Please remove the quests

Its Kiblers minion mage. Its a good deck but to slow against magequests. You need to play minons and that feed the quest. IN the end you just loose


There is a good thing about this meta, it is probably making them lose players at a faster pace than before. While I wouldn’t exactly wish that this game tanks or that people lose their jobs, there’s nothing I’d like to see more at this point than getting the devs responsible for this mess fired. It’s just pure incompetence at this point.

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I totally agree, thats where I am now. First time a DH pulled a full combo of 120 dmg against me I was amazed. Not so anymore. winrate for some decks like controlwarrior is still OK. But the matches are really boring. You loose 100% against DH and other decks with infinite dmg. You win almost 100% against hunters and other aggro decks.

I blame the quests, they are to powerful and severly limits what you can play.

I blame the Canadians.

In the case of DH I blame Illgynoth but otherwise yes. This very much feels like we’re in the hearthstone equivalent of combo winter and are likely only getting out of it the same way MTG got out of it

i know how you feel the game is boring atm so you decided to troll on the forums to have some fun.

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See, BARAKA, I am able to change my mind on things. You can call me inconsistent, if you’d like, and in that way we all are. I’ll elaborate.

For most of my time playing, I felt that everyone deserved to play in the way they would like to. However, this is too often at the cost of someone else’s fun. And so my mind changed. For me, my fun is sacrificed for someone else’s when I run into Control Priest.

omg dude stop it too much cringe.

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That’s unfortunate, because from my perspective you come off as likely a child or an adult with the mentality of one. You outright deny reality to fit your narrative. Further, you are persistently insulting and have gone as far as to try and dig up posts of mine. And you tell me I’m cringe. Okay.


carful guys this is what happens if you cornered a troll.

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I see, I misread. You think I’m trolling. And this is because I disagree with you. That is an odd way to look at things. At any rate, I certainly don’t feel cornered by you. I’m more confused than anything, honestly. I feel like I’m being trolled, but, this may just be you, so I’m not sure.

Honestly fire the devs
Dust the entire expansion and refund the playerbase out of Iksar’s pay and sue for anything he doesn’t compensate the player base on.

The game has never been in a worse state and the devs recently stated this was their intention when they made the quests, to push their way of playing the game that’s fun for them and to lockout strategies they don’t know how to play.

The questlines are a result of no penalties to shody game design and card development, when you know you can do whatever you want to and Blizzard backs you up and never penalizes you this kind of game is the result.

I recently tried standard again after the latest changes, and the only thing I noticed is that Shadow Priest isn’t as prevalent now that they straight up murdered Illucia, who has for a long time been a control card, but they turned Priest into a go face aggro deck, which is the only thing they understand how to play, and then killed off Illucia because it was a control card in their aggro deck.

Without proper consequences to the devs, changing the questlines won’t matter, because the next mini set will just be a 2 mana 3/3 Tamsin who DGAF Battlecry Any damage you deal to your opponent is Lethal, or 1 mana 4/4 dormant for 2 turns phoenix spell power +8.


The only one that is doing any good is Quest Warrior. If you are playing Ping Mage, then you are hurting yourself with a low-tier deck.

All 9 Druids, and 6 Mages, used their classes Questlines?

I find it hard to believe considering Quest Druid is trash. What rank are you playing at to see these decks appear so often?

The deck you are using.

Hero Power mage can definitely be built to beat questline mage.

Not playing minions just so Questline mage doesn’t get procs isn’t… THAT great a strategy honestly. But my favourite version of Hero Power mage is a burn/tempo version. Fallen Hero with Tour Guide is actually pretty underrated.

That’s actually the least important thing in terms of actual balance. For personal play experience, whether or not you’re having fun that’s one thing. But in terms of what’s actually happening in the game?

You wanna calm down? Sheesh.

I REALLY don’t like the like 10-15 minute control vs. control match ups that just feel completely arbitrary as to who wins. I probably hate them a lot more than I hate any questline deck. Even pre-nerf Questline Warlock annoyed me less.

I think there are more changes and more nerfs that they can and should make to questline Warlock and Mage, and maybe Warrior, but I don’t think they’re inherently broken or unfixable.

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Since there is enough data to work with on their site, I will go with HSReplay. This is since the last patch on 9/21/2021 and only the decks containing questlines.

Class: Win%
Demon Hunter: 33-36
Druid: 46
Hunter: 52
Mage: 51
Paladin: 50
Priest: 42
Rogue: 51
Shaman: 50
Warlock: 32-48
Warrior: 54-60

Which ones need fixed/removed?

What I don’t get is how people are ok with only playing against 2-3 classes and same decks over and over. There’s always been annoying cards, but at least every , single game wasn’t the same.
I’m lookin at other games . I barely log in anymore. Hunter playing the same spells over and over…those quest lines ruined the game don’t care what anybody says.


I can’t think of a better time for this quote. “A strange game. The only way to win is not to play .” Honestly look a WOW for at glimpse into our future. I’ve been playing consistently since League of Explorers but they aren’t really catering to my style anymore. Long slow control matchups. I might try to get to five hundred wins with mage and be done. I agree with what you said entirely though.

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i dont care about popularity i pick the deck and class i like to play and im ok with going vs mage

knowing its the most popular class just makes it easier to know what to tech agaisnt !

tell me you don’t like skill in your game without saying it. just play face hunter then.


10-15 minutes control mirrors are the best, because it means someone actually wins!
You probably never played a 30+ minutes match :joy:
I did: DK rexxar versus ResidentSleeper warrior (odd warrior with no win condition but fatigue).
Fun? Sure, only because with infinite zombeast in the end you may win (if you don’t die because of fatigue), but I wouldn’t play 2 of these games in 1 day.