The case for new Illucia being the worst card in TCG history

Illucia’s nerf is made for top meta, we can’t reasonably believe that the average forumer can understand it in the slightest.

they nerfed this card because breaks most of the times quest rewards if not played in the same turn. Not for the aggro problem,just to be sure they can sell this broken trash expansion. I wonder what we will see the next expansion,1 mana spell literally destoy the board,from now on you can play only spells? #Bringbackhearthstone

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While I think it is complete garbage now, at 1 mana I feel it would be a great card.
Not op but quite strong.
Unlike secret passage the refill is questionable cause you likely won’t need your opponents hand.
But, you could play her on turn 1 to just get a peek into your opponents hand.
Later on you can do the same thing at the end of a turn or eventually just try your luck when you desperately need an answer.
With the current text, I’m kind of sad that they didn’t put her on 1 mana. I just think it would have been a great card in my collection - instead of 1600 dust.


This is the last priest problem: it generates cards anyway, who cares of “1 less card from your deck” if I can generate 3 from my opponent’s hand

This is what I also don’t understand: it’s like "hope they have an answer you don’t already have, or a tempo play but that costs 3 mana then usual.

Judging by today standard for powerful cards, I can see this new illucia cost 1 mana and I am not even joking.
We have 1 mana 2/2 with effects on a common (or rare?) card; this is a legendary with an unique effect that doesn’t help you much.
I mean, is priest able to play around:

  • lethal: how? their hand is gone
  • OTK: how do you disrupt a combo?
  • aggression: if you play illucia, you are already in a point of the game were it doesn’t matter
  • control: it’s good, very good (get 7 mana worth of cards while not losing resources and see what the opponent has). Not OP, but good. Still unplayable because control isn’t an archetype
  • midrange: you do a tempo play for 3 mana more and your opponent, in the best case for you, will do the exact same play for 3 mana less. Good against decks without refill; but let’s be fair: nowdays if a deck doesn’t have refill, it either wins in 7 turns or loses against everything

an answer like: “should I concede now or the next turn?” :joy:

Cause team 5 is retarded thus cant use their brain properly… I still remember when they introduce illucia the role is for disruption… What kind of retarded disruption now? I expect the redesign is something like discover 3 cards from your opponent hands then shuffle it into your opponent decks or any other ways that still stay true to its role…


I expect that this will be a nerf that gets reverted when the card gets rotated into wild, however until that point then yes the card is pretty much dead in standard, I can’t see why you’d ever put this in your deck. Might be handy if you discover it but that’s it. Saying that though Illucia is one of the most toxic cards we have seen and should have been properly dealt with months ago, so good riddance I say.

There are much more elegant ways to change Illucia. What about:

  • Discover a card from your opponent’s hand.


  • Steal a random card from your opponent’s hand.

And yet this card will be in every Shadow Priest deck. Vomit your hand, and throw down Illucia. And this isn’t an entirety unplanned play – you have a good idea what’s in your opponent’s hand.

The case for ovrblown thread titles.

Is it a great card now? No. It’s not even good.

Is it “the worst card in TCG history”? Not even by a mile, hell, there are dozens of worse cards in HS alone.

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But you can’t really do much about it: you will just know what will happen in the next turn.
A fast deck like shadowepriest can’t probably affor to waste 3 mana on “see if you will win or lose in 2 turns”

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Lmao, okay here’s what happen when a shadow priest plays this.

It’s turn 4, I have managed to play my entire hand against this mage. My board consists of a 1/3 and two 4/3s. The mage plays firesale, clearing my board. Old Illucia would have saved me, but not this time. Neverthless, I smirk. I have new illucia in my hand. This mage doesnt know what’s coming.

I have 5 mana. I play illucia for 3, allowing me full access to my foolish opponent’s hand. Normally he would only have spells that hit minions, but I’m quite lucky. I find a Primordial studies in my opponent 's hand. I play it, discovering a 2 mana 2/2 with spell power. I play it for 1 mana, thanks to the discount. I end my turn, without overflowing any mana.

My turn has ended and my hand comes back to me. Still empty. But a shadowy grin appears on my visage, for I have now have a 1/3 and a 2/2 on the board. All this power for a measily 5 mana. This game is as good as won

A control deck though can gleam extremely important information from knowing your exact hand.

He can know what removals he needs to keep, he knows what minions it can play, and he even gets free resources to dump that he knows what tools you have to deal with.

Illucia in aggro shadow priest was basically a 3 mana “enemy skips a turn”. That was ridicously broken. Now she’s back as a control tool.

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The only good thing about the Illucia rework is that she’s so bad now I will have no Hesitation in taking the 1600 dust and crafting an actually useful card!


It’s not wasting mana, you’re spending mana to use their cards. This will still be an effective card.

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Chamelos did it for 0 mana and while seeing your opponent hand can be useful info when counter play is relevant.

But with the amount of draw in a warlock or mage as well as linear quest nature spending three mana to find out a mage is running quest spells isn’t gonna be a great surprise.

Turn 6 cards are already considered slow, at best it could be a bad arena card where death from hand is less common. But any t6 is better Cornelius for refill + 4/5, t7 you’d want mutanus for stats or disruption, t9 I guess arena ysera is a pseduo draw 5 4/12 for 9 mana and too slow. But illucia t1-5 doesn’t even do much and if your opponent already played their 2-3 cost cards gl.


Chameleos is better than Illucia now because it doesn’t have the downside of paying 3 mana for a 1/3 and only in late.
Even Chameleos was bad for a long time due to the only downside of having to draw it as an 1 mana 1/1(when the meta was only hyper-aggro Murloc Shaman type of decks—> that were just throwing their hands asap and didn’t have anything valuable that you would want), now compare it with Illucia that is 3 mana 1/3 and you actually have to pay for it to use copies of the opponent’s cards.
The only positive situation I see her in is if Buff Paladin revives and you use her to have some advantage on board using the opponent’s buffed minions. But even then I hardly beleive it’s worth it to add her just for Buff Paladin.


I think your premise is false because it isn’t only looking at your opponent’s hand, it’s playing it, too. For 3 mana and a body.

They killed the card for control, control dont need nerfs right now


Control is fine. Control Priest isn’t. I agree. I want it to stay dead. It’s still perfectly fine in SP.

By control i mean slower priest decks. All that illucia needed was to rephrase the battlecry from “until your next turn” to “until the end of turn”. They would deny aggro shadows priest 3 mana skip turn and at the same time buff slower priest decks, that could benefit illucia disruption to survive in this broken meta.