[suggestion] padaren importer ban

For me, the premise is that none of those things are ok to begin with. Shadow Step just profits even more from things that are already good.

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I’m fine with Padaren being deleted.

I think Blizzard will just make it like Zephyrs and remove Shadowstep from the Pandaren’s Card Pool.

While you not liking it is a personal opinion (and that’s OK, everyone is allowed to one), it’s a whole lot different to say:

“Nerf Shadowstep because I don’t like it.”

And a whole lot different to say “nerf it because it’s op”.

Stats show that it isn’t.

And this goes back to my initial statement that threads asking for ss nerfs DUE TO PERSONAL PREFERENCE pop every now and then.

Profiting from good battlecries/combos has been the core identity of Rogue from day 1.

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Assassins can cost 0 still.

You get 1 cost Skulkers instead of them costing 0. Tenwu is rotating anyway. Conversely in exchange you get SI:7 Informants at 1 mana and Scabbs at 2 mana. That’s not going to “Delete” the deck.

People that don’t play Rogue don’t understand that prep and shadowstep are basically trading cards in deck for tempo. They dont see the perspective of them being dead draws when you can’t get value off of them.

Also it is drawing a lot of heat while the real issue is importer consistency and Brann giving 2 copies of the discovered card. It doesn’t work without Brann giving 2 copies

Shadowstep should have been sent to wild long ago, it’s incredible how is still standard legal

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you are getting cartds that you never want to shadowstep cheaper and get cards that you want to shadowstep more epxensive.

that’s a HUGE nerf to the deck.

exactly that. thank you.

Just fix mana cheat issues game-wide by adding “not below (1)” to the game code. Then only have (0) cost reduction cards be ones that are designed to work that way such as the new rogue card Swiftscale Trickster.

cause nerfing pandaran nerfs other decks that were not a problem ever…

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good for us they dont listen to suggestions like this one…

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…why do you never want to shadowstep Informant or Scabbs…? Especially Informant buffs it and gives you another quest charge.

This is a lot of emotion for your bounced Skulkers costing 1 more mana.

I take it you’ve never played quest rogue, right?

Just to enlighten you on that:

bouncing skulkers is extremely important for the matches you need super fast quest completion. They are your best targets by far for that.

Bouncing informants is 100% irrelevant. They are by far the worst SI card to bounce. You play informants as threats, and they either die or go face/ Bouncing them to give them a single +1/+1 is the least amount of value you can get out of all the SI cards.

Bouncing Scabbs is once again a bad play in 95% of the cases because scabbs is not an SI card. There is a 5% case that it is good, but it is in an extremely unlikely situation: you are in secret passage and doing so would allow you to play a card or two more from the passage.

So yes, it would be a huge nerf to the deck.


I played tons of quest rogue in Stormwind. Getting extra copies of your quest rewards is great.

Nerfing pandaren by removing a rogue card shadowstep from the discover pool which i was suggesting doesnt nerf anything but the combo what do you mean?