The removal of Duels?

The person who suggested this needs to be fired. This mode is one of the primary reasons I even play Hearthstone. The thing that boggles my mind is the fact that you aren’t removing Mercs (which was a failure that I actually spent money on) and Twist was just a buggy wild format. Standard gets boring, Battlegrounds gets boring, and I don’t even play arena at all because I already spend a fortune on this game… Duels kept my old cards relevant and useful, and I even crafted old cards specifically for duels.

Thanks for pooping in our cereal yet again, Blizzard.


They would not remove it IF IT WAS something that made them money or was liked. The fact that they are removing it shows how the MAJORITY do NOT like it.

Blizzard is becoming more and more fail company. From number one they are dropping to the bottom slowly in every aspect not just hearthstone. This was the most interesting mode in this game where you could use your old collection. If it is about money, they can keep casual at least. They ruined this game, every year more and more. Mercenaries? Wild? Who is behind those decisions, he need a brain surgery. This will mark my end of playing this game and start of spamming across internet how bad blizzard and this game is. Thanks to AI you will get really lot of bad reviews. Good luck for future development of fail games and updating games so you make them worse. Another thing that your company is progressing is stealing money. This is school example of how to do it, make people spent money on things that will become useless.


thats a lot of words to say nothing

They can remove duels since there’s nothing you paid for that you cannot use elsewhere
They cannot remove mercs since that would mean removing what people have paid for


Clearly, their whole business operation revolves around you, as does the world entire.

Surely, with a bit of searching, you could have found their official explanation, for example:

But no, it’s so much easier to come to some forums and throw a tantrum like a proper big baby. :grinning:

Would that you’d be that self-critical, our dear forum white knight of some renown. :grinning:

Nice attempt, but apparently, that hasn’t been their actual motivation (see the source above).

By the way, I don’t really think you argument, although generally reasonable, is valid for them in particular: first, they’ve probably got legal terms saying they can do whatever they want; second, they’ve already removed Classic, which was ‘supposed’ to stay there ‘forever’, and most of those cards were de facto useful only in that mode — one can consider it a precedent of sorts; oh, and if that’s not enough, one more small thing: think of their whole business operation in China — people had paid for a lot of stuff there, you know, only for it to be gone with the wind.


Short sighted reasoning. As many players, I built my entire account based on duel meta decks. I invested time and money and recycled many cards specifically to make the best duel decks. Now this is all going to the ditch. Not that it matters, as the mode is coming out I won’t play this game anymore anyway.

There is always someone to defend this decadent company. You understood very well the meaning of what he wrote. Duels are going out and a good portion of the community is frustrated. If this isn’t obvious, you’re either making a fool of yourself or you’re one more of Blizzard’s a** wipers.

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You’ve just addressed one of them, pal :grinning: — and not just any casual Blizz apologist, but almost a resident one, known well by some of those who have frequented these forums at least to some extent.

Probably not the most substantial one, if you look at the numbers, but their frustraton is understandable nonetheless.

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the guy said ther is AI giving reviews… :rofl: :rofl:

and that the cards people use on duels are useless

which doenst make any sense

Well you were at least half correct

You obviously don’t know nothing about AI. It is chatGPT that is the definition of AI for you. The fact that AI have profiles on social media and running them, all alone is enough for someone to know that you can make bots for review. You will find out one day what is AI i am sure.

Their whole business operation revolves around paying customers. I being a paying customer means that it does partially revolve around my input albeit a small contribution in the grand scheme of things.

Your air of superiority and self importance as well as your condescending tone just makes you sound annoying… and likening my frustration regarding the removal of this mode to a baby throwing a tantrum is just petty. I read the official explanation they gave before I commented, but you assumed I did not so you suggested I watch a video source of a person reading it in less than perfect English. I just didn’t find their reasoning to my liking which is why I made this post in the forums venting my frustration. You could just as easily replied with understanding and empathy to how I was feeling about the situation, but you instead chose to be a forum troll with main character syndrome.

So Sure… I may be insignificant, but so are you, Sparky.

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I agree 100%. I’ve been playing HS for 10 years and I LOVE to play Duels when I am not enjoying Standard. I am really sad to hear they are removing this mode. I didn’t even know it was happening until yesterday when a friend told me.

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What have we got there?

Or perhaps not. :grinning:

… calling a spade a spade.

Just look at that opening line, for example, again:

Yep, just like that.


For the past few hundred of years, the staple of a civilised debate has been reproducing the opponents arguments accurately, then disproving them.

Instead, what have we got there (see above)?

‘I, I’m here, this is I, look at me! Watch my hips moving! Frustrated… cute puppet… Ridiculous! Everyone, bow down to MY OPINION , lest I stamp my feet and cry! What? How dare you call me a big baby?’ :rofl:

Actually, that one is generally not that bad in terms of literacy, I’d even say substantially better than the typical (average) poster here — so that’s nitpicking at the very least.

Have I not?

Or what did you expect, a big virtual hug? :grinning: In that case, just a little tip: that’s probably not how to achieve this :rofl: — by self-centred ranting, that is.

Hmm… Interesting accusation from a person who’s literally started a topic with demands that their enterprise bend to his or her whims. :thinking: Perhaps what they say about seeing one’s own reflection in others is indeed a thing…

The things I said were made out of frustration, and suggesting someone be fired was extreme. That I will admit… I was being rash. I was angry in the moment… wrong even. Regardless of the situation and your commentary, I’ll survive. Trust me… I have survived worse…

I hope one day you actually find happiness… True happiness.

Take care and good luck, Sparky.