The case for new Illucia being the worst card in TCG history

Talk about an overwhelming nerf, my god.

  • 2 mana overcosted when compared to evocation.

  • 1 attack less when compared to nerfed warsong commander, which is the primary nerf meme by the way.

  • Absolutely no way to play the cards you get because illucia is 3 mana, making you at best play the same play as your opponent but with 3 less mana.

  • Cannot be played early game.

  • You’re a priest, so your hand is probably full by the late game and every card draw your opponent is running cannot be played by fear of overflowing your hand.

  • Why would your opponent’s hand be better than yours anyway, what kind of clown deck are you running?

  • Would unironically be better if it was “Your minions with deathratlle have +1 attack” instead

  • It is virtually impossible to have a good play with Illucia, because it will always be unplanned and overcosted by 3 mana, which makes it the worst card of any card game ever created. Nobody has ever designed something to be so bad before.

I fully expect this card to see less play than shu’ma. I see no scenario where you want this card is your deck.


They didn’t want impactful nerfs (to avoid killing cards), but killing Illucia under the guise of “it’s a rework, not a nerf” is okay?


It’s a potential refill in a low curve priest deck in games that go long.

That’s it.

Not worth it in the slightest.

MAYBE at 2 mana it’d be okay.

A refill is a bit too generous.
You copy the cards for a single turn.
At most, it’s a single play.
A single, horrible, unplanned, overcosted by 3 mana, play.


Its still a somewhat decent card.
You get your own hand back the next turn so its a sort of secret passage with a body for 3 mana.
Priest doesnt really have much use for this but you can still do some tricks with it. I think it will still see play.

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I think it just adds the cards to your hand, doesn’t it?

EDIT: Nope, it doesn’t.

Okay, that’s better than I thought. You don’t have to clear out your hand. Still should probably be 2 mana.

At most, it’s a single play.
A single, horrible, unplanned, overcosted by 3 mana, play.
Littraly any card that you find in your opponent’s hand would be better played directly from your hand.
You never EVER want to have an Illucia in your hand.
You never ever want to draw an illucia from your deck.
There is not a single reason to play this card.
Just put the card you want to play in your deck to start with instead of drawing and playing This 3 mana abomination.
This is litteraly a 3 mana overcost of just playing the card normaly

People should be freaking out about how someone from the dev’s team is thinking this card could have any hope to ever accomplish anything
This is so much worse than the purify situation. We should riot over this. This is the most incompetent design ever witnessed in card game history

The card feels like it would be bad at 1 mana. LOL That’s how brutal the nerf is… I was going to say 0 mana but a 0 mana 1/3 is pretty epic.

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You get to disenchant it for free, though. It’s over-costed by probably 2 mana. It’d be very good at 1. Your opponent is going to have good cards to play in their hand most likely so it’d be like a more reliable evocation with a body attached.

My issue is more that this is like an understated Madame Lazul ultimately. Though it might be an okay tech against say, a Warlock with a lot of hand discounts.


You are being ridiculous.
What kind of wacky situation is an empty board against a so heavily discounted warlock hand that playing a 3 mana 1/3 will be not get in the way of playing the substantial board that your opponent is going to play next turn?
Heavily discounted minions kept in hand warlock did not need a dang tech card against.

“Oh man, I’ve got all these heavily discounted minions kept in my hand, I sure hope my opponent doesn’t pla…AAAAH IT’S ILLUCIA, THE SCOURGE OF THE META”
get outta here

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Or you could get over yourself. I never said it was good.

A card that plays cards from your opponent’s hand while maintaining your own is potentially good in both aggro decks that are out of gas and control decks that want to preserve their hand.

Great? No. Especially not at 3 mana. Probably unplayable at 3 mana because it just doesn’t leave enough mana for you to reasonably play anything.


You know what is even better than 7 drop you copied from your opponent’s hand for 10 mana?
Just putting the dang 7 drop in your deck
You don’t need to go thought the loop of playing the worst stat-to-cost ratio minion of the entire game if you want to play a good card you didnt even plan for.

