!team 5 being "restructured:" devs who just got canned!

Apparently, both hunter c. and joe belousek just got canned, and one said it was part of “restructuring” going on at team 5. You can see the posts from their respective linked in pages (save them before they get memoryholed!) at hearthpwn.

htt ps://www.hearthpwn.com/news/10343-apparent-restructure-at-blizzard-hearthstone-team

Looks like things are changing, and hopefully for the better!

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I wish I could be optimistic…

I’m surprised this game has lasted this long. I think there will be more layoffs. I hope the employees recover.

Well, I tried to search for these news… but removing a team member who was working there for 18 and half years seems not the best idea for me…for a refreshing… I don’t think his ideas were to blame for the insane unbalance we have now… since maybe… he was working on the game for the longest… and maybe… from the beginnings… I hope they know what they are doing… Because I start to lose hope for the game too… :\

Nothing in the game will improve, most likely will get worse.
A senior producer and a lead designer are gone as we know.

Like em or not. Very few blizzard firings ever end up improving the game whether they were a big name or not.

Modern actiblizz has a habit of cutting every 2 original developers who built the product with a overworked and half paid half experienced intern. Look at ow2 and sc3’s prospects. Blizzard had the resources to make pve, but chose not to dedicate it DESPITE being the literal promise of the game.

All ow2 got when jeff left was more exploitative business practices and a lack of delivery. All WoW got when Chris Metzan left were some of the most bombing expacs. I have no idea who these people were personally tbh but i wouldn’t be surprised if there would be some very obvious consequences shown years later. Like shoddy coding, major bugs.

Or just whatever spot they previously felt appearing. You may not know every stone in a road. But you know when there’s a pothole when you take a shovel worth’s out.

Of course! Some of the idlers were kicked out. We just need to wait until everyone else is kicked out.

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I’d say worse than now (like the current event quest) but with this company and dev team, there’s no bottom to the floor.

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You people are naive to think anything will get better.

Tbf they just got chris metzen back to executive creative director for warcraft universe. so nothing is impossible for a good change for hs.


Boy, I’m going to tell you that it was people like Metzen who brought blizz to the current situation, allowing them to treat themselves like sh!t.
That is why any bosses HAS to reckon with Kojima - he has balls that “Metzen and Morhaime revers travesti show” did not have.

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As big of a fan I am of Metal Gear and Kojima. I would not like Warcraft the walking simulator.
Can’t say if chris is the cause of the bad. it did start out great.

Sometimes it’s not enough to just be a creative girl-inside with a loud voice, boy.
Although this may be enough for some time.
But sometimes you need to have balls and remember your responsibility to your followers. But girls-inside with a beard this is unfamiliar.

Well… what ever they are planning to fix the game, changing 1-2 mana cost won’t be enough for an improve of quality thats for sure… need some drastical changes if they wanna fix this unbalance we currently have in the game.

The real problem of the company is Robbert Kotick, he is the one who killed the company with his limitless greed for always wanting more money.

He will be fired by Microsoft during the takeover, I don’t think Microsoft will keep a big sh.itbag like him.


when you make bad decision you suffer the consequences.

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So no patch until exp then?

when you have investors who want to get returns on their investments, anyone in charge should have the above attitude. if you don’t make money, you’re doing it wrong. not defending him. from what i’ve heard/read, he’s not a great human. but, this isn’t why. just sayin’.

Making money, making great products, and seeing great returns for your investors are not mutually exclusive terms.

The type of person kotick and his ilk on the board at actiblizz are only care about maximizing their own paychecks, their stock options (not the value for investors…so keep that in mind stockholders because they win on volume of stock, not value so even if it’s near worthless to you they still cash in because they own a mountain of it) and their golden parachute they basically escape from the mess they created for everyone and laugh at it all as they land on their yacht, private island, or mansion of choice.

Among the dregs of crony capitalism.

Honestly, this game is bad to play and nothing has ever been done to remedy the situation, or when it is done it will only happen after a long time… generally I abandon it here and go play something better! The designers of this game are responsible for the terrible fun, they should be expelled and not the programmer! The programmer is guided by the designer! Firing the programmer was a big mistake!

everything ive read so far abou when a company is bought by another people start fearing for their jobs
less than a week ago(last friday) we found lean the deal close to getting the aproval on UK and now a few days later people we find out about the layoffs