The GAME is unplayable, RNG has taken over the meta

This season so far ive been rank 2 diamond so many times and everytime, the game either stops giving me my regular main cards or 95% of the just give perfect discover or random cards to my opponent. I have the logs of all my games and maybe 10% of those i could of maybe lasted a bit longer. But the rest is all games with my opponent pulling amazing RNG on discover cards. Cards that are either not class related , totally unpredictable , random free secret , Perfect counter to the boards ‘’ example ‘’ yogg casts equality and a AOE then casts a 8,8 deathrattle minion and a counterspell secret . Or the game changes all the cards in my hand, or my deck or increases the cost all in one turn. It’s not like its 1 positive buff and 1 negative … it can be 4 negative clears, wipes, counters , distrups to yourself when using yogg. But if that isn’t the worst its having Rogue now using shadowstep 4 to 6 times with Breakdance. Everysingle cards being super discounted. Not only do they get perfect RNG to clear everything i have, they have none stop Draw , none stop answers , discounted everything and can play 8 cards in 1 single round cycling everything removing putting 3 mobs on the board and having maybe 1 or 2 counters.

80% of games is me watching my opponent discover cards and me anxiously hoping he doesn’t get a random perfect counter to everything i have on board. 1 or 2 turns can be ok… i can live with it… but having 10 to 20 turns in a row with perfect answers. Also having my opponent getting none class specific cards that can copie my minions. With also the chance of those minions being copied to be my best.

Im usually legend day 1 or 2 of the season … if i play casually it can take up to the 8th of the month. But it’s now the 22 and I’ve played hundreds of hours at rank 5 to legend and it’s just impossible. Ill be 1 turn from stabilizing with 15 hp left, the guy will discover the perfect cards to kill me in 1 turn. Im watching this and all the best players and they also are going nuts looking at how insane the game has become.

Whats the point of constructing a deck with 2 cards of each, with maybe 1 or 2 draw cards when you can have classes that can cycle 10 cards in 1 turn at turn 4 or 5 with everything discounted. I tried it all, every top legend decks, i crafted my own 2 amazing decks but after reaching rank 2, those rank 2 players kept getting godly rng on draws and discovers. I don’t know whos working at blizzard now a days but its apparent that they have no clue what they are doing. Ive been playing since day one and I’ve never EVER seen so many patches in one expansion to try and balance everything.

The fun of the game is being able to craft or play a deck that’s reliable for answers and board presence. Not playing Russian roulette every turn to see if your opponent will discover the perfect card to wipe the board or freeze or disrupt you or all 3 of those things in the same turn. The game is just unplayable. And totally not fun.


I’ll always go ~80% of the way with the Discovery argument. The ability itself fits good into the game, but it definitely has gotten wacky over the years. These cards usually came at a bigger cost for playing them, such as loss of tempo and/or mana, now it’s attached to minions and reduces costs of cards you have just discovered, for example.

I would love it if they could give Discovery a check and put a new leash on it to help compensate for the power creep

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but that guy claims "rng has taken over the meta "but somehow the best decks in the meta barely rely on rng …

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I was talking about a portion of his post. Do I think RNG controls the entire meta? No, but I concede it can be frustrating to lose to a snap pick discover card after playing well.

Let’s look at the history of the game. Discover was created as a hail mary ability to maybe survive against decks that could normal beat your matchup at a higher %. Then it was added as a more Zany yogg type…with weird interaction that could make the game fun. Then it was added to maybe get a 3rd or 4rth copy of a card you had in your deck. But now, its a Zephyr.

I didn’t right the post so people would agree or disagree with me. I have the history of all my current season battles and 80% + of my loss were insane RNG discover situations. Things not even the best player in the world can predict. Happening 10 turns in a row and sometimes for the whole game.

Now a days you have 1 to 3 cost cards that can remove cards that cost 8 and a eazy way to discover them. So in 1 turn someone can kill your board with low cost cards that BTW are often discounted and then do continuous turn around turns. Discover and RNG wasn’t made to gain tempo over and over and over. I just got to rank 2 again today and i got back to 3 because the rogues and mages i faced just got the best cards possible.

The people in charge of HS after the huge layoff have done a horrible job and you can see it by the amount of bugs. I never seen HS with so many interaction bugs, animations bugs, delay bugs , etc…

But i appreciate your opinion!

As for Boreas post

The best decks? you mean before paladin got nerfed 3 times?

What are the best decks ? All variants of Sif mages wichi is 90% discover, Rogue that’s 85% Discover , highlander shaman which is insanely based on discovering, The new priest decks.

The argument is, whats the point of creating a deck and be limited to 2 copies of each cards when you can play a discover deck that can win you the game better then constructed.

Also this has been a huge issue with rogue in the past with players going crazy over losing a rogue deck that totally wins by continuously RNG’ing you to death. Losing to a RNG deck is the worst feeling ever because it’s like playing Russian roulet with a 7 bullet out of 10 gun charger and the guy for 10 turns in a row getting the best hail mary every time. Discover was meant to disrupt or help you for 1 or 2 turns … not win you the game.

But like i said i have the history of all my losses due to RNG. So ill pick facts over your opinions or beliefs 100000% of the time. fortunately for you, the internet permits trolling, i never expected everyone to understand let alone agree with me.

But then there’s hundreds of videos of the best HS players facing the exact problem i am referring too. So, don’t believe me ok … but then what about MEATI , THIJS, bonnyhop, SAVJZ, etc… We can’t all be liars and delusional!


Oh, look, it’s you again.


The game unplayable because it is full of stupid randomity and the game can control these too easily… yes the game is rigged… it is forcing you lose when ever it wants… There is no justice for fair players… You have only 1 chance to rank up each month… if you fail… you won’t get near to your desired rank in the month again… thats how to game works if you not play the most broken decks each month… Pathetic really… but that is the truth.