It’s not better because you’re not using cards from your hand. It’s like Evocation except you don’t have to clear your hand. (Which makes it even better)

But the 3 mana cost, again, makes it useless.

Illucia is a card from your hand, and you still play it.
if you play illucia and then varian, it’s the exact same as just playing varian, except for 3 mana more (and thus a 3 turn delay)

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Lazarus, we get the. Point you are trying to make, illucia is going to be more of a you have no good plays that turn or you have like zero cards to play type of a situation and maybe you get something from your opponent type of a turn.

So say you have like 5 cards in hand, but you don’t really need to play them, but maybe you can get some value from your opponents hand, so then you play illucia.

But at the same time, I agree with others, it’s needs a mana reduction to at least two mana and probably one

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Blizzard’s stance: We printed Illucia to be a late-game disruption tool then printed Aggro Priest without realizing that stealing your opponent’s turn is powerful in an Aggro deck. So we decided to delete Illucia as a disruption tool instead of just… switching hands back at the end of the Priest’s turn to make it bad in Aggro.


But why would you premptively put a crap play into your deck instead of just playing a good card instead?
if your plan is to play a 3 mana 1/3 and then a 3 mana 3/4, you might as well put a boulderfist oger into your deck instead, it’s 2 more attack.
I dont get why this is even discussed as an option.
illucia is bad in every scenario. it’s never viable.

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Make her cost 8 mana or something and reduce the cost of your opponent’s cards for the turn you have them.

The only scenario is if you know your opponent is going to have a specific card you need but don’t have access too in your class (e.g. anti weapon tech or face damage finisher).

I’m still vaguely hoping they just goofed the nerf announcement, and that it will let you spend the cards from your opponents hand still, somehow. Cause otherwise their own stated reason for the “rework” makes no sense.

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Cornelius is a great card at 6 mana that draws 2-4+ cards and leaves a 4/5 body behind. And is considered ‘too slow’ despite being pretty powerful or popping in a couple lists here and there.

Meanwhile, illucia at 6 mana is a 1/3 that lets you maybe play one 3 drop you don’t keep that could be complete rng. Your opponent is also likely to played all cards they had on curve, so there’s a fair chance if you play it early, you have nothing to play. Play it late, without disruption you’re likely to get a few cards maybe.

But for 3-6 mana, illucia can’t play anything of value. 7 mana mutanis is better. 8-10 mana. Wouldn’t you even just be better off playing a arena ysera or cornelius in standard honestly?

6 mana illucia turn might be spinning a wheel and getting a 1/3 + 3/4 for 6 mana, or a 1+3 + 2/1. Maybe you might get spirit wolves 1/3 + 2/3 + 2/3 is a play the other player could make for 4 mana and doesn’t win games.

9 mana illucia might give value but unless it’s a cheated hand, it’ll likely be worse than ysera.

Maybe 2 mana might have been good, but i just don’t see many decks that’d want to still play the card. And 3 less warlock hp or not, i guess face hunter could replace spriest, but i think the other classes lost more solidified options than warlock did.

Rod was already optional. I guess 3 hp isn’t major but we’ll see how it plays out. DH paying a extra mana for brutes is signficant when it was already a clearable highroll if they got it a turn late. Flame was definitely undercosted but we’ll see how it plays out.

Post nerf metas are hard to concretely predict, but face hunter, aggro druid and others are likely becoming stronger. Buff and secret pally remain strong, and it’ll probably be a few weeks until miniset so i’m not sure if it’s uber worth dumping too much dust on a 2-3 week meta honestly.

We’ll see what the miniset brings. But yeah, illucia’s rework hits it harder than most of the other nerfs.

It’s slow for aggro and useless for control unless hand refill. Jobs Cornelius likely does better for both midgame, and even arena yseras for random value cards can do better lategame as well too while leaving a much meatier 4/12 body with sap, 5 damage aoe, 3 mana 3/5 and a +5/5 burst buff.

At best illucia might be a rare mediocre arena card lmao, but that’s about it. Even then, not a lot of reasons to want to even run illucia over a discover and the tempo loss might kill you easily.

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