Favorite misheard voicelines

Lemme dig this up. :grinning:

For some time, I’d been thinking that Rhythmdancer Risa would be unbetable.


Dunno what’s that supposed to mean (yeah, I know there’s the wiki with clean audio files… :roll_eyes: [1]), but it surely sounds annoying. By the way, as a bonus, the triggered effect sounds like ‘Desu’ :joy: .

However, I’ve encountered a new champion — the Hipster [2]. His seemingly indecent relationship — I just hear the f-word there — with gnomes, which he considers to be ‘real music’, is… disturbing.

[1] https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Rhythmdancer_Risa
[2] https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Hipster