild I’ll just go back to Path of Exile.

If anything midrange is not a strategy as a classic RPS of CCGs is aggro-control-combo.

Well again, I’m no expert, and so I’m probably naming things incorrectly.
But until someone says otherwise, I will stand by saying that Brode and Morhaime both said HS was designed for nine classes and more makes it very hard to balance.
I don’t claim to have any expertise or knowledge.
I just repeated what I read.

I don’t know what you mean by mess up Wild. Wild has been a mess for months if not longer. They have removed a couple of problematic decks only to bring back Questline Warlock and they still did nothing against Even Shaman or Big Priest.

I don’t think attempting to balance Wild will do anything but create Standard part two, and I quit Standard ages ago.

Mr. Kilkku’s view is fundamentally flawed.

Here’s the thought experiment. Imagine that you’re somehow the least skilled Hearthstone player ever, while simultaneously having enough intelligence in other areas to communicate effectively AND enough arrogance to believe that you’re the best Hearthstone player ever. Now try to embody that person and consider what various Hearthstone game states would look like to you.

If you think about it, the essence of NOT having skill in Hearthstone is: you look at opportunity but you see no opportunity at all. Where a skilled player finds the solution that Mr. Kilkku was talking about, the unskilled player fails to find it. Therefore, to the insufficiently skilled player there is no difference between a random situation where his loss was decided by RNG, and a random situation with a winning path was presented to him.

Once you realize this, Kilkku’s argument completely falls apart. In essence, the only person who can legitimately separate the two types of situation from each other is someone with perfect skill. It might be possible that some percentage of those randomly generated situations are indeed impervious to skill, but what percentage of them do this is unknowable unless there exists a skill ceiling. And whether or not a skill ceiling exists in the first place is a matter of speculation, not fact; it could always turn out there’s a great opportunity that everyone missed.

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So what you are telling us is that, at some point in time, Ben Brode and Mike Morhaime said something that proves everyone wrong but you. You cannot tell us what exactly, you cannot show us what they say, but you can assure us, what they say proves that indubitably, everyone not supporting your claim, is wrong.

Well. this kind of argument seems insufficient to me.