The GAME is unplayable, RNG has taken over the meta

The RNG in this game getting to be beyond annoying, especially when randomness (RNG) is a factor. My primary aim in playing this game is to have fun, yet that seems to be diminishing, especially with each new expansion. They keep printing more RNG cards.

Reaching Diamond 5 seems to be more a result of the time invested than the SKILLS in this game, mainly due to RNG. Once I reach Diamond 5, the decision to push for Legend depends if I really have time to keep playing.

For example vs. Plague DK RNG is very annoying. There are instances where I’ve died to plagues as early as turn 7, while in other games, I barely draw any until turn 15. I’ve also had experiences where I draw all six plagues in a row and game over.

Mech Rogue matchups are the worst when it comes to RNG. In some games, they get a perfect draw, and there’s nothing you can do, no matter how well you play. I don’t think there should be matchups where, by turn 3, they play something, and regardless of what cards you use, you’re just dead by turn 7. It’s like the game is over after the mulligan phase.

I think Reno, Lone Ranger is the worst. You’re playing your game, and then they drop this card, and you’re like, “Oh no, here we go.” There shouldn’t be a card that, no matter your strategy or game plan, when your opponent plays it, everything you were trying to do just gets canceled.

How often I’ve discover a card and then, when I play it, the opponent takes forever to make a move. I can tell they’re shocked by the card I played, and then they just concede.

One card can decide the outcome of the match. I was dead on board and two cards in hand – one being Prison of Yogg. I played Prison - it cleared the opponent’s board, it healed me, and left me with a minion on board and a heal card in my hand. I won that match, felt soooo bad, sent a friend request and wanted to apologize, but they didn’t accept.


but mech rogue rng comes from the magnetic bots not much rng in it

…there is 0 rng in reno

Rogue RNG is in a starting phase, it decides your initial hand. If you get the right combo with the coin and bots, you win. If not, you can try RNG one more time by swapping out some cards to get a better hand.

Yes, you’re correct about Reno. While the card itself doesn’t involve RNG, I brought it up because its effect resembles that of RNG cards. It has the potential to completely change the outcome, just a like a discover card that flips the match outcome. Not every player can win after Reno is played - it flips the match outcome, pro players can sometimes still win.

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It’s always the same 3-4 people defending anything bad said about the game. It looks really lonely sometimes.

I wonder if the game would survive with 3-4 players….

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Possible that these are blizzard employees after on other blizzard forums (hearthstone of another language for example french forum), you also strangely have 3-4 people who defend blizzard except that they are smarter, they are creating x account and if one person Blizzard critic, they report with their multi account to permanently ban the player.

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The game is in a state when in 1 turn its done. Like literally and you can’t do anything. There is no strategy nothing.

Its in the worst state ever and we are to blame for playing this stupid game.

but its a good game we have fun playing with … nothing to feel guilty or be blamed for

Sure, if you enjoy losing over and over on pathetic rng, then yup! Its an “amazing” game …

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No, but they would sit here as the game shut down going on about how it was the best it ever was and how it was everyone else’s fault (except the company, devs, and theirs’) for why things were ending!

It’s interesting how often they’ve dodged on the question, and how often they are protected by the mods (having threads shut down when they get reported for their coc violating behavior, rather than actually getting real consequences any real forum goer would face, including so called “final warning” offenses…they even brag about how they get back on so quick and posts restored!).

The bot is account sharing again!

Exactly they never take sanctions even when they insult players who criticize blizzard.

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that not an issue i learned im not supposed to win every game a looooooooooooooooooong time ago

Let’s take “things not posted for $5000, Alex.”

Well, most RNG manipulation is based on what you or your opponent draws.

I really enjoy playing discover heavy decks.
I generally get my butt stomped by more calculated decks, but it is really fun playing decks that you have to formulate your plan as you go.

It really gets the mental juices going.
Sometimes I stumble upon a really good card combination that I put into my main deck.

The word you are looking for is “Cheese”.
It’s an old gamer term from the 80s and 90s.
Cheesing is when you play something in a game that requires no skill, but gives you success.
Most “BEST ______ DECK OTK TURN _____” decks you find online are cheese decks.
Sure, you win, but not because you are a good player.
Team China is all about the cheese deck.
Sure, I will cheese my way up the ladder for the free cards at the end of the month, but they are no fun to play. When I get to a point, I go back to playing fun decks I made.
There will always be cheese, because no dev team can forsee all the possible card combinations. No matter what game you play, there will always be cheese and cheesy mode. Eventually you have to get over it.
You just take your bloody nose, and learn a way to beat the cheese.
Make it work for you by learning techniques to beat the cheese. Once you figure it out, you are immune to that cheese. Players who do only cheesy mode don’t become better players, and you rise to the top.