The only control deck within the meta is Blood Dk

The point he is making is that there are no other control decks because Blood DK beats those too.

That said, how many control decks isn’t a sign of how healthy the meta is, and the Control strateggy seems to be shaping up as the strongest around. So yah, Blood DK isn’t healthy, not the otehr way around.


I mean it’s almost definitely getting nerfed, it has a 70% overall winrate. That’s 4 out of every 5 games it wins almost.

They could also have just made more significant attempts to curb/reduce the power of board clears and rush. Which they sort of did… except for Priest + Blood DK.

What I think is the issue is what’s been the issue for a long time. Too much resource generation. Too many ways to refill your board, too many board clears and too many ways to discover and generate more board clears.

And a lot of the early game removal and board clears are just too strong and efficient.

Wondered how long it would be before one of these posts

Control is weak? ‘Blizzard hates control’

Control is strong? Strong decks nearly always get nerfed, so therefore ‘Blizzard hates control’.

The mental gymnastics man. Every time.


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I’d prefer it if we lay of the buffs for now thanks. They nearly always cause issues, and the devs have been using them too liberally in the last year.

the main problem with blood DK is its existence makes all other decks basically unplayable.


I jest of course. Kinda

Blizzard doesn’t nerf decks for that reason. The existence of Big Priest in wild makes a ton of decks unplayable but they haven’t touch that.

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Yeah I agree… doesn’t mean it isn’t still a problem though.

Because they are focusing on standard when it comes to balance (also the reason many people don’t play wild, including me). And only throw some nerfs for wild decks when they become extremely toxic (like t0).

Not anymore!

You can delete the thread.

Control Priest has entered the meta.

TicTac_HS list beats Blood DK.

VS recommends cutting Dirty Rat for Astalor, and main decking Fizzle instead of putting him in the ETC band.

It’s a more greedy list than what blood dk has so yeah, but if blood dk goes more greedy it can beat this too, all comes down to who draws the key cards first. Though I would prefer if would totally counter blood dk so only pala and frost dk are up for nerfs.

Sounds like a Control meta to me!

Can’t wait for the Control players to hate it the most.

Edit: Just played my first go of the Priest deck. Guess what I queued into?

Stole two Patchwerks and two Mograines trololol

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That will not be the case. My favourite meta was when we had priest vs priest for 40 minutes long.

That will not be the case. My favourite meta was when we had priest vs priest for 40 minutes long.

Obviously there will be exceptions. But most of them will attempt to gaslight us into thinking it’s not a control meta.

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because people cry when they can’t win games with aggro or midrange decks, so blizzards nerfs controls makes aggro and midrange strongger when control don’t get their draws but every gets 1-3 coast decks and win with it, its BS blizzard needs to nerf these aggro decks and bring back control, hell even blood DK has a run half the time. they need to nerf these SP decks, and make it to where they don’t get to pick what cards they get, the should remove the choose aspect from SP and just give em random spells, they also need to increase the coat of cards in aggro decks by 1, or even 2, atleast make people learn to play the game. honestly if blizzard put a stop to hearthpwn they would make these aggro cry babies have to learn how to play the game. blizzard just gives into the aggro cry babies to make them happy

cries for nerfs

calls other people crybabies


Blood DK was not nerfed that hard, it’s just the meta adapted around them. Frost DK was also hit by the discover change, plus other nerfs, and is a worse deck in high ranks.

Here’s an experiment -

Name a meta where multiple control decks were viable? I’ve been playing since 2018 and there have been barely any. Maybe there was earlier? If you don’t like the way the game’s been for literally 5 years+ maybe it’s not for you? Most of us can look past the aggro/control false dichotomy and realise most decks have their own nuance, and that’s why there is no need to make ultra turtle decks uber viable in every meta.

There had been meta with healthy number of mid range / value decks. The current meta is really fast. Have you met yet a shadow priest on ladder yet?

Aggro deck are also needed in healthy meta, to keep the greedy/otk deck in check. But not to the current level. Pure paladin, shadow priest, spell DH, totem shaman, those decks destroys other deck that try to do something interesting.

Blood DK is the best counter to those deck, hence his high playrate.

Classes like mage are being suffocated by these decks.

If you want a meta to breath a little, tone down the aggro.

I mean I keep seeing people lamenting the lack of control this set, yet I can’t recall a recent expansion that WASN’T dominated by aggro. I think they should support all play styles, but given how long this pattern has repeated it’s best to accept control is never gonna be dominate because your average player wants quick games. Just accept control is always gonna be niche imo is what we should do. I like control myself btw, but reality is reality.

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It’s weird but I think Control should never be the best deck in the game. See Blood DK a month ago. I don’t think we’ve ever had a meta where both Control and Aggro were seen in tier 1 with any variety.

I think the game is healthiest when many control decks are tier 2, and a handful of aggro decks are tier 1.

Right now we don’t have control decks above tier 4 except Priest and I’m not even sure about that. Only Priest, Druid, and DH have late-game viability nd even then Druid and DH will close the game around turn 8.

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Rise of Shadows. 20 chars

The problem is what people accept as being a control deck. Lets say control is left and aggro is right. A deck is only accepted as a control deck when its mega greedy and 11 out of 10 to the left of the scale. Anything less is called aggro. Control deck can start the game at 1 mana they don’t have to wait until turn 10 before they can play.

The game is dominated by “aggro” because those decks start at turn 1 and there is a massive advantage for going first. Many games are won by snowballing early tempo and any deck that fights tempo with tempo is called aggro. Even if the decks overall gameplan is to take over late game with value but because it starts with tempo it’s lumped in with and called aggro. The issue isn’t really that aggro is always dominating but how narrow the definition is of what isn’t aggro.