I talked about the same problem yesterday in a toy library and do you know what they replied to me? they replied that the reaction they have adopted for years to these problems is dozens of old PCs grinding gold night and day leaving them to play peacefully, I was really shocked, dozens of PCs in series playing alone but how is this possible? helpless blizzard worse than a eunuch?

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You DO realize how these two statements contradict each other, right?

Let’s see, if the owners of the game gave mage direct damage cards, without any RNG, mage would easily be the top tier 1!! Very izi!! They won’t do that. They will just create cards with RNG to “balance” the game!! Without RNG type cards, you and others like you would cry a lot more!!

I don’t really care about it anymore… This game has nothing to do with skills anymore… only power and over power… plus RNG which is forcing you to lose when ever it wants…


that’s why you BALANCE the cards you have. You DON’T create more problems by throwing your own deck rules out the window with discover.

Yea, think his pills ran out…going to restock now and he will be back in the cage in a second. Sry for the trouble he caused.

For the OP , yea…this game with his marketing commercial “deceptively fun” should change that to “gives you nausea from the randomness” “gives you aids when we want you to have bad luck”


how do you figure? They didint give RNG to mage because they would be to powerful… what are you talking about. The Discover mechanics and get a random card has always had limits on them since day 1. Either it had a certain cost or some kind of limitation in range …either same class or something of this kind. Now , yogg can draw half your deck transform minions in your hand or deck … rogues can break dance their excavate minions 2 times and shadow step 2 times and use the shadow spell to repeat another time … THATS if they don’t get another breakdance or shadowstep within those cards. I had a rogue get 3 x 1 cost insta kill any minion in the 4 cards he drew. Discover was NEVER and has NEVER bean about defeating your enemies in mid game. It’s never been about getting the Zephyr type of effect where every card is rigged to get the perfect counter. RNG and Discover was made to add a Fun twist and maybe give you a random hail marry. Not discover ‘’ a 1 cost objection secret, then a 1 cost counterspell and 3 lowered cost removals. When the RNG gives such an advantage to the other player that conceading is the only thing left to do even if your full hp and and half a hand full of cards. This RNG mechanics the way it is now … its totally discouraging and unplayable.

If you saw the games i have recorded… you smash your keyboard on your head. I have hours and hours of games that the RNG just screws me over 10 turns to 70% of the turns.

do you know what its like to battle a guy for 20 minutes and you FINALY stabilize and get the advantage and then you have 18 hp left. But he goes full discover mode and finds 18 dmg perfectly to finish you off. Thats totally insane and i have never seen this in Hearstone before this expansion. Game after game of RNG OTK’s that even with a constructed deck i wouldn’t see.

Imagine, take 2 seconds to think… whats the point of building a deck if not to balance out the counters, the heals , the life steals , the damage and the perfect amount of balance. When someone can just come in and beat you using RNG because obviously the computers knows what you got in your hand, whats on deck, what your gonna draw next. You can’t defeat the Hearstone AI. Think about it…instead of flaming people about this very important game issue. What is Hearstone? You build the best meta relevant deck you can build and use your skill to play it and predict what your opponent will do. How do you predict unlimited card cost and class specific RNG cards?

Do you know who Thijs, Meati, bonnyhop, hands and all those other guys are? Go watch them… every 2 games they get off their chair screaming because the RNG did something totally stupid. Not 1 turn advantage … but scewing a perfectly played game …because you can’t counter how the AI will distribute the Answers that you put on board.

I just lost 3 games in a row just now because of RNG again, the rogue shadowsteped and breakdanced the spyder 3 times in one turn and OTKed me with 16 hp left. I was rank 1 with 3 stars yesterday …then the game for no reason started giving me only my 10 or 9 cost cards … i lost then the other game same thing …and my opponent had AMAzing Rng… So if you think about it. Matchup RNG advantage or disadvantage , deck built , card being receive in the best RNG order , you playing the best you can and trying to predict everything and then RNG of everysingle card your opponent is playing. Thats a lot of RNG… also considering that Hearstone works in rock paper scizors phases. You can play an aggro deck for 3 hours and its working amazing and then boom the meta changed its all about control, but you have to lose 2 or 3 games to notice the meta has changed. Time zones also affects whats being played. Thats a lot of freaking RNG factors to consider when your playing a game. When you play a normal card game you don’t have the computer giving discover cards that are perfect to answer whats on board or about to be played… because its 2 people sitting in front of each other. Now, its a freaking Zephyr fest.

Ive been in the top 100 legend of this game, I’ve been also legend in standard, wild month after month and season after season. This is bad programing at it’s best. Also, none of you noticed the huge amounts of bugs and glitches. The reno animations or the draw spell card with ''cant play this turn ''chain animation that stays in the background flashing the rest of the game. Card interactions that don’t work as intended even after being reported many times.


Wrong actually. That’d be Treant Druid, Aggro Paladin, and Eathern Paladin, but yes, let’s keep complaining about discover.

Absolutely correct. Even with all the cards for the meta decks its all luck. There is no skill involved in this. Luck and money for the cards. That’s the game. Careful when you call it out though, talk to strongly and you get flagged for being a meanie.


Only if you are on the wrong side. Support the company side and you get a free pass to say anything.

Fair, but I got my you’re a bad guy warning. I offended the community,

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Nah, only a very, very, very (repeat for at least a week) vocal minority. The TRUE vocal minority, not the ones they are on about, which generally represent most of the people posting here, which seem to represent most of the players on a given issue.

Like on most of the forums for their games.

Welcome to the club!


this isnt even close to deck of lunacy meta