These are probably taken from elsewhere, could anybody provide a source with clear audio, please? In the game, many of these are barely audible for me, even if I raise the volume (and I don’t feel like setting up Hi-Fi headphones or the like just for this thing, sorry). The Terran comments by that guy can be made out (although I find them not the smartest), but what the Protoss and Zerg ladies are saying gets completely drowned in all those audio effects — perhaps even worse than with some cards, like those resulting in this: Favorite misheard voicelines - #51 by SparkyElf-2852 and more in that topic.
Last time, when the Lich King took over as the ‘innkeeper’, a few of his whispery comments almost got lost in all that ‘whooshing’ (‘Let the cold follow you in’ or something like that was especially tough to hear), but it wasn’t that bad. This time, especially the ending of some phrases, like said above, is just completely lost for me.
A note: for ‘problematic’ cards, when listening to just the clear audio in the wiki, it’s been completely fine through the same speakers, but all those sound effects and sometimes short background music tracks in the game make it difficult.