!team 5 being "restructured:" devs who just got canned!

“preliminary approval from UK regulator”
Which has nothing to do with what we’re talking about…and of course, the ruling from the court in favor of microsoft (also in the same state where actiblizz has made other shady deals to mess with court rulings in the past-usually tied to campaign payouts) makes one wonder whose palms got greased this time around…

Not every merger leads to layoffs…but the sad part is, still nothing about improving the games, company culture, etc. Just more of the same fluff pieces about dei and whatnot that actiblizz pays lip service to, but when the rubber hits the road, they dine and dash.

maybe not every merger but it happens most of the time

i have no idea what the rest of your post is about


Except that it’s not Microsoft that’s making people redundant, it’s Robbert Kotick.

Sadly layoffs are part of working for a company. When they no longer need you they get rid of you.

Hearthstone isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. I’m sure there is dead weight on the dev team where it becomes redundant to keep someone over time.

No bleeping sympathies if the ones gone made the game elite only and bleep to the others.

I would really feel bad if some of the artists lost their jobs as they are fantastic.

Sick of losing because I didn’t buy the mini set.

Glad you’re getting excited about people losing their jobs…

… anyway, as someone who owns a headhunting business in the games space, let me give you a bit of inside knowledge on the industry. At a company like blizzard, losing 1 member of staff makes no difference, nor does losing 10, nor does losing 500.

Exciting. But you didn’t tell about the excessive consumption of products with an increased proportion of soy…

Anyway, of course we rejoice when the sh!tmakers kick out to the trash, where they belong, boy. And judging by what you’ve told us, you’re also a sh!tmaker, and we’ll still be happy if you kick out to the trash too :dash: :mans_shoe: :boom:.


Hold up. I’d only be excited if politicians lost their jobs. Maybe the actiblizz ceo and board…well maybe some other scummy mega corp ceos and their boards too.

This was just a heads up for people who didn’t know, and a hope that the change would be a net positive for the game.

They are cutting people now while they can control who stays and who goes. Before Microsoft takes over.

You are welcome. I am glad it is working out for the best. Lets see how much further it can go!

typically if someone is ‘removed’ after 18 years it means one of 2 things. 1. Someone did something very bad behind closed doors or 2. really pissed a boss off.


May the door slam them in the rear on the way out.

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You must be a terrible human being to rejoice at the misfortune of others. Particularly because most of the people fired had no role in design matters. Many were just backend software engineers. People in the internet are weird man.

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I think this is spot on. MS will definitely implement it’s own people.
Redundancies are always a thing with any acquisition


I 100% absolutely celebrate the removal of people who feel so comfortable in their position at work that they continue to make the same… mistakes… over… and over… again! Especially when their religious beliefs interfere with their roles in the workplace.
YES! 100%! …and your righteous stance will never supercede this.

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Also, nearly all original developers are gone from what I heard and replaced with ‘woke’ ones.

MS deal is not going to go through from what I heard. Enjoy HS as it is now you may see it go the way of HOTS in the future!

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More nonsense.

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HS forum users cheering on real people losing their real jobs and real livelihood because they mistakenly think that any of these people had ALLLL the decision making authority to make the broken cards you hate so much or the meta you despise. Your anger at an online card game is bleeding into real life far too much.


tired and debunked strawman is tired and debunked


People forgetting that customers are REAL PEOPLE, some of which (for which, I pity you) SPEND REAL MONEY (you know, that “real livelihood”) that this dev team and company take for granted for years. Once again, the defenders’ of the company’s anger at people expressing their legitimate frustration has bled into real life far too much.

And of course, once again trying to silence discussion that is largely civil as usual, again. Which of course they will deflect with more “NO U” dishonesty.

And naturally, when they start the trolling, harassment, etc here the mods will of course ignore it, because there are two sets of standards on these forums: one for those who defend the company no matter what and get away with anything up to including hate speech, threatening other posters, (and other “final warning” offenses) and everyone else who will get a post edit for cussing at the devs or company (complete with “LANGUAGE!” edit note) so fast it would make your head spin.


Yes, I started to spend REAL money on the game too because I wanted to support it finally a little. This game helped me through a hard part of my life and it is the only game I play for a while now. The thing I liked to most is to reach success with my own decks, not meta. But started to regret after more and more unbalanced mechanics showed up. The game became so frustrating to make me put it down after D5… much better for my health instead of fighting battles without any chance to win… I just started to let it go because it is not worth my time, money and health… But now I feel some changes by seeing problematic cards banned before balance patch… maybe there is still hope for this game… I still believe in it.

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