The new expansion is fun my thoughts

I saw the concepts for the expansion and i can say im all for it there are some cards the are gold or diamond worty for sure.

Hart is an amazing blast from the past an because the cards from each class are the same you can play around the cards once know what class it is from.

Zilliax is an amazingly designed cards this is the type of card i love a flexible card that can be adjusted for multiple decs or your playstyle.

The new 8 mana card is great for big minion decks or deathrattle decks and given that priest has deathrattles cards being released this expansion if im right and yes ive actually missed deathrattle priest :slight_smile:

Whizbang the community faveroute is back.

I really feel the devs has made a great 10 year celebration expansion fromt the cards i have seen.

Iconic cars from Harth. I look forward to chatting to my friends again il be back on 21 st and Hyde i will add your new account then seeya soon guys :slight_smile:


I’m really looking forward to this expansion too.


Me as well my friend :slight_smile:

They look super fun cards dont have to meta to be fun i love them design at the same time some of the fun cards looks strong to i especially cant wait for zilliax 3000 delux :slight_smile:

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It will be interesting to see which new cards will be revealed in the following weeks. Which mechanics will be the focus for each class.

But considering this expansion is focused on toys it looks like minions will become more important again which is a good thing. Too many boardclears lately.

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I forgot to add the windup mechanic that increases for each trade is awesome and minitarize is so fun allows for cool combos.


The whole concept is cool and exciting. I’m a bit sad how the expansion trailer turned out though.

And of course as always where is the next Solo Adventure? Didn’t they used to release this content relatively frequently?

That video was a goofy good time.
These new mechanics will make the game much more interesting to me. I said Sif was a cheese deck, but I play it all the time because no two playthroughs are the same, So I guess I have to take back some of what I said.

P.S. Where do you guys get your props for your videos? That was pretty decent production.

  • Brim

You need to have trust level 3 on forums to do that il try and find the post and reply here so you know how to get it and then you can post links as well.

If you scroll down in the post you can see the perks i have to be honest il try and find the official post from bliz but this is ok two one use does list all the perks for all the trust levels.

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