!team 5 being "restructured:" devs who just got canned!

could this have always been a thing?? is it possible you as a player have advanced in skill to the point that you recognize match-ups now as unwinnable, that you would’ve ignorantly enjoyed as a newer player?? always wonder how much disappointment is caused by design change vs. accumulated knowledge, and the banality of familiarity.

just a thought. it was more rhetorical, but feel free to answer, if you wish.

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There should not be such thing like impossible wins… Good players don’t need to be OP to win… beeing smarter is enough for them… even if they have a counter deck to yours… there should still be a chance to win… Counter deck doesn’t mean it is an auto lose… :slight_smile:

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People forgetting that customers are REAL PEOPLE , some of which (for which, I pity you) SPEND REAL MONEY (you know, that “real livelihood”) that this dev team and company take for granted for years.

I don’t know how this needs to be explained to you but people choosing to spend their real hard earned money on an online game is their prerogative. You don’t need to spend money in HS to live, but people need their jobs to live. These situations are not comparable. If you hate the state of the game but still choose to give Blizzard money then that is your issue you need to deal with. After these devs are gone, when the game doesn’t become magically better will you start to realize that every small thing you hate about HS was not decided by these two people who were laid off?

Hate the state of the meta all you want, but cheering on people you don’t know losing their jobs because you can’t stop spending money on a game you hate (or you are F2P in which case, what is your point?) is jerk behavior. If you act like a jerk, people will treat you like you’re a jerk. You can say whatever you want and no one is silencing you, but if you act like this, expect people to judge you as being way out of touch with reality. Because that’s how you’re acting.

Once again, the defenders’ of the company’s anger at people expressing their legitimate frustration has bled into real life far too much.

Trust me friend, I am no defender of Blizzard. This company has made bad decisions every step of the way, much more serious crimes than making bad meta. But I call out entitled terminally online behavior when I see it.

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I don’t know how this needs to be explained to people but a company choosing put out low quality products and ignore feedback from their customers for years, which causes people to waste their real hard earned money on an online game, then walk away after being ignored is what causes them to lose their jobs.

TLDR: Do bad work, lose your company money, get fired. Simple as.

dishonest posters posting more dishonesty


In case it was missed the other two times.

if they can’t balance game their they need to be replace. I won’t shed a tear for those who lost their job.


To be honest, only effeminate soydrones are not happy about dismissals. Of course, all normal people are happy to hear how an any employee blizz get a kick in the a$$!

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they are pathetic people who find joy on other losing their jobs

completely different to the reaction ive seen on other game when the same happened recently


continued dishonesty from pro company posters continues to be dishonest.

***DING ***

At this point, it crosses into outright fraud, which is a criminal act, and a violation of the coc:

Illegal Drugs or Activities

This category includes both clear and masked language and/or links to websites >containing such language or images which:

Reference to abusing illegal drugs
Reference to performing illegal activities

If a player is found to have participated in such actions, they will:

Be given a temporary ban from the forums, depending upon severity

Since as stated repeatedly,

But as usual, the mods will ignore this and continue to turn a blind eye to the activity of these posters activity because they get a free pass to post whatever they want up to an including hate speech, real threats and other “final warning” offenses.