The only control deck within the meta is Blood Dk

There is a great deal of truth here that a number of people are unwilling to accept. Near as I can tell anything faster than whatever deck I am playing is “aggro” according to this group of posters.

Edit: I hope they nerf blood dk really, really hard because I hate that deck. Gnome muncher is a load of crap and bloodboil isn’t a fair card.

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TIL that control warrior is an aggro deck. A bad aggro deck, but aggro nonetheless.


Oh boy, here we go again. Another player complaining about the lack of control decks in the meta. As a Blood Death Knight, I can’t help but chuckle at your whining.

Listen, I get it. It’s tough out there for a control player. But let’s be real here, aggro and midrange decks are just more fun to play. Who wants to sit around all day, taking damage and hoping to survive until the late game? Not me, that’s for sure.

And let’s not forget about the satisfaction of smashing your opponent’s face in with big, beefy minions. That’s the real joy of playing Hearthstone, am I right?

So, to all you control players out there, stop complaining and start playing some more aggressive decks. Trust me, it’s a lot more fun. And to the rest of you, keep on smashing those control decks into the ground!

Since we’re rehashing this topic that rightfully died: Control Warlock. There is something there, akin to Thaddius Warlock. We still have the curse package, which is actually huge. I’ll probably be messing with that now that I think about it.

This explains so much about your posts, though.

Playing against blood dk is like arguing with a two year old… it doesn’t matter what you say or do, their answers are all “nuh-uh” “No, you didn’t” “shut up” “nuh-uh” and absolutely nothing productive happens.

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Just admit all you want to do is go face and have the the game over by turn 5 so you can hurry up and get your free crap

JFC do you guys even want to play a CCG or do you just want to hurry up and feel like you did something?

You guys got what you wanted. You whined about the only effective control deck in the entire meta until they nerfed it and you’re still whining about it because it exists at all


… I like lots of interesting decks that take more than five turns to play, and it’s really petty for you to go there after your pet deck gets called out.

Blood dk is the worst form of this game, in my opinion. It has several cards that are just bogus that make it impossible to play other types of slower decks, which is the biggest problem I have with it.

So the ability to play the same broken spell ten times in a game was enough of a nerf to open the meta and you’re mad about it. If it had no answers other than stall out with more health, that’s pretty clear evidence the deck is bad for the game.

I mean it when I say it plays like arguing with a two year old, and if that’s what you think good game play is, maybe that’s because you’re about as mature as a two year old. Maybe find a deck that works to kill your opponent instead of waiting for them to die of natural causes.

I like you a lot. Be nicer, please. If someone is posting in sincerity don’t be like that, man. Save it for the idiots, and there are many.

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I swear to god none of you will be happy until aggro is so powerful it beats you on turn 1 or 2. Go play Yugioh at that point.


Hearthstone is far more power crept than yugioh at this point.

Dirty rat

The version of BDK that I run has multiple ways of beating you besides simply generating more health

Control priest is the bane of my existence. That’s the deck that can beat you simply by out healing you and beating you over the head with your own cards. Don’t see too many people complaining about that one though

I’ll note that you’re the one throwing the tantrum around here while also accusing other people of acting like 2-year-olds

Well, thank you for your insightful and constructive criticism. I’m sure your opinion is highly valued by all the two-year-olds out there who are looking for a sparring partner.

And if you’re really looking for a deck that kills your opponent, have you considered a deck of playing cards with razor-sharp edges? That should do the trick.

Goramier you 100% sure he is not one of them? :rofl:

Welcome back Selwynn, I mean LimeBeast. You didnt last long quitting forum PvP.

There was Control Warrior and… Um… Yeah

Thanks Schyla now you blew the whole operation. :rofl:

This person isn’t sincere and is only here to troll. I don’t remember what other account they were using, but they switched accounts mid-argument with another poster and then have been nothing but rude.

I appreciate your input, thank you, but I will continue to form my own judgements about individuals that post on the forums.

Sure, keep telling yourself that.

So you both complain about lack of control decks, but then hate on control decks you don’t play… like, wow.

It isn’t very visible right now is the only reason. But there was a thread recently asking to delete the entire class from the game, so, maybe give it time.

I’m not the one playing blood dk, so I’m sorry if you don’t like people calling it like they see it, but that deck is not good for the game.

theres been quiet a bit. i love playing control decks, but also if you enjoy building them you have to be prepaired for alot of rework to them. they still are strong if built correctly. theres always a counter

No DK’s and Wheel Warlocks are.

You are replying to a post from over a year ago about a meta long past

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